• 注意肿瘤如何穿过正中线大脑半球

    Note how this one has crossed the midline to the opposite hemisphere.


  • 在哪一区皮质进行刺激将会引起手部肌肉收缩

    Electrical stimulation of which cortical area would elicit contractions of the contralateral hand muscles?


  • 标记神经元仅出现注入小脑顶核间位核部。

    All labeled neurons were located in the caudal parts of the fastigial and the interposed nuclei on the side contralateral to the injection.


  • 主要穴位:损伤偏瘫穴、侧的腰痛穴、双侧的头痛、双侧的降压穴。

    Main acupoints were paralysis-acupoint on the same injuried lateral, contralateral lumbage-acupoint, bilateral headache-acupoint and depressurization-acupoint.


  • 主要观察指标:病变部位N-乙酰天门冬氨酸、胆碱肌酸代谢测定

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Detection of the metabolic rates of N- acetyl-aspartic acid, choline and creatine in lesion area and the contralateral area;


  • 目的初步探讨面神经麻痹患者恢复期出现瞬目反射BRR1电位的产生机制临床意义

    Objective To explore preliminarily the clinical significance and origin of the crossed R1 response of the blink reflex (BR) in the convalescent patients with facial nerve paralysis.


  • 症状狭窄部位均可以见到活动性炎症除了一例病人以外,其它均见到活动性炎症(95%)。

    Inflammatory activity was seen in all symptomatic stenoses and inflammation was also seen in the contralateral side in all but one of the patients (95%).


  • 刺激HCN也能抑制PO核中多数内脏痛反应神经元活动,其抑制作用比较明显差异

    The inhibition of HCN stimulation was bilateral and no statistical differences were found between the effects of contralateral and ipsilateral HCN stimulation on the neurons in PO.


  • 旋风中的风向标一样漩涡传感器能够感应到同侧的水流侧的传感器能够感应到侧的水流

    Much like weather vanes in whirlwinds, some sensors in a vortex receive water flowing one way while those on the other side find it flows in the opposite direction.


  • 这种群体内部不平衡个体好处

    This imbalance of lateralization within populations may also have advantages for individuals.


  • 一些动物中,只是单脚偏好另一些动物中,表现为普遍行为模式

    In some animals, lateralisation is simply a preference for a single paw or foot, while in others it appears in more general patterns of behaviour.


  • 正是这种未知感觉使得月球成为科学太空研究一个有趣的地方

    It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research.


  • 有关一些研究概述:在动物界中,身体其他生物的支配通常是由只脚、一只眼睛甚至是一根触角来完成的。

    An overview of some research into lateralisation: the dominance of one side of the body over the other creatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna.


  • 可以将购物车压缩视图作为挨着选项卡一个栏添加进来过程完成每个步骤进行更新

    You could add a compact view of the cart as a sidebar next to your tabs and update it with each completed step in the process.


  • 当然幸运过了爱德华多压人犯规点球判罚,同时克罗地亚打进安慰性入球也是来自防守的

    However he was lucky to escape conceding a penalty when he climbed on Eduardo and the cross that lead to the consolation came from his side of the pitch.


  • 研究员项研究47参与者脑部活动进行了测评,这些参与者的头部分别绑有一部三星品牌手机

    In the study, researchers measured the brain activity of 47 participants who had pairs of Samsung cell phones strapped to their heads, one on each side.


  • 体积较小引起严重视力损害的单白内障可以通过遮盖对侧正常的眼睛进行治疗

    Smaller cataracts that are not causing significant vision loss and are in only one eye may be treated by patching the good eye.


  • 今天,当年一些受害人带着自己无用但却张扬地假肢,在街道闲荡,躲避之前他们的恶人们。

    Today, some of those victims, their stumps hanging uselessly and conspicuously by their sides, wander along on the opposite side of the street from their former tormentors.


  • 此举被认为为了缓和美国最近巴基斯坦边境发动军事袭击以及不满巴基斯坦在打击激进分子上行动迟缓所引发紧张关系。

    The offer is seen as part of an effort to ease tension over U.S. military strikes recently on the Pakistan side of the border, and U.S. impatience with Pakistan's hesitance to fight insurgents.


  • 这些细节包括射杀逃离城市平民刺铁丝网路障高举饥饿孩子母亲们的恳求坐视不

    Those include shooting civilians who tried to escape the city and ignoring the pleas of mothers holding aloft starving children on the other side of the barbed-wire barricades.


  • 运动皮层大脑运动皮层指令部位。 基于这个部位神经细胞研究他们可以实际运动出现前预测出猴子移动方向

    By studying the activity of nerve cells in this area, they were able to predict where the monkeys intended to move before the movements were actually made.


  • 演出结束后听众坐在台上的钢琴女士演出作品做简短介绍。

    Ms. Wu spoke briefly about the works from the stage, where listeners were seated on both sides of the piano.


  • 孩子们进行核磁共振扫描发现,频繁游戏孩子脑部一个状体的结构拥有更多灰质

    When the children underwent an MRI scan, the researchers found that a region of the brain called the 'ventral striatum' had more grey matter in the frequent video gamers.


  • 《新科学人》,人记忆过程很重要前颞叶处理上下文信息右前颞叶视觉记忆有关

    Both sides of the anterior temporal lobe are important for memory processing - the left ATL deals with context, while the right ATL is associated with visual memory, New Scientist says.


  • 为了证实这种构想合情合理,科学家们普通人进行了观察研究,这六个人的大脑正中前额皮质层均受到了伤害,而且这些平日在工作中有着极不理想的社会性情绪反应

    To test this idea, they looked at six people with damage to the VMPC on both sides of their brains. These people are known from other work to have poor social-emotional responses.


  • 大脑左右有一扁桃体状结构,研究结果两者均适用

    People have one amygdala in the left half of the brain and another in the right half. The findings of the new study held true for each one.


  • 内面很难着放置牙刷。

    On the insides of your front teeth, it can be hard to hold the brush sideways.


  • Coontz教授回忆起70年代时他家隔壁夫妇,他们如此不喜欢方,以至于整个夏天他们都各自坐在房子草坪上。

    Professor Coontz recalls living next door to a couple in their 70s who disliked each other so much that during the summer, they sat outside in lawn chairs on the opposite sides of the house.


  • 有个称为龙门环状周围旋转,环上有若干X射线管电子X射线探测器

    Rotating around you, the x-ray tube and electronic x-ray detectors are located opposite each other in a ring, called a gantry.


  • 有个称为龙门环状周围旋转,环上有若干X射线管电子X射线探测器

    Rotating around you, the x-ray tube and electronic x-ray detectors are located opposite each other in a ring, called a gantry.


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