• 安娜1898年科罗拉多州定居先驱们的后裔

    Anna is descended from pioneers who settled in Colorado in 1898.


  • 我们这些遗址中发现了,这些马骨可以追溯到博泰定居时期

    We also found horse bones at these sites and these can be traced back to the time of the Botai settlements.


  • 游历世界之后觉得找个地方定居时候了。

    After ten years travelling the world, she felt it was time to put down roots somewhere.


  • 土地肥沃地区一些定居农民

    You have the small settled farmer in the more fertile areas.


  • 这些人中美国定居比例为历年之最。

    A higher proportion than ever of these paragons want to make their homes in the United States.


  • 解释为何定居土地上他们如此具有影响力

    This in turn may explain why they were so influential in the lands where they settled.


  • 后来,美国定居英国殖民者由于缺少时间停止了这项传统

    The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time.


  • 李伟杰说,一些朋友重新考虑海外定居计划

    Ski resort entrepreneur Li says some of his friends are reconsidering plans to get foreign residency.


  • 接受澳大利亚定居的伊拉克受到严格健康安全检查

    The Iraqis who accept Australia's offer will be subject to strict health and security checks.


  • 雨水仍然充足时候,酋长牧民定居人们一直和平共处。

    Until the rains began to fail, the sheikh’s people lived amicably with the settled farmers.


  • 偏重定居农作系统中,因为圈养建筑坍塌水牛黄牛家畜损失严重

    In more settled farming systems, buffaloes, cattle and poultry suffered even more severe losses as the structures in which they were kept collapsed.


  • 开始时声称相对而言阿尔巴尼亚这个地区新人,他们是在16世纪这里定居

    For a start, it asserted that the Albanians were relative newcomers to the territory, settling it only in the 16th century.


  • 事实上近年来,考古学家已经找到至7500年前人类沿着海湾沿岸定居证据

    In fact, in recent years, archaeologists have turned up evidence of a wave of human settlements along the shores of the Gulf dating to about 7, 500 years ago.


  • 事实上近年来,考古学家已经找到至7500年前人类沿着海湾沿岸定居证据

    In fact, in recent years, archaeologists have turned up evidence of a wave of human settlements along the shores of the Gulf dating to about 7,500 years ago.


  • 鉴于历史上印象吉尔吉斯人游牧牧民乌兹别克人定居农民,当下则他们生活市场中。

    Whereas historically the Kyrgyz were nomadic herders, Uzbeks were settled farmers. Now the stereotype is that they make a living in the bazaars.


  • 十九世纪末叶,最先镇上定居移民矿工农场工人组织一支球队对抗仅限白人参加联赛

    It was early residents of the district, migrant mine and farm workers, who set up the first teams in oppositon to the whites-only leagues in the late 19th century.


  • 哈马斯势力并不在乎被拿来以色列作比较,他们正在铲平之前那些未经授权擅自定居加沙人的土地

    And insensitive to comparisons with Israel, Hamas's forces have bulldozed the homes of Gazans who had moved onto former settlement land without authorisation.


  • 惊奇得是因为身份可以继承下来的,所以即使出生英国在此度过一生可能是非定居身份。

    Astonishingly, because domicile can be “inherited”, you may be non-dom even if you were born in Britain and have lived there your entire life.


  • 这个国家征收所得税营业税也很低,它的税收收入主要是来自定居个人在此设立商行办事处国外企业

    The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven both for individuals who have established residence and for foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices.


  • 年后跑到了夏威夷那里我到了2000年前波利尼西亚怎样靠独木舟来到这个太平洋小岛定居的

    Two years later, I was in Hawaii and learned how the Polynesian people populated the Pacific Islands in dugout canoes 2, 000 years ago.


  • 首当其冲长期受害者Kuchi人,他们一年一度迁徙活动正遇到前所未有挑战,因为定居族群正在扩大

    The principal long-term victims of this struggle are the Kuchis. Their annual migrations face ever greater competition from the expansion of settled communities.


  • 一个卖掉了伦敦资产重新定居的商人如果英镑的币值回升,那么他将失去他的收入中大部分或者全部的税赋减免额。

    A trader who sold his London property and relocated could lose much or all of his tax savings on his return if the pound recovers.


  • 对于不在英国定居英国居民——通常是因为他们父辈不是英国人,他们的海外收入资本利得只有带回英国的情况下才需要交税。

    But UK residents who are not domiciled in the UK - usually because their fathers were not British - are liable for tax on their overseas income and gains only if they are brought into the UK.


  • 对于不在英国定居英国居民——通常是因为他们父辈不是英国人,他们的海外收入资本利得只有带回英国的情况下才需要交税。

    But UK residents who are not domiciled in the UK - usually because their fathers were not British - are liable for tax on their overseas income and gains only if they are brought into the UK.


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