• 尔·斯托依科夫,贝尔巴托夫一家俱乐部——比林队的队友

    Kiril Stoikov, a former team-mate at FC Pirin, Berbatov's first club.


  • 2005年6月25—诺尔曼玛丽尼·马哈玛拉卡来。帕塔本迪夫妇摆着姿势准备照相

    June 2, 2005 - Norman and Malini Mahamarakkalage Patabendi pose for photographs.


  • 随着开普勒复一发现越来越多的行星我们希望监测它们清楚出究竟颗行星是个特例,还是所有炽热的木星类行星非常?”

    "As Kepler discovers more and more planets by the day, we can hopefully scan through those and work out if this is unique or if all hot Jupiters are very dark," Kipping said.


  • 上图拍摄于2010年2月15,在西南部座城市卡尔巴拉的一次最初访问,一位伊拉克市民手举马利相片

    Above an Iraqi man holds up a picture of Maliki as the premier speaks during a visit to the southwest city of Karbala on Feb. 15 2010.


  • 上图拍摄于2010年2月15,在西南部座城市卡尔巴拉的一次最初访问,一位伊拉克市民手举马利相片

    Above, an Iraqi man holds up a picture of Maliki as the premier speaks during a visit to the southwest city of Karbala on Feb. 15, 2010.


  • 2010年1月15肯尼亚首都内罗毕贝拉贫民窟附近人们相片底片观察环食

    People use photographic film strips to observe an annular eclipse near the Kibera slums in Kenya's capital Nairobi, January 15, 2010.


  • 阿迪达斯总管赫伯特·海纳参与名为“有朝一握手言和”这个项目感到很自豪。这件事德国电影制片人杰瑞米·利一手策划

    Chief executive of Adidas Herbert Hainer said he was proud to be taking part in the project, entitled Peace One Day, which is the brainchild of the German film-maker Jeremy Gilley.


  • 2009年9月15肯尼亚的莱·皮亚高原一位马赛族人必须头牛才能结婚

    September 15, 2009-up on the Laikipia Plateau in Kenya, a Masai tribesman must have nine cattle before he can get married.


  • 2010年1月15肯尼亚首都内罗毕贝拉贫民窟附近一个男子相片底片观察环食。

    A man USES a photographic film strip to observe an annular eclipse near the Kibera slums in Kenya's capital Nairobi, January 15, 2010.


  • 第三,以色列人又上去攻击便雅人,比亚摆阵,与前两次一样

    They went up against the Benjamites on the third day and took up positions against Gibeah as they had done before.


  • 依据梅森尔的证言FBI取得了搜查证,1977年7月8突袭华盛顿洛杉矶的山达总部

    With Meisner's testimony, the FBI obtained search warrants and, on July 8, 1977, raided Scientology headquarters in Washington and Los Angeles.


  • 1994年4月6,埃里森·德·弗正待布法罗家中

    On April 6th 1994, Mrs Des Forges was at home in Buffalo.


  • 第三以色列人上去攻击便雅悯人比亚前,与前两一样。

    And the children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin on the third day, and put themselves in array against Gibeah, as at other times.


  • 拉班带领众弟兄去追赶列山上了。

    And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead.


  • 这是3月21内罗毕贫民窟拉贝区的一个小女孩水沟冲洗凉鞋上的泥土。

    Here a girl washes her muddied sandals along a dirty water canal in the Nairobi slum of Kibera on March 21.


  • 牧师们呼吁12月31举行全国罢工反对修改法律不论人们是出于对主义支持还是害怕他们,该法都得到了普遍遵守

    Clerics called a national strike on December 31st to oppose a change in the law; whether out of support for the fundamentalists, or out of fear, it was widely observed.


  • 2009年8月19国际教会官方发言人汤米·戴维斯收到来自电影导演编剧保罗·哈吉斯的一封信

    On August 19, 2009, Tommy Davis, the chief spokesperson for the Church of Scientology International, received a letter from the film director and screenwriter Paul Haggis.


  • 2007年2月4悉尼罗纳海滩麦加·拉·拉(Mecca Laa Laa首次冲浪救生巡逻中身着“布尼”泳衣。

    Mecca Laa Laa wears a 'Burqini' on her first surf lifesaving patrol at North Cronulla Beach in Sydney, Australia on February 4, 2007.


  • 5月6内政大臣·史密斯宣布今年秋天起,目前仅限于欧洲公民内实施的身份证计划曼彻斯特首先试行

    On May 6th Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, announced that from this autumn the scheme, which until now has applied only to certain non-European folk, would be tried out in Manchester.


  • 图19 2010年131印度北部哈里亚纳邦的Badshapur,当其他人着驴子走过街道时,斯坦部落女孩着相机表情动作。

    Pic.19 A Rajasthani nomad girl reacts to the camera as others walk along with their donkeys on a street at Badshapur In the northern Indian state of Haryana January 31, 2010. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)


  • 陆波良思(Lupolianski)先生,因创建出借医学设备的盛大慈善托拉斯国家誉为极端正统领导人,于4月14被捕。

    Mr Lupolianski, an ultra-Orthodox leader honoured by the state for creating a now-huge philanthropic trust that lends medical equipment, was arrested on April 14th.


  • 1512年111西斯教堂1512年穹顶米开朗所绘西斯廷穹顶画公众首次展示

    November 1, 1512, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, paint1512 - the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, is exhibited to the public for the first time.


  • 4月17以前赫尔新不想承担任何其它负担了。

    Helsinki does not want to take on any additional burden before April 17th.


  • 9月16·坎特弗兰克·格里尔力劝之下,我和希拉里出席了华盛顿记者们定期举行斯珀林早餐会回答媒体提问

    On September 16, at Mickey Kantor's and Frank Greer's urging, Hillary and I appeared at the Sperling Breakfast, a regular meeting of Washington journalists, to answer press questions.


  • 1944年4月16英国弗利赛马纽马,赛马“尼尔科”被牵出防弹掩体,它是有史以来售价最高的赛马。

    Nearco, the highest priced racehorse ever sold (? 65,000), has a bomb-proof shelter at this town near Newmarket, Cheveley, England on April 16, 1944.


  • 720发表演讲那天,拿了演讲稿杜卡斯的房间,让的手下过目。

    On the day of the speech, July 20, I brought a copy of my remarks to Mike’s suite and showed it to him and his people.


  • 9月19苏丹人阿布杜尔·哈米德·阿尔法沙特被以“巫术处以死刑。

    ON SEPTEMBER 19th Abdul Hamid al-Fakki, a Sudanese, was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of "sorcery".


  • 9月19苏丹人阿布杜尔·哈米德·阿尔法沙特被以“巫术处以死刑。

    ON SEPTEMBER 19th Abdul Hamid al-Fakki, a Sudanese, was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of "sorcery".


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