• 劳动者脸容,乃至上面布满尘土相比那些白领精心修饰的,都要透出更多光彩、纯朴真挚

    The faces of workers, even covered with dust, may radiate much more light, purity, and sincerity than the well-groomed faces of white-collars.


  • 50年前片土地上草原芦苇摇曳波澜以及被紫狼尾布满的一千多公里河岸作为一个小男孩,我捕猎松鸡,在一列狙击手里穿梭。

    Fifty years ago, the area was all savanna, waving fields of reeds and elephant grass running for a thousand miles on both sides of the river.


  • 手上布满荆棘划的口子。

    Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles.


  • 迁徙布满灰白天空

    Migrating birds filled the pale sky.


  • 脸上布满胡子茬

    His face was covered with the stubble of several nights.


  • 脸上布满红斑看起来像是严重痤疮

    His face was covered in red blotches, seemingly a nasty case of acne.


  • 艾米丽书桌上布满一式三份文件夹文件表格

    Folders, files, and forms in triplicate were strewn across Emily's desk.


  • 有些书架布满灰尘的

    There were shelves full of dusty books.


  • 仔细打量布满愁容

    She looked into his troubled face.


  • 有关剩下名人质的悬念昨晚警方发现布满弹孔尸体后结束了

    The suspense over the two remaining hostages ended last night when the police discovered the bullet ridden bodies.


  • 格兰德河三角洲地区布满了灌木丛沼泽地被遗忘之地

    The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.


  • 的白眼珠布满血丝

    The whites of her eyes were bloodshot.


  • 通往卫戍区的路上布满地雷

    The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.


  • 他们布满钻石毛皮橱窗展示弄得眼花缭乱。

    They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究布满残垣断壁废墟,那是为数不多能够体现世俗作品,这一世俗能够反映我们大多数时候面对大多数自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the commonplaceness that characterizes most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 书本布满彩虹般的标记时,不必考试所有的内容都

    When your chapter is a rainbow of markings, you don't have to read all of it again before an exam.


  • 这里还有一个布满灰尘机场跑道网还是觉得庆幸因为没有时间长途跋涉到达目的地

    There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination.


  • 他们那个布满灰尘院子小镇边上堆满来自日本二手车,其中有轿车越野车鲜红色的消防车

    Their dusty compound at the edge of town is filled with secondhand models from Japan, including saloons, off-roaders and a bright red fire engine.


  • 春天阳光来临时黑激素减少了突然间我们唤醒,回到我们冬眠个月布满灰尘病毒房子

    When spring's light comes, the melatonin diminishes, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty, virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months.


  • 39号公路沿线铁丝网着一张人们自制的海报,上面布满了心形图案,以感谢消防员警察

    On a chain-link fence along Route 39 hangs a homemade poster, peppered with hearts, thanking firefighters and police.


  • 出了这个布满灰尘磨石机。

    He pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler.


  • 一端另一端,银河系布满星星圆盘横跨12万光年,可以肉眼光学望远镜观察到。

    From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120,000 light-years.


  • 靠近弯弯曲曲褪色犁田,犁沟头猪鼻子看上去就像一颗颗布满斑点大石头

    Near the plowed fields curved and faded, and the few hogs nosing in the furrows looked like large spotted stones.


  • 快,花儿把月亮铺满了,月亮上布满了红色的花朵。

    Soon the flowers spread all over the moon and the moon was covered with red flowers.


  • 快,翅膀上布满着血,之后绚丽多彩的蝴蝶展翅高飞。

    Soon, the wings fill with blood, and the beautiful, colorful butterfly spreads its wings and flies away.


  • 脸上布满皱纹

    Wrinkles have overspread her face.


  • 山羊踪迹使灰色山脊布满斑斑点点。

    The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dust ridge.


  • 地上铺不是地毯,而是布满灰尘的绿色防水帆布白色塑料座椅甚至有点不稳

    Instead of a red carpet, there was a dusty green tarpaulin, and the white plastic chairs were a little unsteady.


  • 第六驿站空气已经很清朗,我们可以看见山下壮观布满湖泊的山谷

    Just beyond the sixth station the air cleared enough for us to see something of the spectacular lake-filled valley below.


  • 第六驿站空气已经很清朗,我们可以看见山下壮观布满湖泊的山谷

    Just beyond the sixth station the air cleared enough for us to see something of the spectacular lake-filled valley below.


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