• 如果视觉分散的或者左右环视房间倾听者(貌似应该演讲者,估计原文有误)就觉得不被赞同或者注意力不在他这里

    If you are visually distracted and darting your eyes around the room, the listener is likely to feel unsupported and will feel your attention is somewhere else.


  • 电视关掉如果电视开着,即使是不看分散孩子注意力

    If the TV is turned on - even if it's just in the background - it's likely to draw your child's attention.


  • 类似的,如果得到表扬我会提醒自己仅仅是个观点,我不会因此分散注意力更大目标

    Similarly, if I get a piece of praise, I’ll remind myself that this is just one view, and not to let it distract me from the bigger goal.


  • 如若大多数一样,清单中包含的项目远远超过这天可以完成的,特别是如果结束前你受到了打扰分散注意力

    But if you're like most people, your list may well contain more tasks than you can get done during the day - especially if you end up getting interrupted (or distracted).


  • 科学家们认为如果大脑忙于关注一项任务中的多个方面那么不得不分散注意力,这样不太会注意时间流逝

    It is thought that if the brain is busy focusing on many aspects of a task, then it has to spread its resources thinly, and pays less heed to time passing.


  • 如果属于在担任重要任务从不拖拉、从不分散注意力从不感到疲惫的那类,那篇文章并不针对你。

    For those of you who never procrastinate, distract yourself or drag your feet when you should be doing something important, this article isn't for you.


  • 如果不是很饿其他事分散自己注意力或者通过远离食物抵制食物诱惑

    If you're not hungry, distracting yourself with something else or distancing yourself from the food could help you to avoid the temptation of eating.


  • 如果觉得快要结巴了,试着分散注意力,清嗓门或是其他。 所有你要做的只是缓一下,放慢速度,镇定镇定,一步一步地展开,然后慢慢地按照的意愿加快速度。

    Take a little deep breath and say it by step by step, if you think you're going to stutter then make a distraction instead such as clearing your throat.


  • 如果有其他特别重要事情分散注意力,向会议推动者发送一条即时消息告诉他们你需要暂时分散注意力,说明这样原因他们知道什么时候你可以重新回到会议中。

    If something of critical importance does call your attention away, send the facilitator an im so they know your attention is elsewhere, why it is, and let them know when the distraction is gone.


  • Reich确认说“如果我们来做的话,我们得到更多收入。”但是他们并不规范的合作资金管理分散注意力

    Reich acknowledges that "we would certainly get more revenues if we did it ourselves," but does not want to be distracted by regulatory compliance and managing large pools of money.


  • 如果发现自己注意力有些分散提醒自己现在任务是要…”。

    (" I'll just check my emails... ") If you find your attention slipping, remind yourself "I'm working on X right now."


  • 如果文件较多,易于分散注意力或者PackageExplorer在过于杂乱,那么可以添加一个视图过滤器隐藏这些文件。

    If the library files become distracting or overwhelming in the Package Explorer, you can add a view filter that causes the files to not be displayed.


  • 问题如果这个醒目封面不好的话可能适得其反分散人们注意力有时还会喧宾夺主。

    The problem I have with a bold cover is if not done right, it can come off as looking desperate for attention, and in some cases competes with the content inside.


  • 如果理解其他人确切所说,你必须没有任何偏见地,别不相干的东西分散注意力

    If you wish to understand what another is saying surely you must listen without any bias, without being distracted by irrelevancies.


  • 第二如果干涩幽默成为分散注意力的东西,接受我的道歉

    Second of all, please accept my apologies if my dry sense of humor ever becomes a distraction from the material.


  • 如果专注建立商务诚信的话那么一些技术便分散注意力了。

    If you are dedicated at building your business affairs the word of sincere letter, so a few technologies can disperse your attention.


  • 如果学习之前已经解决了生理上需求可能会离开座位分散学习的注意力了。

    If you anticipate your physical needs before you start studying, you'll be less likely to need to get out of your seat and lose the focus you worked hard to gain.


  • 如果乐高电影一起来奥斯卡现在时候分散他们注意力了。

    If you're at the awards party with the guys who made the Lego Movie, now would be a good time to distract them.


  • 如果过分崇尚外表这会分散工作学习上的注意力,而后两者才是获得信心根本的源泉

    What's more, if you pay too much attentiono your personal appearance, it will result in distraction in your work or study which is the basic resource for you to gain confidence.


  • 如果某事分散注意力,你将无法集中你的注意力正在做的事情

    If something distracts you or your attention, it makes you stop concentrating on what you are doing.


  • 如果电影分散注意力,也许光听到电影名字会让我感到痛苦。

    If I watch a movie to distract myself, I may be hit with an unpleasant twinge just hearing the name of that movie.


  • 如果是个一样注意力容易分散的人,你可能觉得这样你想象中还要

    If you're a scatterbrain like me, you'll probably find this harder than you think.


  • 有时候我们别无选择因为公司坚持让我们使用这些东西但是如果标识了,分散信息注意力

    Sometimes we have no choice about this, because our companies insist we include these things, but if they are too big, they draw the eye away from the message.


  • 如果我们杂耍表演狂欢节拉客者分散注意力,我们无法解决我们问题,”巴马周三表示

    "We are not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," Mr Obama said on Wednesday.


  • 如果担心会让父母失望将会过于紧张分散注意力身体状态紧绷以期得好

    If you're worried about disappointing your parents, then you'll be too nervous, distracted and physically tight to swim well.


  • 如果学生注意力分散,或者参与度不高,就会限制他们成长

    Without the students' attention—without their engagement—their growth is stunted.


  • 如果学生注意力分散,或者参与度不高,就会限制他们成长

    Without the students' attention—without their engagement—their growth is stunted.


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