• 这部新的传真机将会加强办公联系

    This new fax machine will enhance interoffice communications.


  • 扩散器,发动机内压气机燃烧一个部件用来降低空气流速增高空气压力

    DIFFUSER, a part of an engine between the compressor and combustion chamber for reducing the airflow speed and increasing the air pressure.


  • 扩压器,发动机内压气机燃烧一个部件用来降低空气流速增高空气压力

    DIFFUSER, a part of an engine between the compressor and combustion chamber for reducing the airflow speed and increasing the air pressure.


  • 实验能力验证通过实验测试比对评判实验测试能力一种技术活动

    Laboratory proficiency testing is a technical action appraising the testing ability of laboratory by inter laboratory comparisons.


  • 通过积极参加国际实验技术交流提高食品微生物检测水平验证实验检测能力

    Participating exchanges of know-how with international labs positively can surely improve the inspection level and validate the capability of microorganism labs.


  • 只有所有实验采用同样设计紫外荧光设备老化条件时,实验间的比较才是有效的。

    Interlaboratory comparisons are valid only when all laboratories use the same design of fluorescent UV device, lamp, and exposure conditions.


  • 以下就是12网络借镜提醒我们办公八卦流言错误消息,是怎么样片刻就一传传千里。

    Here are 12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second.


  • 能为最高层绝地战略出谋划策如此地位得以亲眼见证绝地武士团和议长办公紧张关系

    He was able to contribute to the highest levels of Jedi strategy, and such a vaunted position allowed him to witness the strain between the Jedi order and the Office of the Chancellor firsthand.


  • 信息经常通过电话电报办公间的传递系统常规邮政服务邮件或者联邦快递一样的昼夜传递服务来传送

    Messages are often transmitted via telephone, Telex, interoffice delivery system., conventional Postal service mail, or overnight delivery service such Federal Express.


  • 这个小伙子走进吸烟时候,几位一起聊天乘客停了下来,猛地抬起头瞧着,他们因自己谈话打断而专注好奇、快速地瞪着他。

    As the boy entered the smoking compartment, the men who were talking together paused, and looked up at him briefly with the intent, curious, momentary stare of men interrupted in a conversation.


  • 这样一天结束时有人带着袋子,里面装所有办公邮件去往一个办公因为使用普通公共邮件便宜,通常快得

    This way, at the end of the day someone will carry a large bag with all the inter-office mail to the other office, because this is cheaper and usually much faster than using the regular public mail.


  • 如果一些东西同一家公司工作我所工作的银行,一个办公也许城市一边然后我把放进办公间的邮件箱。

    If I want to send something to someone who works for my company - my bank, but in another office, perhaps in the other side of the city, then I put it in inter-office mail.


  • 1933年办公接到的投诉案件层出不穷。

    During 1933, Papen's office was deluged with complaints.


  • 带到办公之后不久,一个穿白色上衣年轻女子走进来。

    He was shown to a small office. Presently, a young woman in a white coat came in.


  • 由于大楼已经扩建我们有可能拥有咖啡厅而且现在我们新的办公储藏

    It became possible to have a cafe because the building has been extended, and we've now got a new office and storeroom area.


  • 也许午餐茶水闲聊关心他人、深入而有意义的谈话期望上次那种办公环境遗留下来

    Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment.


  • 洗手船上办公免税商店地方,以及后部B甲板上和 A 甲板上小吃店旁边

    Between the ship's office and the duty-free shop, toilets are situated on B deck at the rear of the ship and on A deck next to the snack bar.


  • CBI丹佛犯罪实验技术人员无菌这些物品出来放到一个白色大平板上

    At the CBI Denver Crime Lab, technicians shake out the items in a sterile room, onto a large, white slab covered with paper.


  • 周一数十歌星开始聚集好莱坞录音一首歌配音他们希望这首歌能为海地地震救灾筹集数百万美元

    Dozens of recording stars began converging on a Hollywood studio Monday to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief.


  • 也许午餐茶水八卦关心、深刻有意义的谈话的期待,上次那种办公环境留给后遗症。

    Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip, and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment.


  • 例如可能需要那里每个人都聚在一起主题演讲演示较小会议则可以进行非正式的小组讨论

    For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together for keynote speeches or presentations, and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions.


  • 洗衣储藏不仅要整理好必要的清洁物件,要放好易随处乱放的东西,比如苍蝇拍

    Laundry-room storage organizes not only cleaning essentials but also easy-to-misplace items like a fly swatter.


  • 最初制作人昆西·琼斯使用1985年使用过的同一录音

    The original producer, Quincy Jones, is using the same studio he used in 1985.


  • 雌雄选择研究突破来自于在实验研究女性反应技术发展

    The breakthrough for research into intersexual selection came in the development of a new technique for investigating female response in the laboratory.


  • ·康纳来自金斯利堪萨斯办公工作

    Joe Connor comes from Kinsley and works in an office in Kansas City.


  • 三个幸运的孩子一直拥有他们需要的一切:漂亮的衣服,温暖的炉火,一很好的游戏和一只叫詹姆斯的狗。

    These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely playroom and a dog called James.


  • 莉娅成长促使第二工作为了赚钱

    Leah's growth spurred her to open her second studio—and it wasn't for the money.


  • 果你家里没有地下,那就找个一楼的浴,或者在家里找一没有窗户的小房

    If you are in a home without a basement, try to find a first floor bathroom or a small room without windows in the middle of your house.


  • 约在同一时,美国有了自己的空站,叫做天空实验号。

    At about the same time, the United States had its own space station, called Skylab.


  • LoveFone 是一家提倡手机维修,反对丢弃手机的公司。该公司于2016年在伦敦的一电话亭里开设了一个迷你工作,LoveFone 的创始人罗伯特·科尔表示,这小工作具有一定的经济意义。

    LoveFone, a company that advocates repairing cellphones rather than abandoning them, opened a mini workshop in a London phone box in 2016. The tiny shops made economic sense, according to Robert Kerr, a founder of LoveFone.


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