• 一种主题“我爱你”的电脑病毒美国引起了混乱亚洲欧洲政府商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏

    A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.


  • 导致几乎是外汇市场空前混乱

    This caused an almost unprecedented turbulence in the foreign exchange markets.


  • 混乱计划各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪

    Teams of Project Mayhem guys render fat all day.


  • 混乱行动第二条规矩千万任何问题。

    Everyone wanted to ask if it was loaded, but the second rule of Project Mayhem is you don't ask questions.


  • 猴子了出来,动物园造成大混乱

    The escape of the monkeys from their cage created mayhem in the zoo.


  • 现在可以想象混乱计划指挥部汇报行踪

    Right now, I can imagine him calling some Project Mayhem headquarters and reporting my whereabouts.


  • 混乱行动”迫使人类文明休眠好让地球有足够时间恢复

    Project Mayhem will force humanity to go dormant or into remission long enough for the Earth to recover.


  • 西班牙滑入2001年所有阿根廷大混乱早期危机

    Spain is sliding into a crisis that looks all too like the early stages of Argentina's debacle in 2001.


  • 混乱现局之下,只有积极口号积极的态度才能领导群众

    In the present chaotic situation we can lead the masses only by positive slogans and a positive attitude.


  • 泰勒创立混乱行动”时候大混乱行动”的目标别人无关

    When Tyler invented Project Mayhem, Tyler said the goal of Project Mayhem had nothing to do with other people.


  • 经过编辑们修剪之后,难怪詹斯金会迎接流感大混乱”。

    But after some editorial lopping it's no wonder Jenkins concludes that swine flu was greeted with "pandemonium".


  • 多年这些动物引起大混乱它们爬城市地铁列车上甚至议会游荡

    For years the animals have caused havoc, riding on the city's metro trains and even roaming through parliament.


  • 他们不乐于污染人类世界,一心只想着回到混乱暴烈的手段夺取阶天堂

    They were unhappy with the plot to corrupt the mortal realm, wishing to return to The Great Conflict with their fierce strategy to overtake the High Heavens.


  • 泰勒一定知道答案。混乱计划第一条规矩就是不要有关大混乱计划的任何问题

    Tyler would know, but the first rule about Project Mayhem is you don't ask questions about Project Mayhem.


  • 受伤被捕太多了,如果被捕,那你就混乱计划除名了,再也没有家庭作业可做。

    And it was better to get hurt than get arrested, because if you were arrested, you were off Project Mayhem, no more homework assignments.


  • 戴维·卡梅伦信心带领英国保守党取得胜利,美国上次选举一样一场混乱准备英国延续

    David Cameron is confident he can take Britain's Tories to victory. But as with America's last election, a big mess is waiting to be inherited.


  • 不过陈先生编目工作主要目的不是寻求归还文物而是精确地确定混乱拿走什么

    However Mr Chen said that the primary intention of the cataloguing exercise was not to seek return of the relics, but to establish exactly what had been taken during the chaos.


  • 学员必须鞋子永远随身携带这样如果发生不测,不会混乱行动”产生负担。

    This money must always be carried in the student's shoe so if the student is ever killed, his death will not be a burden on Project Mayhem.


  • 等待意识活跃于20世纪中前期混乱人类主体意识使命感异常强烈和自觉体现。

    What does waiting mean?Why to wait ?The consciousness of waiting is the mirror of mightiness of human self-consciousness and responsibility in the chaos of 20th century's fore and middle periods.


  • 每套服装,扮相,后台整齐模特照片安放在一起制作套时装秀大混乱少有井井有条。

    Each outfit, or look, is neatly organized backstage along with the models' photographs - a modicum of order in the chaos that goes into producing a fashion show.


  • 能够忘记去年年初那场混乱呢?突然猛增订单导致重建西部市场库存集装箱全部用完。

    Who can forget the complete mess early last year when inventory rebuilding in the big western markets saw a sudden surge of orders even as container equipment vanished.


  • 轮流回复世界平衡而且脱帽致敬黑暗秘密一个任务上的年轻英雄角色-大混乱

    You take the role of a young hero on a mission to restore balance to the world and uncover the secrets of the Dark Light - the root of chaos.


  • 闪电崩盘报告从事高频交易的交易公司做了一些澄清由于那天发生大混乱这些公司受到了广泛指责

    The flash-crash report provides some vindication for high-frequency trading firms, which had been widely blamed for the mayhem that day.


  • 就如同搏击俱乐部办公室文员快递小弟所作,“混乱行动”摧毁人类文明这样我们才能拥有更好的明天。

    Like fight club does with clerks and box boys, Project Mayhem will break up civilization so we can, make something better out of the world.


  • 而且实际上我们相信这种援助之有助于稳定全球经济金融防止出现混乱……认为当务之急要通力合作。

    And actually we believe such a helping hand will help stabilize the entire global economy and finance and prevent major chaos from occurring... I believe now that cooperation is everything.


  • 时间开端以来,阶天堂天使燃烧地狱恶魔为了统治一切存在而陷入了无尽的战争,这场战争称为混乱

    Since the beginning of time, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have endlessly warred for dominion over all existence in what is referred to as the Great Conflict.


  • 大混乱行动例会早就换到地下室召开了。越来越多的人搏击俱乐部毕业,加入纵火小组、突击小组、恶作剧小组、假消息小组之类。

    The meetings for Project Mayhem have moved to bigger basements because each committee-Arson, Assault, Mischief, and Misinformation-gets bigger as more guys graduate out of fight club.


  • 大混乱行动例会早就换到地下室召开了。越来越多的人搏击俱乐部毕业,加入纵火小组、突击小组、恶作剧小组、假消息小组之类。

    The meetings for Project Mayhem have moved to bigger basements because each committee-Arson, Assault, Mischief, and Misinformation-gets bigger as more guys graduate out of fight club.


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