• 美国繁荣依靠传统婚姻家庭是佩尔斯坦中的结论

    Pearlstein ends the book by concluding that America relies on traditional marriage and families for prosperity.


  • 美国繁荣依靠传统婚姻家庭是佩尔斯坦中的结论

    Pealstein ends the book by concluding that America relies on traditional marriage and families for prosperity.


  • 婚姻家庭观念中国依旧很强——但是孩子很明显地又是一项资产

    Marriage and the family are still strong in Chinabut children clearly lie in a different asset class.


  • 尼尔申德·巴格森这一代没有问题的:他们都会拥有自己婚姻家庭

    Among Neelchand Bhagsen's generation there was no question: They would all have their own marriages and lives.


  • 婚姻家庭治疗师常常报告说,缺乏沟通困难家庭常见抱怨

    Marriage and family therapists often report that poor communication is a common complaint of families who are having difficulties.


  • 通过婚姻家庭联系起来的分析本文试图揭示婚姻婚姻之间关系

    The author attempts to reveal the relations among marriages by the analysis connecting marriage and family.


  • 则成了一名一家非盈利机构工作婚姻家庭咨询,生活工作洛杉矶

    I became a Marriage and Family therapist and works for a non-profit organization in Los Angeles.


  • 相反使一类西班牙公民得以婚姻家庭权利特许之下组织他们生活

    To the contrary, what happens is this class of Spanish citizens get the potential to organize their lives with the rights and privileges of marriage and family.


  • 正如婚姻家庭旅程十月份期刊调查所说,答案不是是否战斗而是你要怎么进行这场战斗。

    The answer isn't whether or not you fight, but how you go about it, as a study in the October issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family shows.


  • 特雷西·托德弗吉尼亚州婚姻家庭治疗师美国婚姻家庭治疗协会的发言人他建议分析分析这些美好的回忆。

    Tracy Todd, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Virginia, and spokesperson for the American Association for marriage and family Therapy, recommends analyzing them.


  • KatherineHertlein是注册婚姻家庭治疗员,也是华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的教授,她帮助了很多客户解决类似问题

    Katherine Hertlein, a licensed marriage and family therapist and assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, helps clients with similar cases.


  • Kurdek发表于1998年《婚姻家庭快报》论文中提到,即使同志关系结束异性恋婚姻更加频繁他们的关系并不是退化更快

    Kurdek says in a 1998 Journal of Marriage and the Family paper that even though gay and lesbian relationships end more often than straight marriages, they don't degrade any faster.


  • 位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根婚姻家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,一对夫妇来办公室时说道:“他们生活两个不同世界。”

    Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."


  • 社会学家菲利普·科恩卡罗立大学研究婚姻家庭说:“婚姻生杀大权掌控在男方手里,因为维持婚姻底线就是他们的婚后生活是否比从前快乐”。

    “The bottom line is that men, not women, are much happier when they’re married,” says Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina who studies marriage and family.


  • 重庆英语口语培训,口语提升,我们更快!文中王宝强自己无论生活中工作中、社会交往中,都一个婚姻家庭对朋友团队工作社会尽责忠诚

    In this article, Baoqiang Wang said, regardless of their life, work, social interaction, is a marriage and family, friends and team, the work and society, responsible and loyal to the people.


  • 先说职业目标公司目标在结尾处可以略带婚姻家庭目标。

    Mention your career and company goals first, and tack on any mention of marriage and family at the end.


  • 研究显示家庭合影眉头紧锁孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


  • 此外,由于更多教育较高收入相关婚姻尤其会提高家庭消费能力

    And since more education is linked to higher earnings, marriage especially boosts a household's spending power.


  • 维系婚姻家庭之制情感纽带遭受践踏相比身体的折磨不了什么。

    Physical suffering is nothing compared to the trampling down of those tender bonds that form the basis of the institution of marriage and the family that unite man and wife.


  • 巴马夫妇婚姻艰难时光许多其他夫妇一样,曾努力平衡职业家庭婚姻关系强烈需求

    The Obamas have had difficult times in their marriage, as have many couples struggling to balance the intense demands of career, family and relationship.


  • 所有这些当年带戴安娜王妃查尔斯王子结合完全不同,当时戴妃只有19岁,也没有高学历来自一个婚姻破裂家庭

    All this is in contrast to Charles and Diana's marriage, where the bride was just 19, had no higher education, and came from a broken home.


  • 婚姻结合家庭生活不再实用的,而是出于爱好

    The bonds of marriage and family life are no longer functional, but affectional.


  • 年轻演员RobinGivens劫运般的婚姻报纸标题提供了无穷无尽素材最终家庭暴力骇人故事中终结。

    His doomed marriage with a young actress, Robin Givens, made fodder for headlines and ended amid lurid tales of domestic violence.


  • 皮特婚姻关系于05年破裂,后者之后便安吉丽娜·朱莉组成了家庭,最近其主演十三罗汉正热映中。

    The actress 'marriage to Pitt broke down in 2005 and the Ocean's Thirteen star has since gone on to start a family with Angelina Jolie.


  • 最新研究显示,家庭拍照眉头紧锁的孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


  • 最新研究显示,家庭拍照眉头紧锁的孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


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