• 行动小组任务分配给多个隶属小组以完成工作

    The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.


  • 热线接到1800多个电话

    The hotline has received more than 1,800 phone calls.


  • 伦敦似乎会丧失2000多个医院床位

    London seems to lose more than 2,000 hospital beds.


  • 学生这样学会了700多个单词

    In this way, his students learned more than seven hundred words.


  • 针灸师可能会人体800多个穴位

    Acupuncturists may say that the body has more than 800 acupuncture points.


  • 公司提供20多个免费收视频道

    The company provides more than 20 free-to-air channels.


  • 是哈萨克斯坦就有一百多个民族

    Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities.


  • 这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。

    These forests cover a broad span of latitudes.


  • 声称20多个亲生子女

    He claims to have fathered over 20 children.


  • 80多个政党竞争议会两院的席位

    More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament.


  • 西班牙多种传统多个民族合成体。

    Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.


  • 多个赛马训练场

    He owns a string of racing stables.


  • 过去年间他们抚育60多个儿童

    They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years.


  • 现已发现这种鸟栖息70多个不同地区

    The birds are found in over 70 different localities.


  • 我们了好小时

    We talked for hours and hours.


  • 这种型号允许检查十万多个不同单词的拼写。

    This model allows you to spell-check over 100,000 different words.


  • 贝德福德整个夏天举办欢快有趣艺术节

    New Bedford hosts a number of lively festivals throughout the summer months.


  • 仓库里有9万多个托盘存放着3千万个复活节彩蛋

    The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs.


  • 多个调查中例行外勤非正式方式来进行协助

    He assisted in unofficial ways with the routine legwork in various investigations.


  • 这本百科全书充满清晰插图还有二百五十多个食谱

    The encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.


  • 已经跟100多个买主投资者接洽过,不过人愿意接受。

    Over 100 buyers or investors were approached, but there were no takers.


  • 八十多个海滩可供挑选一定找到一个晒日光浴的地方

    With over 80 beaches to choose from, you are sure to find a place to lay your towel.


  • 每年高达一百万美金薪水另加担任多个董事职位的酬金

    He could earn up to a million dollars a year in salary and emoluments from many directorships.


  • 作家小时反复润色场景这儿短语那儿改个单词

    A writer spends many hours going over and over a scenechanging a phrase here, a word there.


  • 仪器能够同时处理多个任务,比如网游的同时又能通过即时通信聊天

    The device permits multitasking, letting you, for example, simultaneously surf the Web and chat via IM.


  • 我们写了三百多个信件地址了

    We finished addressing over three hundred envelopes.


  • 有2500多个字符。

    It had more than 2,500 characters.


  • 帮助了30多个国家的人们。

    He helps people in over 30 countries.


  • 在我们通常有一百多个节目可供选择。

    Today we usually have over a hundred programs to choose from.


  • 在我们通常有一百多个节目可供选择。

    Today we usually have over a hundred programs to choose from.


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