• 目的评估椎体整块切除动脉损伤神经功能

    Objective. To assess neurologic function after interruption of the artery of Adamkiewicz in TES.


  • 圣絮尔皮斯修道院塔楼单簧管,而且式样平淡无奇

    The towers of Saint-Sulpice are two huge clarinets, and the form is as good as any other;


  • 结构性树木经历了相当次生加厚提供机械支持木本植物

    Structural roots: large roots that have undergone considerable secondary thickening and provide mechanical support to woody plants and trees.


  • 植物学形态也是最好品质佳,其次大根,成熟期三月萝卜日本甜脆都为晚熟品种。

    The morphology of snow jade big root is the best of them, but the sweet of Japan should be listed in the first place in taste and quality, followed by the first big green root.


  • 怎么能把一块铁变成一针呢?

    How can you make a large piece of iron into a needle?


  • 认为很难在这么的田地里找到一骨头。

    He thought it was difficult for him to find one bone in such a big field.


  • 最后带着穿过脑袋钢管参加了一个全国巡演的马戏团表演。

    He ended up on a circus sideshow traveling through the country with the big steel pipe that went through his head.


  • 就在那儿,距离淋浴最远角落,有只八浑身颤抖的小猪脖子鲜红的丝带。

    There, huddled in the farthest corner of the shower, quivered an eight-week - old piglet with a bright red ribbon tied around his neck.


  • 但是俄罗斯军事分析家帕韦尔·费尔豪尔警告说,乌克兰可能成为所说克里姆林宫部分恢复俄罗斯这样个宏计划一个目标

    But Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer cautions that Ukraine could be Russia's next target as part of what he says is a grand Kremlin plan for the partial restoration of Russian greatness.


  • 理论经理人需要线,来串起一颗一颗珍珠乔布斯自己就是珍珠。

    My theory is that a manager needs to be the string on which he puts one pearl after another. But Jobs himself is a big pearl.


  • 1959年,海姆博物馆开张的那会儿,第五可以双向通车

    In 1959, when the Guggenheim Museum opened, traffic on Fifth Avenue moved in both directions.


  • 之后他们来到处海岸那里不下于六十五只尾巴红色鹦鹉,它们排成一行,栏杆上,全都得很香。

    After this they came to a shore where there were no less than sixty-five great red parrots with blue tails, sitting on a rail all of a row, and all fast asleep.


  • 第二睡醒时候,发现了我那浪漫史的故事就放在浴室旁奶奶手里拿着厕所刷子

    Next morning I wake up to seeing a stack of my paperback romances by the bathroom, and a toilet plunger in Grandma's hand.


  • 主编单独合着吃含尼古丁润喉糖片都不能帮助焦虑症病史病人戒烟意外

    Lead author Megan Piper says it surprised her that the nicotine lozenge and patch - alone or in combination - failed to help patients with an anxiety history to quit smoking.


  • 他们回家后,为了奖励狗儿黛安娜掀开盖子取了骨头

    When they returned home, to reward the dog, Diana lifted the lid of the lot and took out a big bone for him.


  • 简化系统方法之一就是省略了通常内核文件系统使用容量闪存这个机顶盒通过网络引导。

    One way that this system was streamlined was by omitting the large flash storage that would typically be used for a kernel and root file system; instead, the box boots over the network.


  • 那个也就意味着非常眼睛里进行注射而且忍受整个视网膜修复过程带来的精神和身体上带来的痛苦

    But that would mean injecting my eyeball with a very large needle and then enduring several agonizing hours of surgery while my retina was being repaired.


  • 这么巨无霸机器其设计目的是用于探测极其微小的粒子,这些粒子是如此之小,以致于将数以万亿的它们集合也没有一头发那么

    It's a mammoth machine, designed for the delightful purpose of detecting particles so tiny you can fit hundreds of billions of them into a beam narrower than a human hair.


  • 加拿第四名车队而言相当鼓励但是·海姆出现一个转折点,而那场比赛在赛车出现机械故障一直都非常有竞争力

    Finishing fourth in Canada was a big boost for me and the team but the turning point was Hockenheim, where I was really competitive in the race until the mechanical problem.


  • 对于老鼠——确切地说是像老鼠那么的人,合适不过的武器了。

    A needle, she thought, was a most suitable weapon for a mousemouse-sized, in fact.


  • 重新建立自信的一因素,同时责任心踏实也让放心。

    Megan was a big part of boosting my confidence. And at the same time, I was somebody responsible and grounded for her to be around.


  • 消防队发言人史蒂夫鲁达上校,消防队员爬山,一胶合板几个帆布制造了一个简易潜水器。

    Firefighters fashioned a plunger with a heavy climbing rope, a large plywood disk and several canvas bags, fire spokesman Capt. Steve Ruda said.


  • 一个17英亩果园,里面满梨树苹果树,是1996年原有庭园档案复建的。

    It has an orchard of apples and pears within a 17-acre walled garden, which was restored in 1996 based on archives of the original gardens.


  • 虽然消息总线模式实现与供应商的关系,但其中仍有几个核心通用概念

    While implementations of the Message Bus pattern vary greatly depending on the vendor, there are several core concepts that are universal.


  • 为了了解更多这个团队观察了一岁老鼠们,他们发现老鼠背部走向腿部神经,也就是坐骨神经里的髓磷脂渐渐丢失

    To learn more, the group looked at 1-year-old mice and found that their sciatic nerve, the large nerve in the back that runs into the legs, had lost myelin.


  • 为了了解更多这个团队观察了一岁老鼠们,他们发现老鼠背部走向腿部神经,也就是坐骨神经里的髓磷脂渐渐丢失

    To learn more, the group looked at 1-year-old mice and found that their sciatic nerve, the large nerve in the back that runs into the legs, had lost myelin.


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