• 非专业人士准备所得申报表个人会计软件市场上,我们许多竞争对手销量都超过了我们

    In the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us.


  • 房产市场价值评估的,如果开发这块土地,对县城每年整体贡献很大

    Property taxes are assessed on market value, and if developed, the land would have contributed significantly to the county's overall annual tax revenue.


  • 增值欺诈一直市场一个问题已经作为交易一部分征收,并未任何政府上缴

    VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market.


  • 具有讽刺意味,托宾的支持者往往没有意识到此次金融危机正是始于交易成本较高房产市场

    The irony that the roots of the crisis lie in housing markets, where turnover costs are high, is often lost on the tax’s proponents.


  • 这个银行实际上是从市场借贷短期资金,需要支付两倍那些经过偿还费用(第二年0.04%,之后0.07%)。

    It is effectively a tax on bank borrowings from the market, with short-term funds carrying twice the charge (0.04% next year, 0.07% thereafter) of those that are repayable after more than one year.


  • 通过国际货币投机引入托宾解决投机市场稳定问题。

    The tackling of destabilising market speculation, through the introduction of a Tobin tax on international currency speculation.


  • 明显筹集额外款项的地方市场或者还有更好的方法,即征收

    The most obvious source of extra cash is the carbon market, or preferably a carbon tax.


  • 预计很少澳大利亚数据中心会付出更高电力成本会付出更多不管怎样,其中的大部分将归类数据中心市场统计数据。

    Few Australian data centers are expected to incur higher power costs but not the tax, however, and much of this comes down to its demographic as a data center market.


  • 最重要是,如果操作不当推出房产可能导致房地产市场崩盘危及经济增长引发社会不满。

    Most of all, the introduction of the tax, if not well-handled, could cause the property market to crash, endangering economic growth and provoking howls of angst across society.


  • 这项手段没有那样富有成效,而且扭曲市场。 例如西班牙太阳能补贴使工业得到蓬勃发展,但随之而来的则是萧条

    They are less efficient than a carbon price and distort the market—witness Spain’s solar feed-in tariff, which caused a boom in the industry, followed by a bust this year.


  • 牛肉价格则透过征收高额出口制制鼓励农民国内市场销售

    The price of beef has been held down by adding a high export tax, encouraging farmers to sell in the domestic market.


  • 报道同时指出欧盟即将明年英国爱尔兰荷兰奥地利开征艺术品可能会进一步破坏这些国家的市场,因为这样会鼓励收藏家们其他地方出售他们的艺术品。

    The report also shows that an EU art tax due to be extended in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Austria next year risks further damaging those markets by encouraging vendors to sell elsewhere.


  • 购房抵免到期后,连续第二显示房地产市场疲软报告。

    It would be the second straight day a report showed weakening in the housing market following the expiration of the homebuyer tax credit.


  • 分析人士表示房产的出台意在长远稳定房地产市场

    Analysts say they believe the property tax is a long-term tool that can help stabilize the market.


  • 提高二套房的最低首付额,今年上海重庆开征房产官方密集出手冷却市场

    Officials have intensified efforts to cool the market -- from raising the minimum down payment for second-home purchases to levying taxes on residences in Shanghai and Chongqing this year.


  • 石油生产者变得怀疑市场看到一系列对付他们潜在阴谋汽油消费天然气可再生能源替代石油努力

    Producers grew skeptical of markets and saw an array of potential plots against them, from consumer taxes on gasoline to efforts to replace oil with natural gas and renewable energy sources.


  • 市场利率更高因为这些银行要求中央银行一样存储60%活期存款,这其中也的因素。

    But market rates are higher because the Banks are required to lodge up to 60% of their sight deposits with the Central bank and because of taxes.


  • 投资者热衷于涉足那些价格已经上升市场,交易不能阻止他们这样做

    Investors keen to buy into markets where prices have already risen are not deterred by a small levy.


  • 中国三大官方证券报昨日发表社论指出,市场趋势依然向好,提高印花只是针对投机性投资者

    The country's three official securities newspapers carried editorials yesterday arguing that the market trend was positive and the tax increase was only aimed at speculative investors.


  • 由于交易房地产泡沫开始生成财政收入就业市场有所帮助

    Thanks to transaction taxes, property bubbles are helpful to exchequers and the jobs market when they first get going.


  • 巴西外资购买本国债券征收6%,另外对外汇市场的期货美元交易开征低的金融交易

    Brazil now imposes a tax of 6% on foreign purchases of its bonds, as well as a smaller tax on bets against the dollar on the futures market.


  • 加速追踪产品伦敦证券市场挂牌交易,可以普通股票一样委托股票经纪人买卖,并具有无须缴纳印花优点

    Accelerated Trackers are listed on the London stock market and are dealt just like ordinary shares through a stockbroker, although with the advantage that no stamp duty is payable when buying.


  • 农民们联合起来的目的在于要高额的所得逐步代替引起市场扭曲出口

    They have united behind a proposal to phase in higher income taxes to replace market-distorting export tariffs.


  • 重庆市表示两倍市场平均价值房产征收0.5%房产超过三倍市场均值的房产征收1%。

    Chongqing said it would charge a tax of 0.5 per cent of the property value for houses between two and three times the market average, and 1 per cent for properties more than three times the average.


  • 重庆市表示两倍市场平均价值房产征收0.5%房产超过三倍市场均值的房产征收1%。

    Chongqing said it would charge a tax of 0.5 per cent of the property value for houses between two and three times the market average, and 1 per cent for properties more than three times the average.


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