• 教皇为星期六讲话体育场入口处发生踩踏事件丧生表示深深的悲痛。”

    The pontiff expressed his "deep sorrow" at the deaths of two people killed in a stampede at the entrance of a stadium where he spoke late Saturday.


  • 比罗曾经谈起指纹分析时,它”完全客观,绝无过错“;但现讲话就像艺术品鉴赏家,而不是科学家

    Whereas Biro had once spoken of the absolute objectivity and infallibility of fingerprint analysis, he now sounded more like a connoisseur than like a scientist.


  • 的研究中,两组人听一个人嘈杂的房间里讲话

    In his study two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.


  • 鲁迪·朱利安尼大会讲话提到过这个词,拉什。林保也提到过,同时,提到该词的还有一些保守派专栏作家

    Rudy Giuliani mentioned it in his convention speech. So has Rush Limbaugh, along with several national conservative columnists.


  • 我见那天起直到白宫飞回家乡葬礼上发表讲话,希勒里·琼斯一直牛顿的铁杆支持者。

    From the day I met him until the day I flew home from the White House to speak at his funeral, Hilary Jones was my man in Newton County.


  • 发表一个积极讲话敦促做出正确选择然后曼德拉要求们各派提出的协议上签字

    I would give a positive speech urging them to do the right thing, then Mandela would demand that the parties sign on to his proposal.


  • 儿子马尔回忆起在他父亲身边为工作的那些,都有一个首领讲话之前请求允许习惯,即要说,“吾可以讲话吗?”

    His son Omar recalls that the men who worked for his father had a habit of requesting permission before they spoke with their leader, saying, "Dear prince, may I speak?


  • 罗马教皇传统新年讲话呼吁世界天主教徒2010年和平包容

    Pope Benedict urged the world's Catholics to practice peace and tolerance during 2010 in his traditional New Year's message.


  • 这个年中一直躲避追捕;这里发现了的踪迹。视频滔滔不绝地讲话CIA线人在他脚边

    The man had eluded capture for eight years; yet here he was, holding forth on video, with a CIA informant seated at his feet.


  • 教皇避暑度假地甘多尔福堡发表上述讲话。 甘多尔福堡罗马以南山丘上

    The pope was speaking from his summer retreat in Castelgandolfo, in the hills south of Rome.


  • 房间一边摆放着一盘盘烤鸡三明治但是12:45施瓦茨开始讲话所有目光集中身上。

    Trays of grilled chicken and sandwiches were laid out on one side of the room, but all eyes were on Mr. Schwartz when he began speaking at about 12:45 p.m.


  • 没有那么小心了波斯新年讲话伊朗青年不会“为过去羁绊”。

    Now he is less cautious: in a message for the Persian new year he told Iran's young that they were not “bound by the chains of the past”.


  • 奥巴马讲话中说:“一年一度的圣诞佳节来临之际,这些士兵们的家人庆祝节日的同时,心里还默默挂念着们远在他乡、时时都危险的亲人。”这个讲话本周六早上播出

    "This holiday season, their families celebrate with a joy that is muted knowing that a loved one is absent, and sometimes in danger," Obama said in the message, set to air Saturday morning.


  • 电视讲话中,首相菅直人:“目前放射物质反应堆中放出的危险性仍然非常。”

    In his televised address, Prime Minister Kan said: "There is still a very high risk of more radiation coming out." he.


  • 那位高贵朋友讲话到,犹太人偏见。此话绝不怀疑

    My noble friend told us in his speech, and I believe him absolutely, that he has no prejudice against the Jews.


  • 尽管如此奥巴马语调行事方式可能讲话内容更加重要特别准备开展竞选之时。

    Ultimately, though, Obama's tone and manner may end up being more important than the content of his speeches, especially as he moves into campaign mode.


  • 汤姆自己房间内拒绝家里任何人讲话

    Tom has locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to any member of the family.


  • 陆宣说,刚开始很融入同学中但是讲话缺乏共同话题,就像一道隐形的墙挡之间

    Luxuan says at first he wanted to blend in with his peers. But lacking common topics of conversation, there seemed to be an invisible wall between them.


  • 科学家知道婴儿出生时候就这种能力区别所有的声调,但是这种能力一周岁开始讲话之前就开始衰退了。

    Scientists now know babies are born with the ability to distinguish all of them, but that ability starts weakening even before they start talking, by the first birthday.


  • 今天奥巴马白宫发表讲话纽敦市枪击案受害者父母在他身边

    Obama spoke today at the White House alongside parents of the Newtown victims.


  • 没有那么小心了波斯新年讲话伊朗青年不会“为过去羁绊”。

    Now he is less cautious: in a message for the Persian new year he told Iran's young that they were not "bound by the chains of the past".


  • 在他那无礼讲话后,紧跟着便是一阵令人难堪沉默

    His offensive remarks were followed by an embarrassed silence.


  • 马伦讲话中,呼吁用“恒心”建筑美中关系两边必须“以相互尊重姿态”共事并具全球地区眼光。

    Mullen, in his address, called for an "enduring effort" to build the U. S. -china relationship, saying the two sides must "work from a posture of mutual respect" and think "locally and globally."


  • 讲话讲话后,一天晚上

    And after hearing the speaker the other evening he said, I have come to see you.


  • 讲话讲话后,一天晚上

    And after hearing the speaker the other evening he said, I have come to see you.


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