• 第七担保不得经营亏损企业提供对外担保

    Article 7 Guarantors should not provide guarantee for money-losing overseas enterprises.


  • 文章由此管理法律路径展开对外担保研究

    So the research is carried out along two different way, the foreign guarantee management and the legislation.


  • 上市公司对外担保由来已久,其中积聚的问题错综复杂。

    It is not new for listed companies to guarantee for external loan, and the problems concerned are complicated.


  • 第三十一对外担保登记按照境内机构对外担保管理办法》办理。

    Article 31 External guarantees shall be registered according to Procedures on the Administration of External guarantee by Domestic Institutions.


  • 上市公司章程应当对外担保审批程序、被担保对象资信标准做出规定

    A listed company's "Articles of Association" shall prescribe the procedures for approving the provision of guaranty to any other party, and the credit standards of guaranteed objects.


  • 第二规范适用公司企业对外担保业务其他单位(以下统称单位)。

    Article 2 the present Criteria shall apply to companies, enterprises, and other entities with external guaranty business (hereinafter referred to in general as entities).


  • 上市公司对外担保总额不得超过最近一个会计年度合并会计报表净资产50%。

    The total amount of guaranty provided by a listed company to any other party shall not exceed 50% of net assets in the combined accounting statement of the recent accounting year.


  • 上市公司对外担保必须要求对方提供担保,且反担保提供应当具有实际承担能力

    A listed company providing guaranty to any other party must demand the other party to provide counter-guaranty, and the provider of the counter-guaranty shall have actual capacity to bear it.


  • 违规担保上市公司对外担保能力比较,越是违规上市公司这方面的表现明显

    The capacity of listed companies'external guarantee is relatively weak, the illegal guarantee'listed companies are more obvious manifestations;


  • 对外担保上市公司经营情况不容乐观,尤其是那些违规担保的上市公司经营情况更是糟糕。

    The situation of external guarantee 'listed companies is not optimistic, Especially those of the illegal guarantee 'listed companies.


  • 本文2002年数据为基础,分析了上市公司对外担保公司业绩资本结构之间关系

    By using the data of 2002, the paper empirically analyzes the relationship between external credit guarantee and performance and capital structure of listed companies.


  • 对外担保上市公司存在比较财务风险那些违规担保的上市公司的财务风险尤其突出

    External guarantee 'listed companies exist large financial risk, While those of the illegal guarantee 'listed companies 'financial risk is particularly prominent.


  • 公司没有对外担保其他形式或有负债海南深圳成都设有6个证券营业部,拥有员工

    No external security and other forms of liability, in Hainan, Shenzhen, Chengdu 6 securities business, which employs more than 100 people.


  • 上市公司关联担保对外担保的一个方面,多年来我国上市公司的非关联担保金额比率居高不下。

    Non-related party guarantee for publicly traded company is part of outside guarantee, while amount and ratio of non-related party guarantee appears very high for many years.


  • 公司对外担保分为关联担保普通对外担保两种,是否允许公司设立普通对外担保理论和实践中颇有争议。

    Company's foreign guarantees are classified into correlated guarantee and common guarantee. Whether a company is permitted to go on the common guarantee is very controversial.


  • 董事会特征作为一个内部治理因素上市公司对外担保决策公司价值的提高方面有着不可忽视的重要作用

    As one of great inside governance factors, the board of directors characteristics plays a vital role in guarantee decision and corporate value.


  • 新《公司法第16第1虽赋予公司对外担保较大自由权对公司超出经营范围对外担保问题规定模糊

    Paragraph 1, Article 16 of the "company Law" has given greater freedom to the companys external security, but it is ambiguous for the provisions beyond the scope of the companys external security.


  • 上市公司对外担保是以上市公司担保市场其他主体债务信用活动提供担保同时包括个人债务担保

    Listed company external guarantee means listed company as the guarantor put guarantees for other market players' debt and credit activities, but also includes personal debt guarantees.


  • 上市公司对外担保公司业绩有关问题一项非常值得关心研究的主题,我国领域处于探索和尝试阶段。

    Predicting the relation between external guarantee and finance of a listed company is an important and meaningful topic, and some efforts have been made to explore this relation in China.


  • 西班牙对外银行同意58亿美元收购土耳其担保银行Turkiye Garanti Bankasi)24.9%的股份

    BBVA agreed to purchase a 24.9 percent stake in Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS for $5.8 billion.


  • 公司权利能力方面,我国《公司法应该从法律上放宽对公司对外贷款能力限制并且全面禁止公司对外实施担保

    As for the capability of company, company law should relax the limitation to the capability of company for providing a loan, but should totally forbid giving company assets as security of debt.


  • 广西境内外企业符合条件的对外承包工程项目开具投标保函履约保函预付款保函提供担保

    And bid invitation guarantee, performance guarantee and advance payment guarantee shall be issued to the enterprises inside and outside Guangxi for their outward contract projects.


  • 广西境内外企业符合条件的对外承包工程项目开具投标保函履约保函预付款保函提供担保

    And bid invitation guarantee, performance guarantee and advance payment guarantee shall be issued to the enterprises inside and outside Guangxi for their outward contract projects.


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