• 学术界关于占有分类很多笔者主要介绍分类

    The classification of academia on a lot of possession, the author introduces the three major classifications.


  • 亚洲黑熊分布在伊朗日本以及东南亚整个亚洲地区,是世界熊类之一

    Asian black bears are dispersed from Iran to Japan to the whole Southeast Asia, ranking one of eight species of bears around the world.


  • 主要茶分别绿茶红茶乌龙茶茶都是出自植物

    The three main categories are green, black, and oolong. All three kinds are made from the same plant species.


  • RNPA1000杀死了所有美国其他地方医院里称为巨灾难12耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的。

    RNPA1000 killed cells from all 12 major strains of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), a major scourge of hospitals in the United States and elsewhere.


  • 现代自行车原型称作penny-farthing前轮后轮小自行车)。

    The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny-farthing.


  • 这些案例中,“智人,“”和“属”是一个属名。

    In these cases, the "constrictor" and "sapiens" are the species names, and "boa" and "homo" are the genus names.


  • 晚餐通常以下食品其中紫菜沙拉葵花籽生菜卷、土豆片鳄梨色拉或者南瓜派。

    For dinner, I usually eat one of the following: nori rolls, a big salad, sunflower seed pate, lettuce wraps, guacamole with raw chips, or zucchini pasta.


  • 咖啡世界饮品之一,另外两可可全世界超过16亿饮用咖啡。

    Coffee is one of the three major beverages in the world, along with cocoa and tea. More than 1.6 billion people consume it worldwide.


  • 一些银行比如富国银行,现在提供服务,磁条转换成芯片和个人识别码模式

    Some big banks, like Wells Fargo, are now offering to convert your magstripe card to a chip-and-PIN model.


  • 平板玻璃需求量非常世界各地的玻璃制造商寻找连续生产方法

    Demand for flat glass was very high and glassmakers across the world were looking for a method of making it continuously.


  • 观点认为,现代人类不可避免地会播下全球浅滩式灾难

    There is a view that modern humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster.


  • 主题“我爱你”的电脑病毒美国引起了混乱亚洲欧洲政府商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏

    A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.


  • 数字具体物品属性联系起来,形成真正的一障碍

    Associating a number as one of the qualities of a specific object is a great hindrance to the development of a true number sense.


  • 社区居民不像小社区的居民那样更有可能表现压力疏远心理症状,也就是缺乏归宿感的感觉

    Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation, a feeling of not belonging, than are residents of smaller communities.


  • 无论是电影院还是剧场通常都有人决定这个地方当作自己!在电影院被普遍接受行为方式,但有些似乎并不理解

    Whether at a cinema or a huge theatre, someone usually decides to treat the place like their own home! There is an accepted way of behaving at the cinema which some people don't seem to understand.


  • 热带岛屿几内亚900多语言家园,而比它面积20俄罗斯105土著语言。

    The tropical island of new guinea is home to over nine hundred languages, Russia, twenty times larger, has 105 indigenous languages.


  • 去,他每天都在一片田地里勤奋地庄稼。

    He grew crops (庄稼) in a big field very hard every day.


  • 克和我讨论过在院子里的某个地方建一个能蔬菜的花园,但我们对园子该建在哪意见不一。

    Mike and I talked about making a large vegetable garden somewhere in our yard, but we couldn't agree on where.


  • 精通一百本领,而且还有口袋计谋

    I am master of a hundred arts, and have into the bargain a sackful of cunning.


  • 写作《A&P心理状态》一文学生明智地删掉了讨论萨米女性是否男子主义倾向的文字。

    The student who wrote "The A&P as a State of Mind" wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women.


  • 现在动议——当然受到游说活动的鼓动——提供赦免,在一赦免公司可以资金几乎不交纳任何

    Now there's a move afoot - driven, of course, by a major lobbying campaign - to offer an amnesty under which companies could move funds back while paying hardly any taxes.


  • 然而系统需要复杂/多点的软硬件产品开发时纯粹软件方法一般扩展

    However, when a system entails a combination of large, complex, and/or multisite hardware/software product developments, pure software methodologies don't generally scale well.


  • 图片靠近中心部分白色光源密度急速旋转中子星或是脉冲星--核心坍缩超新星爆炸的残留物。

    The white source near the center of the image is a dense, rapidly rotating neutron star, or pulsar, all that remains of a core-collapse supernova explosion.


  • 现在这么多人都有着容量冰箱,观念就是我们它们塞满

    So many people these days have these massive refrigerators, and there is this sense that we need to keep them well stocked.


  • 密度自然元素——其密度的两倍——这灰色的金属需要硬度稳定性应用领域放异彩

    Osmium (Os) : The densest of natural elements-twice as dense as lead-this blue-grey metal finds a home in applications where hardness and durability are essential.


  • 最后我们点了一道类似饭后甜点的“”--一糯米,制作过程厨师抛扔糯米团时会发出类似炮弹的声音。

    We finish it off with a dessert-like item named 'three big bombs' -- balls of glutinous rice flour the chef bounces off a table fitted with bells.


  • 出现情况年纪的,富有女人的“食”可能还无法完全理解其中风险的,非常年轻受影响的女孩

    We will have a situation where older, richer women are preying on very young and impressionable girls who may not fully appreciate the risks involved.


  • 证据足以告诉人们美国面临唯一创意危机源于财富尴尬

    The evidence overwhelmingly suggests the only measurable "creativity crisis" America faces is an embarrassment of riches.


  • 证据足以告诉人们美国面临唯一创意危机源于财富尴尬

    The evidence overwhelmingly suggests the only measurable "creativity crisis" America faces is an embarrassment of riches.


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