• 检查结果完全确认之前我们不会其他评论

    Until we have the full results of those tests we will not be commenting further.


  • 长大之后传统中华子女教养方法的研究完全确认了我儿童年代的经验

    My own research since I've grown up into traditional Chinese parenting and upbringing of children has confirmed what I had experienced as a child.


  • 过氧化氢氧化剂,浓度水平必须准确检测完全确认研究系统氧化状态

    Hydrogen peroxide is a potent oxidant, and the levels of hydrogen peroxide must be accurately determined in order to fully characterize the oxidative state of the system under study.


  • 我们无法完全确认大脑作为整体如何工作但是我们的确拥有一个神经系统神经元工作机理模型。

    Although we can't entirely say how the brain works as a whole, we do have a model of the functional mechanism of the nervous system and its neurons.


  • 不能轻易回答,因为即使现在,我甚至不能确认完全找到了属于自己声音

    And I have no easy answer - I'm not even sure I can say I've fully found my voice yet.


  • 来自白厅消息确认私有化就是计划一部分,几天将会宣布并不是完全卖掉森林土地

    Whitehall sources confirmed that privatisation would be an element of the plan, which is due to be announced within days, but said it will not be a complete sell-off of forestry land.


  • 数据输入以后需要一个完全确认

    After data input, a complete validation is needed.


  • 点燃营地的火焰时候请选择原有的篝火的地方,而且离开的时候确认火被完全熄灭。

    Light campfires only in established fire rings and be sure they're completely extinguished before you leave.


  • 需要确认赞助商完全同意这些活动安排,如果不是的话,最好放弃他们赞助

    You might want to make very sure your sponsors are OK with all of this, but if they aren't then it's probably better that they don't sponsor.


  • 如果请求删除缓存但是删除整个网站,确认网址符合完全删除条件然后提交新的完全删除网址请求

    If you requested a cache removal but you want the entire URL gone, make sure the URL meets the requirements for complete removal and then file a new request for complete removal of the URL.


  • 在公开范围内,国际原子能机构他们无法确认伊朗的核计划是否完全出于和平用途

    Publicly, IAEA inspectors say they cannot confirm that Iran’s nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.


  • 在公开范围内,国际原子能机构他们无法确认伊朗核计划是否完全出于和平用途

    Publicly, IAEA inspectors say they cannot confirm that Iran's nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.


  • 这些消息确认没有配置进行更改完全可以忽略

    These messages are confirmations that no updates have been made to the configuration files and can be safely ignored.


  • 如果确认一个测试没有必要的(例如即使机器字节多于8需要使size of (char)1),您可以完全不去进行这个测试。

    If you can reasonably conclude that a test is unnecessary (for instance, even machines with bytes larger than 8 bits are still required to have sizeof (char) be 1), you can omit the test entirely.


  • 测试过一些XML确认转换工具,但还找到一个完全正确命令xml确认器。

    I've tested a number of XML validation and transformation tools and have yet to locate a completely accurate command line XML validator.


  • 知道货物装船之前经中国商品检验局检验员抽样检查确认,东西完全符合标准

    B: I think you know that there is a sample survey by a checker from State Administration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities before shipping. Our merchandise is surely up to standard.


  • 客户该项确认以及任何连接存在形式内容完全决定权

    Customer shall have full discretion as to the form and content of such acknowledgement and the appearance of any link.


  • 医生通过对佩索托的治疗已经确认已经可以下周离开监护病房,尽管完全恢复可能长达几年时间。

    Doctors treating Gianluca Pessotto have confirmed he will leave intensive care in the next week, although a complete recovery may take as long as a few years.


  • 为了防止破坏我们关闭网站,在我们确认这些博客完全正常之后,我们已经恢复了这些博客。

    We brought the site down to prevent damage and have been bringing blogs back after we've verified that they're 100% okay.


  • 双方确认,在签署协议仔细审阅过协议内容完全了解协议条款法律含义

    Both parties confirm that before signing the Agreement, they have fully examined the contents of the Agreement and have full knowledge of the legal meaning of each clause therein.


  • 确认交换完全组装好并经过测试排水

    Verify exchanger is completely assembled, tested, and drained.


  • 手指分开,并完全伸直手指。的桌面上确认手指完全伸直

    With the fingers a little apart, straighten the fingers fully. Check that they are completely straight on a flat surface.


  • 由于成本技术可行性原因不能完全验证结果的就需要确认

    The output may not be fully verified for economic, technical, or practical reasons and thus validation is needed.


  • 未能确认密码确保确认密码与新密码完全匹配

    The new password was not correctly confirmed. Be sure that the confirmation exactly matches the new password.


  • 确认控制程序与期望的程序完全相符也是可能的,可能表示附加程序的存在

    It is possible that the controls identified do not match the expected controls and this may indicate the presence of an additional control.


  • 一旦已经完全做好自己留学选择,请向相关学校的国际办公室确认自己已经完成了整个的入学申请过程。

    Once you're completely decided on your choice, make sure you check with the international office of that institution to complete your application.


  • 一旦已经完全做好自己留学选择,请向相关学校的国际办公室确认自己已经完成了整个的入学申请过程。

    Once you're completely decided on your choice, make sure you check with the international office of that institution to complete your application.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定