• 威尔阿森纳的一笔巨大财富

    Thomas Vermaelen will be a huge asset to Arsenal.


  • 有经验而且很好的明天弥补威尔马缺失

    He is experienced and it is good he can compensate the absence of Vermaelen tomorrow.


  • 威尔预计会同一场比赛中复出但是恢复有点慢。

    Thomas Vermaelen is also pencilled in to return against the Baggies however his recovery is less advanced.


  • 威尔:“西班牙度假,突然英国号码到了手机上。”

    "Arsenal boss Wenger landed his man with a quick phone call. Vermaelen said:" I went on holiday to Spain and suddenly a British number appeared on my mobile phone.


  • 威尔还说道关键球员受伤使得阿森纳赛季末期重要比赛中掉了链子。

    Vermaelen added that injuries to key players did not help Arsenal's cause in the big games towards the end of the season.


  • 问题位置看起来是中后卫威尔仍然受伤现在斯奎拉奇面临3比赛的停赛。

    The problem position seems to be at centre-back, where Thomas Vermaelen is still injured and now Squillaci faces a three-match ban.


  • 乡下来的小威尔士小还有许多漂亮的

    There were young horses from the country, little Welsh ponies and many beautiful horses too.


  • 詹姆斯威尔布罗德里克莎拉杰西卡帕克布罗德里克女儿

    James Wilkie Broderick (daughter of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick)


  • 此时威尔士关于自然选择阐述一无所知事实上直到《物种的起源发表这两人一直默默无闻

    At this time he knew nothing of Wells's and Matthew's accounts of natural selection; indeed, both accounts languished in obscurity until after the "Origin" was published.


  • 鲁尼或者切达、或者威尔·贝克还是纳尼他们都只,‘那个家伙超凡脱俗的。’

    Whether it is Rooney, or Macheda, or Welbeck, or Nani, they all have to say, 'Well, this guy was exceptional'.


  • 现在可以完全依靠自己力量优化网站搜索、改进网站链接,或遭受威尔病毒袭击清理电脑。

    Now you can streamline the crawling of your site, improve your sitelinks, orclean up after a malware attack all on your own.


  • 新南威尔昆士兰橄榄球维多利亚澳大利亚塔斯尼亚西澳大利亚和北领地则是澳式足球根据地。

    New South Wales and Queensland are the rugby states; Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 弗格森受到了威尔·贝克成长鼓舞尤其是切达成长了起来。

    Ferguson is also encouraged by the development of Danny Welbeck and, in particular, Federico Macheda.


  • 近期评估报告表明较为凉爽地区例如澳洲新南威尔士州维多利亚塔斯尼亚等地的桉树林大约有640吨/公顷碳储存能力

    In Australia, recent estimates show that eucalyptus forests in cooler regions such as southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania have a carbon-carrying capacity of about 640 tonnes a hectare.


  • 史蒂芬.冉子,威尔康乃尔医学院研究员,获得研究巧克力疟疾寄生虫作用拨款

    Steven Maranz, a researcher at Weill Cornell Medical College, was given a grant to look at the effect of chocolate on the malaria parasite.


  • 威尔··史蒂文斯·威廉姆斯赢得5进3淘汰赛进入了上海大师赛第二

    Wales' Matthew Stevens and Mark Williams both won 5-3 to reach the second round of the Shanghai Masters.


  • 加拿大麦克斯特大学丁·黛莉·威尔夫妇,首先从进化论的角度研究犯罪根源

    The study of the evolutionary roots of crime began with the work of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson, a married couple who work at McMaster University in Canada.


  • 澳大利亚昆士兰州新南威尔士州20于亨德拉病毒

    More than 20 horses in the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales had died of the Hendra virus.


  • 澳大利亚尼亚的507,600在上院拥有新南威尔7百万人相同权重

    In Australia the 507, 600 people of Tasmania have the same weight in the upper house as the 7m who live in New South Wales.


  • 特·墨菲威尔乡村委员会鸟类学家,他表示气候变化已经影响到威尔橡树林中斑姬,改变了这种鸟类的繁殖习惯。

    Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.


  • 但是创始人史蒂夫•佩寇拉、达林·克罗·威尔修·科纳塔科斯明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 环保科技顾问乔•威尔Joel Makower预计无论是公司还是技术一定会遭遇一些不景气波动”。 他是美国番市的一个研究咨询公司CleanEdge的主管。

    “There will definitely be some shakeout, both in terms of companies and technologies,” says Joel Makower, principal of Clean Edge, a research and consulting firm based in San Francisco.


  • 英国地铁报》网站9月28日报道英国一对野生动植物摄影师布兰·德卢卡斯兄弟威尔肯尼亚拉野生动物区里发现粉红色

    According to the Metro.co.uk of September 28, British wildlife photographer brothers Will and Matt Burrard-Lucas captured a rare pink hippo in Kenya.


  • 威尔·之所以这么试验失败是因为很难保证供体细胞能处在细胞分裂周期同一阶段

    Wilmut said there were so many failures because it was difficult to ensure that the empty oocyst and the donor cell were at the same stage of the cell division cycle.


  • 存在类似计划全国家酒吧蓬勃发展例如皇家威尔特郡之一

    Similar schemes exist and flourish in several pubs across the country, such as the one at The Old Royal Ship in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.


  • 威尔觉得瑞德嫉妒自己。“如果施加魔法诅咒你的!”瑞德警告道。

    But Hywel just thought that Maredudd was jealous. "She'll cast a spell on you if you don't let her go," Maredudd warned him.


  • 布劳姆·凡·布鲁恩特骑着跑得最快的,达瑞威尔晚会

    Brom Van Brunt rode to the party on his fastest horse called Daredevil.


  • 文章运用数论中的一些简单结果,如辛达拉姆筛法威尔逊定理,建立哥德巴赫猜想孪生素数猜想以及素数猜想等价命题

    This paper sets up equivalent propositions of Goldbach's Conjecture and Twin Prime Conjecture and Fermat's Conjecture for prime numbers by using the simple result among the number theory.


  • 文章运用数论中的一些简单结果,如辛达拉姆筛法威尔逊定理,建立哥德巴赫猜想孪生素数猜想以及素数猜想等价命题

    This paper sets up equivalent propositions of Goldbach's Conjecture and Twin Prime Conjecture and Fermat's Conjecture for prime numbers by using the simple result among the number theory.


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