• 计算机分析这种信号,找到引发兴趣物体图像上根据大脑认为重要性不同等级标记出来

    The system analyses the signal and tag the causal object in the image or video stream, and ranks them in order of the strength of the neural signatures.


  • 不过反馈引发最初兴奋激情四十之后我们现在已经知道,仅有反馈回路不足以培育出那些我们兴趣的活系统行为的。

    But in the forty years since that initial flush of excitement about feedback, we now know that feedback loops alone are insufficient to breed the behaviors of the vivisystems we find most interesting.


  • 萨曼莎·诺兰·史密斯从事改变她们的生活感兴趣女性有关的工作,关注引发而外的改变

    Samantha Nolan-Smith works with women who are interested in creating changes in their lives, focusing on generating change from the inside, out.


  • 这些文字提供了直接无与伦比出处证明,引发当前如火如荼亚洲艺术品市场许多想象兴趣

    But because the wording provides immediate and excellent provenance, it caught the imagination and interest of a buoyant Asian art market.


  • 为了继续坐享丰厚利润这些公司的管理者们进行了游说,拿一些政客们感兴趣主题说事儿——减少利润可能引发裁员罢工它们将可能雇佣更多亚洲劳动力云云

    To preserve their comfortable position, the incumbents have lobbied using themes which resonate with politicians-that lower profits could trigger job cuts, strikes and more outsourcing to Asia.


  • 尽管篇文章可能引发Seam兴趣但是可能无法确信能够改善JSF开发体验

    While that article might have piqued your interest in Seam, you might not be convinced yet that it will improve your JSF development experience.


  • 缺乏外部兴趣焦点注意力因此转向内部,引发需要解决的内部问题尽管这些问题可能模糊不重要

    Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant.


  • 展品引发引起对方兴趣交谈温纳约会对象通过艺术好得展示了自己:智慧观察技能各自背景

    The exhibit sparked interesting conversation and Weiner and her date revealed a lot about each other through the art: intelligence, observation skills, background.


  • 同一处理器运行其他应用程序可以引发事件公开操作浏览器中运行的程序可能这些事件和操作兴趣

    Other applications running on the same processor can originate events and expose actions that are of interest to programs running in browsers.


  • 这项发现从来没有被真正复制过提出了一个引发人们兴趣可能性某种联系学习单细胞生命形式有可能实现的。

    The finding was never properly reproduced, but it raised the intriguing possibility that some sort of associated learning was possible for single-cell life forms.


  • 引发各种人对旧物的兴趣

    And it has spawned a surprising interest in old things among all kinds of people.


  • 反之如果学习丧失了兴趣不仅成为学习阻力甚至还引发心理障碍

    Conversely, if learn to lose interest in learning, it will not only be the resistance, even can cause psychological barriers.


  • 周一中午时分发生肯尼迪机场(John F. Kennedy Airport)的事件社交网站上引发了人们的强烈兴趣

    The incident, which took place shortly after noon on Monday at John F. Kennedy Airport, sparked immense interest on social networking sites.


  • 于20世纪80年代开始参加泰坦尼克号有关活动,那时候泰坦尼克号残骸已经1985年被发现,并引发了人们对这次灾难的新的兴趣

    She began to take part in Titanic-related activities in the 1980s, after the discovery of the ship's wreck in 1985 sparked renewed interest in the disaster.


  • 中国引发人们兴趣有效方式——预告电视广告两种市场工具举步维艰。

    Trailers and television advertisements, the two most effective methods to drum up interest, are difficult marketing tools to use in China.


  • 这些偶尔发生反应分子确实很好不过化学工程师兴趣的是尽可能安全尽可能便宜地引发大量理想反应生产有用的产品

    Molecules reacting occasionally are all well and good, but chemical engineers are interested in causing a lot of the correct reactions to produce useful products, as safely and cheaply as possible.


  • 帖子引发许多对这个可能会存在关于无聊事情活动兴趣,于是人们开始在哪里能这种活动

    His social media post got a lot of people interested in a possible event about boring things and he started getting questions about where to buy tickets for it.


  • 什么引发人们锻炼越来越兴趣?一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康必要性

    What sparked a growing interest in training, on the one hand, people more clearly aware of the need to maintain a healthy body.


  • 妈妈引发她的兴趣图书馆借了一些书回家纳迪娅基本不感兴趣

    Her mother, hoping to entice her, brings them home from the library, but Nadia rarely shows interest.


  • 由此而引发同情萌发国际时事浓厚兴趣

    The feelings of compassion welling up inside of me marked the burgeoning of my interest in international affairs.


  • 斯通格林沃尔德关系熟起来。格林沃尔德的发行即在好莱坞引发兴趣那时他还寻求了斯通的建议

    Stone and Greenwald became friendly, and when Greenwald's book drew interest in Hollywood before it was published, the journalist turned to Stone for advice.


  • 什么引发人们锻炼越来越浓兴趣一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康必要性。

    What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise for one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness.


  • 引发人们锻炼越来越浓兴趣一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康必要性。

    What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise? For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness.


  • SPM2软件处理功能成像数据,对三类图片引发兴趣(ROI)做相关t检验统计

    The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.


  • 科学仍然引发这位导演兴趣建议想要当导演的人MIT这样学校而不是电影学校。

    The science still intrigues the director, who said he would recommend that would-be directors go to a school like MIT instead of to film school.


  • 随着日本央行行长Suda昨天暗示可能加息市场对由此引发日本通胀解读特别兴趣

    With BoJ Governor Suda hinting to a possible rate hike yesterday markets were particular interesting in Japan inflation readings.


  • 中国引发人们兴趣有效方式——预告片和电视广告两种市场工具举步维艰。

    Trailers sand television advertisements, the two most effective methods to drum up interest, are difficult marketing tools to use in China.


  • 中国引发人们兴趣有效方式——预告片和电视广告两种市场工具举步维艰。

    Trailers sand television advertisements, the two most effective methods to drum up interest, are difficult marketing tools to use in China.


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