• 这座庙被漆得堂堂

    The temple is brightly painted.


  • 屋子点着蜡烛堂堂

    The house was alight with candles.


  • 推开房门,首先感觉到堂堂房子神清气爽

    Push a door, the house that what feel above all is brilliant makes person mind clear enrage bright.


  • 那些美国人来了,都是剽悍结实相貌堂堂鲸老手。

    The americans appeared, rough, rugged, good-looking veterans of the whaling grounds.


  • 想想一些老师认为祸害家伙,现在成了堂堂喜剧演员。

    Think of the class clown who was the bane of many teachers but is now a successful stand-up comedian.


  • 高高的个字,长相英俊,容貌端庄即便到了晚年,也保持着仪表堂堂风度。

    Tall, handsome and dignified, he cut an imposing figure, even in his declining years.


  • 便利店遍布每个角落要么是不起眼的夫妻杂货店,要么是堂堂连锁便利店

    Small convenience stores sit practically on every corner, either hole-in-the-wall mom-and-pop shops, or the bright, boxy chain store variety.


  • 仪表堂堂的普罗·科索夫先生接受了国家电视台的采访梅德韦杰夫先生作为观众(图片)。

    The imposing Mr Prokhorov received airtime on state television and an audience with Mr Medvedev (see picture).


  • 以前也在剑桥大学现在,他是个堂堂的陆军中尉,穿上了军服可以目空一切了。

    He had previously spent two years at cambridge. now he had become a first lieutenant in a smart regiment so he could mock at everything more becomingly in uniform.


  • 以前剑桥大学待过现在,他是个堂堂陆军中尉,穿上了军服,可以目空一切了。

    He had previously spent two years at Cambridge. Now he had become a first lieutenant in a smart regiment, so he could mock at everything more becomingly in uniform.


  • 网络世界一个堂堂地方商场报亭那种可以看到别人,别人可以看到你的地方。

    The online world will feel like a well-lighted place with shops, newsstands, and the like, where you can see other people and they can see you.


  • 为什么这部擦的堂堂的,手感光滑,看起来酷酷的手机要另外一部紧挨着的同样也如此外观的手机要好呢?

    Why is one shiny, sleek, cool-looking handset any better than the shiny, sleek, cool-looking one next to it?


  • 这时已是将近六旬一表人才高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又,略带花白,恰好衬出堂堂的仪表

    He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good features and thick dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.


  • 这时已是将近六旬一表人才高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又,略带花白,恰好衬托出堂堂的仪表

    He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good feathers and thick dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.


  • 来到学校,只见亮堂堂教学楼前庆祝“六一”儿童节巨大横幅,横幅下面我们展示才艺广阔舞台

    Went to school teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.


  • 他们工作范围通常集中线或者三线城市,在这种城市一个外表堂堂外国人当地官员留下比较好的印象。

    Often they are jobs at a second - or third-tier city, where the presence of pale-faced foreigners is needed to impress local officials.


  • 来到学校,只见亮堂堂教学楼前庆祝u“六一”儿童节巨大横幅横幅下面我们展示才艺广阔舞台

    Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.


  • 中国公司雇佣相貌堂堂老外冒充雇员或者合伙人,一周末,一个礼拜,甚至于一两个都有,而且——待遇从优!

    For a day, a weekend, a week, up to even a month or two, Chinese companies are willing to pay high prices for fair-faced foreigners to join them as fake employees or business partners.


  • 如果接受生活就是为了活着那么你所的就是尽量地活着,堂堂正正他人公正,尽量好的方向想。

    If you're able to accept that life is for living, then all you do is live as well as you can, behave yourself, be fair to other people, and hope for the best.


  • 但是期望赌场堂堂一国的经济问题提供一个零成本的解决方案这个赌注就下大了

    But expecting them to provide a cost-free solution to the country's economic ills is asking too much.


  • 这里也使能够见识大家风范,学到做学问的方法可贵的是让你明白做学问的一步做人,做一个堂堂正正

    This is a place where you can master the research methods, and meet the real scholars. More importantly, you can comprehend here that the first step to study is to learn to be a man, a real man.


  • 人们可以书写传单反对占统治地位的共识廉价方式出版这些主流观点获得足够影响力足以堂堂一国之君甚至教皇拉下马

    People could write tracts to oppose the prevailing consensus, and with cheap printing those unorthodox ideas could gain enough influence to topple a king, or a pope.


  • 现在人们可以堂堂正正后者13.6%的失业率前者10%的失业率更加符合健康的劳动力市场

    Now one could rightfully say that the 13.6% unemployment rate in the latter case corresponds to a healthier Labour market than the 10% unemployment rate in the former case.


  • 现在人们可以堂堂正正后者13.6%的失业率前者10%的失业率更加符合健康的劳动力市场

    Now one could rightfully say that the 13.6% unemployment rate in the latter case corresponds to a healthier Labour market than the 10% unemployment rate in the former case.


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