• 这个居室雅致书房能够大家娱乐室相毗邻的小餐厅厨房的喧闹中提供一份静谧。

    The elegant study in this 4-bedroom home provides quiet privacy from the big family room and adjoining dinette and kitchen.


  • 大家知道皮诺乔所有朋友中,一个喜欢的。

    Now it must be known that, among all his friends, Pinocchio had one whom he loved most of all.


  • 首先大家的讲义上,是从原子半径开始的。

    And first, on your lecture notes, I start with atomic radius.


  • 吉姆大家帮助下萨莉最终得到了一些食物

    Jim: And with everyone's help. Sally finally gets some food.


  • 大家看来,离过男人自由的!

    In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.


  • 此时我们还可以听到栗子大家纸袋里爆开劈啪声。

    We heard the sounds of popping chestnuts in other people's bags.


  • 大家眼中,比赛很多地方都取得了巨大进步。

    Between them these have been great improvements in the game, from everyone's point of view.


  • 大家鼓励打气、欢呼喝采声中,各地选手不断刷新东亚运纪录传奇就是这样创造的!

    With your cheers of encouragement, athletes have set many EAG new records and the legend is made.


  • 所以接受对方的意见如果认为必要大家冷静下来,继续这个话题

    So, agree to disagree, and if you feel the need, come back to the issue at a another time when things may be less volatile.


  • 不要担心父母增加额外压力重要的是合适机会大家平心静气的时候交谈

    Don't worry about putting added stress on your parents, just try to pick a good time to talk when everyone is feeling calm.


  • 这样讨论已经大家——每日电讯读者——自己心目中史上投上一票进行了。

    Such are the debates that have raged while you - the Daily Telegraph readership - have cast your votes for the worst-looking cars of all time.


  • 藏好“猫”任务就是大家安全基地找到他们,所谓“安全基地”通常大树之类。

    Then he would try to find us before we dashed back to the safety of the "base" usually the trunk of a massive tree.


  • 大约10分钟以后两个妇女桌边——大家面前——将一张折叠的餐巾纸膝盖上

    About 10 minutes later, two women walked over to my tablein front of everyone — and dropped a folded napkin in my lap.


  • 打扫卫生:人们来来去去,又是晚餐又是聚会知道“我时间大家之前打扫房子。”

    Cleaning. With all the coming and going, dinners and parties I hear you thinking “I’ll never have time to clean the house before everyone gets here”.


  • 大家看来,乔博斯的完美主义,独断管理方式以及不按常理出牌,一起构成了苹果阶段成功核心理由。

    By all accounts, Mr. Jobs's perfectionism, autocratic managerial style and disregard for conventional wisdom are at the heart of Apple's remarkable streak of success.


  • 周五晚放映库布里克经典史诗科幻大片2001太空漫游时候,一个名叫“罗伯特”的男子在大家面前崩溃

    It was during a Friday-night screening of Kubrick's classic, mind-warping sci-fi epic 2001: a Space Odysseythat a man named "Robert" had a very public meltdown.


  • 大家都担心健康问题挫伤他的锐气的时候,他采取了一系列看似任性的,独断的,反直觉的却十分尖锐商业手段

    Despite fears that his health may have blunted his ambition, however, those moments seem to have sharpened a business method that often seems wilful, individualistic and counterintuitive.


  • 在大家屏息期待《哈利波特》时,美妙iPhone降价史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)身价上涨了至少2亿。

    As breathlessly awaited as Harry Potter, the deliciously beautiful iPhone dropped calls but still drove up Steve Jobs's net worth by $200 million.


  • 而且大家要求之前我们已经计划所有修改贡献Lucene一些代码已经写入Lucene最新的开发分支新的实时版本。

    And, before you ask, we're planning on contributing all these changes back to Lucene; some of which have already made it into Lucene's trunk and its new realtime branch.


  • 即使不爱早起,你也要知道推迟要做事情越推越糟何不预留一些时间让自己大家起床完全清醒或是好好独自品味一杯香浓的咖啡呢?

    Even if you are not a morning person, postponing the inevitable just makes it harder. Give yourself a few extra minutes to fully wake up or to enjoy a cup of coffee alone before everybody gets up.


  • 通常情况下大家等待新款发布时,老款的销售量会下降,这个油价,冲4(美元/加仑)逼5(美元/加仑)的夏天,这种情况不会发生

    Typically, sales trail off as consumers wait for the new model to launch, but that hasn't happened as gas prices continued to soar beyond $4 a gallon and threaten to reach $5 a gallon this summer.


  • 意识大家一直唱歌,感到很不好意思

    Much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.


  • 大家早上希望大家经历上周活动感觉还不错

    Good morning everyone, I hope you're all feeling OK after the activities of the last week.


  • 我们对此感到非常抱歉,相信大家发现海豹中心的正对面你们玩得开心

    We are very sorry about this but I'm sure you'll find the Seal Centre which is directly opposite it will keep you entertained.


  • 我们对此感到非常抱歉,相信大家发现海豹中心的正对面你们玩得开心

    We are very sorry about this but I'm sure you'll find the Seal Centre which is directly opposite it will keep you entertained.


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