• 走了以后,人们非常思念的。

    She will be greatly missed when she leaves.


  • 走了进去但是人影也没有,四周一片寂静

    She stepped inside, but not a soul was to be seen, and a great silence reigned throughout.


  • 叫花子带着不久他们来到片大森林

    The fiddler went his way, and took her with him, and they soon came to a great wood.


  • 一整天直到来到森林深处,最黑暗地方

    She walked the whole day until she came to the deepest, darkest part of the forest.


  • 树林乌鸦——它已经结婚了——陪着开始三里路。

    The Raven of the woods, who was now married, accompanied her for the first three miles.


  • 出去,很快就拿了三个枕头回来,把它们基斯身旁

    She walked out and quickly came back with three pillows, and stacked them on Keith's side.


  • 我们尝尝吧,”妻子建议说尽管觉得有点傻乎乎的,但还是走了进去

    Let's try it. "my wife suggested." Although I felt a little foolish carrying the saw, I followed her inside.


  • 一直抱着膀站在浴室外面这时走了出来,见到,熟练地亲吻了他,然后就又去参加聚会去了。

    He had been standing with his arms folded outside the bathroom when she came out, saw him, kissed him expertly, then rejoined the party.


  • 走了,而目瞪口呆地坐着,处于一种无可言说的惊诧之中……过了会儿,他服务员过来买单

    He sat there, thunder-struck, astoundedbeyond words. . . . And then he asked the waitress for his bill.


  • 整整一夜第二又一刻不停一整天,直到得筋疲力尽,再也不动一步了,停下了脚步

    She walked the whole night long without stopping, and the next day as well, until she was too tired to walk any further. Then she saw a hunter's hut and went inside.


  • 本周一北卡罗来纳州大学夏洛特分校竞选活动中,奥巴马几万支持者说:“走了。”当时的天空飘着细雨,喧闹的人群立刻安静下来

    "She's gone home," Obama said on Monday as tens of thousands of rowdy supporters at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte grew silent in an evening drizzle.


  • 走了——临出门时,晚安”——自己取出牙膏牙刷牙刷伸到水龙头下面时,注意到在我旁边的洗脸池里,有稀稀拉拉、又粗又短的黑毛儿。

    When she was gone-on the way out, she said, "g 'nighty" -i pulled my toothbrush and toothpaste from my own bucket.


  • 迪雅临的时候,答应常常母亲写信来,详详细细地告诉一路上的情形,可是走了以后,家里老是等了好久才接到一封信每封信又往往只是寥寥数行。

    When Lydia went away, she promised to write very often and very minutely to her mother and Kitty; but her letters were always long expected, and always very short.


  • 继续几步。

    She walked on a few steps.


  • 轻松地摘金牌

    She walked away with the gold medal.


  • 心情沉重地看着

    She watched him go with a sinking heart.


  • 走了,”唐突地

    "I'm leaving," she said curtly.


  • 胆打开走了进去。

    Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in.


  • 转身出去

    She pivoted around and walked out.


  • 就这样又嚷又叫一个小时后出来

    So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears.


  • 喉咙发干,那么多路后筋疲力尽了。

    Her throat was parched, and she was exhausted from all the walking.


  • 零零碎碎东西了一只包里走了

    She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.


  • 孩子们走了一家邻居转到另一家,最终来到一个朋友家地下室

    She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's basement.


  • 随意挥手就把打发走了

    He dismissed her with an airy wave.


  • 艾玛从马上下来,走了

    Emma dismounted and took her horse's bridle.


  • 发觉他们已经走了

    She discovered that they'd escaped.


  • 看上去被夺走了猎物狮子

    She looked like a lion baulked of its prey.


  • 告知加入俱乐部时,顺从地走了方面天赋而且无论如何,知道自己会成为朋友们中的一

    When she was told to join the club, she went obediently, having a natural talent in that direction and, in any case, knowing that she would be among friends.


  • 一甩

    She tossed her head and passed on.


  • 一甩

    She tossed her head and passed on.


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