• 打开日记本,翻到男子匆匆写下名字地址失望地发现,字迹根本无法辨认。

    I opened it up and landed on the page where the man had scribbled his name and address. To my disappointment, his writing was illegible.


  • 电脑运算数字方面在行,但人天生就擅长模式匹配匆匆一瞥甚至是背影都可以认出熟人

    While computers are good at crunching numbers, peopl are naturally good at matching oetterns. Humans can recognize an acquaintance at a glance, even from the back.


  • 几乎每个人都朋友虽然匆匆忙忙我们容易他们失去联系。花分钟,就从今天开始,重新和他们建立联系吧。

    Almost everyone has friends, although it's easy to lose track of them in the rush of events. Take a few minutestodayto reconnect with some of them.


  • 曾经行走匆匆忙忙希望躲过无尽的寒意,在深秋,在炎炎夏日,撑着都是惆怅感觉,人

    Who walk in the rain, hurried and very much hope that survived the endless cold, in the late autumn, in the summer heat, carrying an umbrella, are melancholy feeling, or King.


  • 佛州巴鲁只是另一个新加坡城市所以过去因为他们匆匆人群看上去疲惫

    Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past.


  • 他们总是匆匆忙忙从来都没有空,轻微刺激也会触怒他们,说实在的,他们一起生活悲惨。

    They are always in a hurry, never have time, have anger explosions for the slightest provocation and are, frankly, just miserable people to live with.


  • 匆匆了一眼薇奇,开心但是对教练不满因为维多利亚。”

    I ran over to Vickie, who was happy but frowning at thecoach because he had called her 'Victoria'.


  • 看着这些内容不断涌,我们容易感到匆匆忙忙写就的几个分享的油管视频或是表示悲哀的颜文字似乎载真正的悲痛之情。

    It's tempting to look at the outpouring and think a few words casually dashed off, a YouTube video shared, or cry-faced emojis represent something less than real grief.


  • 我们知道许多人在匆匆掠过2010年中担心但是放心我们了解目前事件延迟原因

    We know many get worried as we race through 2010, but be assured that we are aware of the reasons behind the present delays.


  • 绅士邀请出参加晚宴匆匆忙忙赶到入座时,他惊喜发现前面:“还不差嘛坐在附近。”

    A gentleman was invited for dinner. When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat: "Not bad, I am next to the pig."


  • 过去的话,如果得到了一张相片,你就冲洗出来然后匆匆上那么一下。如果你幸运有台电脑的话,就可以邮出张相片了。

    In the past if you took a picture of someone you'd have to get it developed, then scanned, then possibly send it by email if you were lucky enough to have a computer.


  • 一些欧美旅客摩托车呼啸而匆匆挥挥,摇窑,让我们觉得这样的天气骑车一件愚蠢的事。

    Very hot. Some white tourists passed our way with motorbikes and only shaked their hands and heads, " how stupid we are to ride in this heat".


  • 一些欧美旅客摩托车呼啸而匆匆挥挥,摇窑,让我们觉得这样的天气骑车一件愚蠢的事。

    Very hot. Some white tourists passed our way with motorbikes and only shaked their hands and heads, " how stupid we are to ride in this heat".


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