• 拾起地上顶帽子随手扣到了头上。

    She swept up a hat from where it had fallen on the ground, and plunked it on her hair.


  • 地上麦粒

    She swept up the grains of wheat that had spilled on the ground.


  • 小鸡地上谷子起来吃掉。

    The chickens will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground.


  • 吹笛子时弯下腰起放在身边地上什么东西

    He stooped to pick up something which had been lying on the ground beside him when he piped.


  • 突然一直地上彼得跳了起来,跟在山羊后面

    All of a sudden Peter, who had been lying on the ground, jumped up and bounded after the goats.


  • 特雷福喊道但是没有丝毫回应除了地上声巨响。

    Trevor shouted, but there was no answer but a thud on the ground.


  • 让··克雷夫科尔高度赞扬地上自由机会

    Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land.


  • 然后星期天下午厨房窗户往外看,看到我们 Quatchi 在看地上的什么东西

    Then, on Sunday afternoon, I looked out of the kitchen window to see our dog Quatchi watching something on the ground.


  • 穿着高跟鞋造成鞋跟人行道裂缝阴沟栅卡住以及摔倒地上危险,穿鞋的人有可能会摔断鼻子背部或脖子。

    Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the groundpossibly breaking a nose, back, or neck.


  • HectorSt.JeandeCrevecoeur 这些早期移民高度赞扬地上自由机会

    Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land.


  • 毛料上衣配真丝长裤差异非常有趣。

    A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.


  • 他们费力地爬上陡峭橄榄树丛梯上的石头

    They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove.


  • 玻利维亚政府批准了在2 200万公顷土上的伐木特许权

    The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares.


  • 上的落叶像一层厚厚的毯子。

    The fallen leaves are like a thick blanket on the ground.


  • 丽丝跟着小白兔,掉进了地上的一个洞里。

    Alice followed the white rabbit and fell down a hole in the ground.


  • 国人对这片新土地上的印第安人很感兴趣。

    People from England were interested in the Native Americans of this new land.


  • 们认为他们在地上的宫殿应该和天上的紫微宫一样。

    It was believed that their palace on Earth should be just like the ziweigong in the sky.


  • 们把雪分为四大类,如地上的雪、飘在空中的雪、积雪和雪堆。

    They divide snow into four main categories, such as snow lying on the ground, snow floating in the sky, snow piling up, and snow piles.


  • 克笑着递给弗兰克一把铲子,和他哥哥一起开始了他们在沙地上的超级创作。

    Handing Frank a shovel (铲子) with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.


  • 个球员把地上的吉利球放在一个小圆圈内,然后用丹达把它打到空中。

    One player puts the gilli on the ground inside a small circle and hits it into the air with the danda.


  • 下次考虑吃掉地上的食物时,很可能不会生病

    The next time you consider eating fallen food, the odds are in your favor that you can eat it without getting sick.


  • 话说,这些地上有机物分解进入土壤的速度周围森林中的更快

    In other words, organic matter gets broken down and added into the soil more quickly in these gaps than in the surrounding forest.


  • 一位科学家架小山丘陵地上的飞机上,通过无线电发送单词,“”。

    From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word, "Uranium".


  • 关于地上秒钟对于我们食物安全有何影响这个问题,科学告诉了我们什么呢?

    What does science tell us about what a few moments on the floor means for the safety of your food?


  • 此外,与种植英亩小麦相比,种植在同一块土地上土豆养活更多

    Plus, potatoes grown on the single acre of land could feed many more people than say, wheat grown on the same land.


  • 他们报告说,87%受访者要么吃掉地上食物,要么曾经吃过地上的食物。

    They also reported that 87% of people asked either would eat or had eaten food fallen on the floor.


  • 如果一种外来植物入侵地上动植物群落改变地上群落地下土壤群落之间联系

    If a nonnative plant species invades an above-ground community of flora and fauna, it can alter links between the native above-ground community and the below-ground soil community.


  • 考古发掘表明帕努伊人为了保护他们狂风肆虐贫瘠地上资源,付出了英勇努力

    Archaeological excavations indicate that the Rapanui went to heroic efforts to protect the resources of their wind-lashed, infertile fields.


  • 桃乐茜稻草人唱着我们要去巫师”的时候,可以看到上的聚光灯摄像机设备阴影

    Spotlights and shadows from camera equipment are visible on the grass as Dorothy and the Scarecrow dance off singing "We're off to see the Wizard".


  • 上海地基上的所以地下建造多层空间豆腐上挖一样。”政府报道

    "Shanghai's foundations are built on soft soil, so building multistoried spaces underground would be like digging holes in a piece of bean curd," the government report said.


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