• 由于切尔西要到星期天比赛枪手如果桑德兰有机会超越。

    With Chelsea not playing until Sunday, the Gunners can leapfrog them if they win at Sunderland.


  • 如果比赛登上榜首最好位置,”

    "If you win your games, you're top of the league, I think that's the best place to be," he said.


  • 老人家一句,柯林斯先生附和一句,一次要她一次,如果太多,还得道歉

    Mr. Collins was employed in agreeing to every thing her Ladyship said, thanking her for every fish he won, and apologising if he thought he won too many.


  • 如果每次发牌都是的话,我哥伦比亚领带告终

    If I'm the one winning every time I deal, I'll end up with a Colombian necktie.


  • 一个只输无的情形。如果假装讨厌内德,她会觉得痛苦;而如果承认喜欢,她会感觉难受!

    It was a no-win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse!


  • 们知道他们不可能,但如果他们有时真的了,那就更有趣了。

    We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it's even funnier.


  • 相信如果我们继续合作,我们一定会

    I believe if we continue to work together, we are sure to win.


  • 关系到自尊问题,如果处理不当,就容易导致非局面,而这种局面看来无人生还尤其是孩子

    Egos get involved and, if families are not careful, this can turn into a win/lose situation which in my experience means everybody loses, especially the children.


  • 但是迟早如果改变现状的话,你就必须

    But sooner or later, you have to win if you want to change things.


  • 如果了欧冠,你会觉得懊恼但是来讲更重要俱乐部球队始终如一的坚定。

    If you don't win it you're very frustrated but what is important for me is the consistency of the Club and of the team.


  • 如果没有想着怎么,那么你又何必要篮球,来工作,来继续你人生

    Why bother playing the game of basketball, work, or life if you aren't planning to win?


  • 如果只是找找乐子,偶然次锦标赛那么只能祝好运

    But if he just wants to have fun and win the odd tournament then good luck to him.


  • 佩林故事无需重复。大多数人都认为如果获得共和党提名奥巴马一定会

    The Palin story needs no retelling here. Most people think that if she were the GOP nominee, Obama would win.


  • 不出所料如果他们的最近正好比赛学生有可能穿校服,因为校服上有印有学校名称的纹章。

    Sure enough students were more likely to wear apparel emblazoned with their university's name if their team had recently won a game.


  • 如果双方的分值相等仍然算作一个低分局面,当这样“低分”的玩家只能得到20

    If the players' counts are exactly even, it is still an undercut, but the undercutting player would score only 20 points!


  • 大多数目标至少要跑通胀如果这点做不到你最好立马花掉

    For most people the aim is to earn a return that is at least higher than inflation. If you can't achieve that, you may as well spend your money straight away.


  • 议会中,PAS已然处于支配地位,下区区递补选举,可谓小菜一碟(更确切地说,如果PAS承认有这么一“菜”,小菜一碟——但是他们承认)。

    A tiny by-election for the state assembly PAS already dominates is ordinarily small beer (or would be, if PAS allowed such a beverage, which it does not).


  • 第三如果知道一旦灾难发生可能还款情况下,还会一时间借给赌的其中一个,可你输掉了全部赌注

    Third, why would anyone loan you this money in the first place, knowing that you have no chance of paying it back if disaster strikes, one of your teams wins, and you lose your entire stake?


  • 例如如果对手出了石头两次,你下一个出的应该剪刀——好的情形下,如果他出步,你会最坏的情形可能是他出剪刀,成平手。

    If, for example, your opponent threw rock twice in a row, your next play should be scissors - at best it wins if he plays paper, at worst it ties if he plays scissors.


  • 然而不管她们令人安慰一点如果一个保姆散布恐怖谎言,可以起诉她,有点运气的话,你还

    Yet whatever they are, there is one comforting thing about them. If a nanny spreads false terribles you can Sue and, with any luck, win.


  • 托尼,我我会下比赛如果输了是因为费德勒更好而非我打得不好。

    I said to Toni, 'I think I'm going to win and if I lose it will be because Roger plays well - not because of me.


  • 如果我们愿意回顾一下历史的话明显不过了,阿富汗没有任何我们可以东西,却失去我们所拥有的一切。

    If we would just look to history it would be self-evident that there is nothing left to win in Afghanistan, and everything to lose.


  • 排名第四纽卡斯尔如果下这场比赛,他们曼联差将缩小至分,爵爷更加提防第五的状态不佳的切尔西

    Fourth-placed Newcastle could move within a point of United if they win today, but it is out-of-form Chelsea, in fifth, who Ferguson has his eye on.


  • 如果他们提供更好服务顾客那么他们可能得到更多生意而这反过来我们创造了更多生意——多

    If they can provide a better service to their customers, then they're likely to get more business, which in turn creates more business for us -everyone wins.


  • 如果成本问题,那么孟加拉国作为这一地区劳动力廉价地方想要不费吹灰之力

    If it were only a matter of cost, the Bangladeshis, who are the least expensive in the region, would win the contest hands down.


  • 如果做到了PDP或许会要求干一轮,因为其他领导们从来都没有参加过知道是否选举

    If he manages, the PDP might even ask him to stand for another term, since other leaders have never contested an election they were not sure to win.


  • 如果选举,共和党已经明确指明道路推出欢迎的人作为候选人,你就会

    If you wanna win, the Republicans have certainly shown the way: that when you run someone who is popular, you win.


  • 如果选举,共和党已经明确指明道路推出欢迎的人作为候选人,你就会

    If you wanna win, the Republicans have certainly shown the way: that when you run someone who is popular, you win.


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