• 同时搜集大量最新中观及宏观数据,做为本文实证分析依据

    At the same time, collecting a lot of the latest macro data for the empirical basis for analysis.


  • 项指数为100年份称为基年,广泛应用于宏观数据编制上。

    The year which has been set with the index of 100. It is widely used in the organization of macro statistics.


  • 份报告连续放缓也许已经开始发生即使尚未宏观数据广泛地体现出来。

    'Much of the sequential slowdown is probably already happening even though it hasn't shown up broadly in the macro data yet,' he said in a report.


  • 最新消息,今早零售数据可观,宏观咨询师为之一振第四季度平均增长率预期推高3.1%。

    New, positive retail data this morning inspired Macroeconomic Advisers to push its forecast for fourth quarter growth up to a 3.1% annual rate.


  • 补充一点就是有助于发现个人好恶风格如果只关注数据,就让数字说话,如果他做高瞻远瞩状,那就让宏观信息上阵吧。

    I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data - obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.


  • 补充一点,就是有助于发现个人好恶风格如果关注数据,就让数字说话,如果他做高瞻远瞩状,那就让宏观信息上阵吧。

    I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data-obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.


  • 本月宏观经济数据虽然依然不景气,但其中也亮点消费信贷支出有所增长这是2008年8月以来第二

    There was one bright spot in the otherwise gloomy economic data that started this month: Consumer credit spending increased for just the second time since August 2008.


  • 发布宏观经济数据表明经济已经稳定

    In recent weeks several macroeconomic data releases have shown that the economy has stabilised.


  • 宏观(视野?)基本概念无数自然数据结成大的可读格式

    The basic idea of a macroscope is to link myriad bits of natural data into a larger, readable pattern.


  • 4一个实体关系图(Entity RelationalDiagram,ERD),给出公司简化数据需求操作宏观视图

    Figure 4 presents an Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) that gives you the macro view of the company's simplified data requirements and operations.


  • 官方统计员认为经济体实际表现也许数据显示出的结果不足以明显改变整个宏观面。

    Official statisticians think that the reality may have been slightly better than these Numbers suggest, but not so much as to alter the overall picture significantly.


  • 美国劳工统计局刚刚公布了最新通胀数据通过这些数据我们得以思考美国宏观经济的未来走向

    The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released its latest inflation figures, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on where the American macroeconomy is heading.


  • 宏观层次就是构建应用范围微观层次处于领域,领域类在数据发生交互发布事件

    The macro level is build and application wide and the micro level happens at the domain layer, where domain classes publish the events whenever they interact with the database.


  • 宏观经济顾问根据新公布的数据调整了第三季度经济增长预期原来的3%下调2.4%。

    Macroeconomic Advisers adjusted its expected third-quarter growth rate to 2.4% from 3% after the trade data appeared.


  • 宏观经济学顾问再一次跟踪预测数据降低2.3%。

    And Macroeconomic Advisers has dropped their tracking estimate again, to 2.3%.


  • 本周早期经济数据疲软宏观层面消息继续看涨石油

    Economic data was soft early in the week though micro news for oil continued to be bullish.


  • 在日本歌舞伎座剧场里,表演者利用夸张举止感染观众,同样,这个国家宏观经济数据不切实际地同时夸大利好消息利空消息

    Like Japanese kabuki theatre, in which characters use exaggerated gestures to energise the audience, the country's statistics unrealistically magnify both good news and bad.


  • 首先发达市场宏观经济数据释放经济增长信号显著降低经济今年二次风险

    Firstly, developed market macro - economic data has been signaling an upward shift in growth momentum, significantly reducing the risk of a double-dip recession this year.


  • 联合信贷银行的经济学家也大干了一番,把宏观经济数据输入复杂数学模型,以期预测夺冠球队

    Economists at UniCredit really went to town, feeding in macroeconomic data to complex mathematical models in a bid to predict the winner.


  • 保证报告内容翔实准确可靠数据之间可比性报告统计数据进行必要筛选分组宏观微观数据紧密结合。

    To ensure accurate reporting of content, accurate, reliable and the comparability between data, report to the statistical data of the necessary screening, grouping, and macro and micro data.


  • 宏观经济数据消费物价指数,公众发布之前,一些外国国内组织经常进行预测

    Before macro economic data, such as the CPI figures, are released to the public, some foreign and domestic organizations often make predictions.


  • 引起学术界关注,不少学者现象数据方面宏观角度来研究这一问题。

    Many scholars have made researches of assaulting police phenomenon according to data or from macroscopic perspective but still on the level of perceptual knowledge.


  • 土壤侵蚀宏观监测区域土壤侵蚀监测,区域水土保持战略决策相关研究基本数据基础。

    The macroscopic monitoring for soil erosion, or "regional soil erosion monitoring" is the very data basis for making strategic decision and relevant research of regional soil and water conservation.


  • 地震数据采集进行工序质量控制存在宏观协调、工序安排参数选择等难点

    There are difficulties in macro - cooperation, work procedure planning, parameter choice for procedure quality control of the seismic data collection.


  • 最终得到宏观动力学方程如下通过不同温度实测数据进行参数估值,得到了各温度下的表观反应速率常数

    Finally, the macro-kinetic equations were as follows: According to the experimental data at different temperature , apparent reaction rate constants were obtained.


  • 出入境货物质量检验数据基础,构建出入境货物总体的质量特性———质量指数,并提出了对其进行质量宏观分析与监测的方法。

    Based on inspection data of imports and exports, this paper attempts to set up a quality index-the value of quality characteristic.


  • 与此同时最近宏观经济数据继续恶化他们短期健全市场很普遍

    At the same time, recent macroeconomic data is deteriorating, which allow the market in the short sound has been prevalent.


  • 与此同时最近宏观经济数据继续恶化他们短期健全市场很普遍

    At the same time, recent macroeconomic data is deteriorating, which allow the market in the short sound has been prevalent.


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