• 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院社会流行病学家托马斯·格拉斯说:“大多数专家认为这些变化环境有关。”

    "Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


  • 教授僵尸阿诺德·伯格

    The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.


  • 隆伯格关于建立小规模学校的首创行为遭到批评

    Mr Bloomberg's small-schools initiative has also drawn criticism.


  • 隆伯格这位亿万富翁是他们最大对手

    Mr Bloomberg, a billionaire, remains their single biggest foe.


  • 世卫组织成为全球烟草控制伯格行动五个伙伴之一

    WHO one of five partners in global Bloomberg initiative for tobacco control


  • 隆伯格1月17日的市政咨文中,为上述问题提供一个答案

    Mr Bloomberg, who gave his state-of-the-city address on January 17th, offers an answer.


  • 来自旧金山报道场面可能有些震撼,保罗·伯格警告参观者

    Reporting from San FranciscoThe sight may be a little shocking, Paul Boneberg warned a visitor.


  • 阿莱克斯·布隆伯格亚当·戴维森对话里,皮特森形容商业票据市场的日常工作

    In a conversation with Alex Blumberg and Adam Davidson, Peterson described the normal workings of the commercial paper market


  • 伯格分析师预测,雀巢公司今年收入将会增加9%,达到1110亿法郎

    The company’s earnings probably will increase about 7 percent this year to 11.1 billion francs, according to analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.


  • 布隆伯格先生当初将公司建纽约,主要是因为该地预期市场金融业发源地

    The main reason he launched his firm in New York was that the city was the home of the finance industry, his intended market.


  • 年前另一个展览衣服被套个假装恶毒抱怨模特身上,布隆伯格不会尝试重复

    In another exhibit five years ago, the suit was shown on a mannequin, prompting complaints of ghoulishness, which Boneberg said he tried not to repeat.


  • 迈克尔·布隆伯格、史蒂夫·、迈克尔·戴尔正是今天某种程度上说自己工作商业巨头代表。

    Michael Bloomberg, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell are just a few of today's business behemoths who were thrown out of a job at some point in their careers.


  • 隆伯格2002年创办了15小规模高中,2003年,比尔盖茨夫妇基金会得到资金以后,又开办了169所。

    Mr Bloomberg set up 15 small high schools in 2002, and got money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2003 to help open 169 more.


  • 萨拉姆认为伯格的收费计划看起来纯粹惩罚手段,而库曼诺夫则通过费用平衡使纽约的捷运乘客公交乘客得到真正实惠

    Salam points out that Bloomberg’s plan was seen as pure punishment. Komanoff’s proposal would balance the fees with real benefits for New York’s subway and bus riders.


  • 噶尔腾夫人并不是克莱伯格教育顾问)的支持者,她希望立法机构再次批准法案,但是一些细节需要谨慎考虑并修改。

    Ms Weingarten, no fan of Joel Klein, Mr Bloomberg's schools' chancellor, wants the state legislature to reauthorise the law, but with modifications.


  • 1967年,布隆伯格同事发现了这种病毒研究出用来检测这种病毒血液实验与1969年发明了B型肝炎的一支疫苗

    Blumberg and his colleagues discovered the virus in 1967, developed the blood test that is used to detect the virus, and invented the first hepatitis B vaccine in 1969.


  • 组织感谢并承认布隆·伯格家庭基金会赠款重要性以及计划的行动拯救生命方面潜力。

    WHO acknowledges with thanks the importance of this gift from the Bloomberg Family Foundation and the potential of the planned initiative to save lives.


  • 世界地球日前夕演讲中,·伯格先生介绍了“规划纽约”计划的第一修正案计划需要修订一次。

    In an address on the eve of Earth Day, Mr. Bloomberg presented the first update to PlaNYC, which calls for such revisions every four years.


  • 布隆·伯格把兴趣集中基因,他在《天生畸形》书中证明,发育异常可以使人学我们错过有关生物类型行为一切

    By focusing only on genes, Blumberg argues in Freaks of Nature, we miss out on everything developmental anomalies can teach us about biological form and behavior.


  • 因此感谢·伯格基金会去年一个新的停止吸烟行动提供财政支持

    I am therefore grateful for the financial support, from the Bloomberg Foundation, for a new stop smoking initiative announced last year.


  • 我们将致力于解决单个流感病例所有一个学校有关,”·伯格补充道,就了解的有关感染病毒的知识都正在进步。

    "We are still dealing with a single cluster of swine flu cases, all associated with this one school," Bloomberg said, adding that to his knowledge all of those infected with the virus were improving.


  • 获得控制权以后,布隆·伯格克莱恩开始着手,争取赋予某些学校更多权力

    Two years after seizing control, Messrs Bloomberg and Klein began a push to give more power to certain schools.


  • 出生四肢俱全孩子人类特有途径发育,”布隆·伯格写道

    "For a child born with all her limbs, development follows a path that is typical of our species", Blumberg writes.


  • 由此形成一个尴尬紧张的局面,民意调查表明占有两位数优势后数天·伯格胜出5%。

    In what turned out to be an embarrassing nail-biter, Mr Bloomberg won by just 5%, days after polls had showed him to be ahead by double digits.


  • 布隆·伯格警告在皇后区弗朗西斯预备学校另外17学生并且该校大约有100名学生已经得病接受病毒测试

    Bloomberg warned that there are another 17 students from the school, St. Francis Preparatory school in Queens, and as many as 100 of the students have fallen ill and will be tested for the virus.


  • 来自布隆·伯格报道奥巴马任命沃伦美国财长盖特纳的顾问成立的消费金融保护局起到重要影响

    Bloomberg reports that Obama will appoint Warren as an adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner where she'll help shape the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


  • ·伯格个人慈善基金资助世界各地的反烟行动,赞助了这次名为“MPOWER全球调查

    Mr Bloomberg's private charity, which supports many anti-smoking efforts worldwide, also funded the global survey, known as MPOWER.


  • 不过·伯格先生故事一个方面说明现今科技企业家前景至少他创业的时候强多了。

    However, there is one aspect of the Bloomberg story that suggests that the prospects for tech entrepreneurs may at least be better now than when Mr Bloomberg was starting out.


  • 不过·伯格先生故事一个方面说明现今科技企业家前景至少他创业的时候强多了。

    However, there is one aspect of the Bloomberg story that suggests that the prospects for tech entrepreneurs may at least be better now than when Mr Bloomberg was starting out.


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