• 作为世界健康饮品之一足迹遍布了整个世界。

    Tea, as one of the world's three major health drinks, footprints all over the world.


  • 世界卫生组织预计2020年,抑郁症可能将成为心脏病以后的世界第二健康疾患

    Depression is expected to become the world's second biggest health problem after heart disease by 2020, according to the world health Organisation.


  • 人类跨入了2 1世纪健康理念研究提高现代人生命质量具有重要意义。

    Since human race has strided into the 21st century, for it is great significance to research into the enlarged health conception to improve life quality of modern people.


  • 另一个有趣的客户案例HealthCareservices公司全美第4健康计划公司。

    Another interesting customer story was health Care services corp, which is the 4th largest health plan in the us.


  • 中国北方尘沙天气中,颗粒物健康问题,导致北京本身就严重空气污染进一步恶化。

    Particulates are a big health concern in dusty northern China, and they add to the notoriously bad air pollution in Beijing itself.


  • 食品标准局在公布健康饮食贴士也认同早餐麦片开始一天的上选食物,也是日常健康饮食的重要组成部分

    The FSA agrees breakfast cereals are a good way to start the day and an important part of the diet, as per their eight healthy eating tips.


  • 一个吸烟的人因为二手而得癌症烟瘾的人即使吸烟幸运地保持健康

    This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke, while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in good health.


  • 研究人员承认锻炼水平睡眠习惯饮食健康行为产生影响考虑进去后,这项研究发现这种关联没有那么

    The researchers conceded that the link found in the new study was not as strong when they factored in the effects of certain health behaviors, including exercise levels, sleep habits and diet.


  • 2019年全球饥饿指数中,该国在117个国家中排名第102位。《全国家庭健康调查》数据表明623个月婴儿仅有10%得到了充分的喂养

    In the Global Hunger Index 2019, the country ranks 102nd out of 117. Data from the National Family Health Survey indicate that only 10 percent of infants of 6 to 23 months are adequately fed.


  • 没有苹果、一个橘子、一西瓜哈密瓜、或一番茄更简单健康的“强化”一餐的方法了。

    There is no easier, healthier way to "beef up" a meal than with an apple, an orange, a big helping of watermelon or cantaloupe, or a sliced tomato.


  • 界卫生组织表示,自我意识是帮助年轻人过上更快乐、更健康生活的十重要生活技能之一。

    The World Health Organization says self-awareness is one of ten important life skills that help young people live happier, healthier lives.


  • 如果我们当中注重健康一整年睡眠水平这么波动,那么我们其他人会损失多少睡眠呢?

    If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing?


  • 如果我们能够这些孩子还只有3、4岁时候就接触他们他们在往后一生中保持良好心理健康几率就会很多。

    'If we can get to these kids at 3 and 4, they stand a much better chance of navigating through the rest of their lives' with good mental health, she says.


  • 原来饮酒即使是适量的饮酒,不会以前人们以为那样,对健康有那么好处

    It turns out that alcohol - even in moderation - might not offer as many health benefits as previously thought.


  • 但是如果减肥真的简单的话,肥胖不会成为美国第一生活方式相关的健康问题了。

    And yet if it really were easy, obesity would not be the nation's number-one lifestyle-related health concern.


  • 酗酒欧洲公共健康第三问题仅次于高血压

    Alcohol is the third biggest public health problem in Europe after tobacco and high blood pressure.


  • 改变生活方式-控制体重,健康饮食,体育锻炼可以控制以上因素,但是很多还是需要药物治疗

    Lifestyle changessuch as weight loss, a healthy diet, and physical activity—can affect all three risk factors, but many people will also need medications.


  • 数据表明那些服用多维生素片的妇女没有服用妇女健康至少疾病——癌症心脏病、中风——面前这样

    The data showed that multivitamin-takers are no healthier than those who don't pop the pills, at least when it comes to the big diseasescancer, heart disease, stroke.


  • 我们深信这些问题的一成因,缺少健康食物

    And we believe that these problems are directly related to lack of access to affordable healthy food.


  • 尽管体重超标影响健康因素并非关键

    While excess weight clearly is a risk factor for poor health, it doesn't appear to be the most important issue.


  • 专家们帮助下我们WebMD网站列举了以下10抗疾病食物作为改善健康一个良好开端

    With the help of the experts, WebMD came up with this list of 10 disease-fighting foods that can be a good start to improving health


  • 认为,其中部分原因一种健康信念就是美丽才华睿智本身已是奖赏,而且“做好工作”本身也是一种满足

    But a big part of this, I suggest, is the healthy belief that beauty, talent and intelligence should be their own reward that doing a good job should be satisfaction in itself.


  • 认为,其中部分原因一种健康信念就是美丽才华睿智本身已是奖赏,而且“做好工作”本身也是一种满足

    But a big part of this, I suggest, is the healthy belief that beauty, talent and intelligence should be their own reward that doing a good job should be satisfaction in itself.


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