• 当时先生并不知道圣洛朗先生文物所有者

    At the time, Niu did not know that Mr. Saint Laurent was the owner of the pieces.


  • 法国著名设计师夫·圣洛朗设计最新款式领导今年世界服装新潮流。

    The up-to-date styles designed by Yves Saint Laurent, the famous French designer, will Orient fashions of the world this year.


  • 多个装系列走秀,同年她因圣洛朗的服装担任主秀震惊许多人

    Fortunately, these distractions did not sway her: she roamed the runways for several fall collections and astounded so many that she headlined the Yves Saint Laurent show that same year.


  • 今年2月敏感性话题爆出。已故法国时装设计师伊夫•圣洛朗与其合伙人皮埃尔•伯奇逐步积累的藏品出售

    The sensitivity of the subject was shown up in February this year when the collection built up by the late Yves St Laurent, a French fashion designer, and his partner Pierre Berge was put up for sale.


  • 各种时装设计现今已跃然于圣洛朗图纸之上,成为现实成品,尽管这些作品越来越多地助手辅助下才得以完成。

    The dress designs now started flying off Mr Saint Laurent's drawing board, though increasingly often with the aid of helpers.


  • 圣洛朗相信时装寂静无言之声”但是,或许他多少也目前时装乐章一些不和谐的刺耳杂音承担一些责任

    He believed, he said, in “the silence of clothing.Yet perhaps he must take some of the blame for the new cacophony.


  • 下周尊铜首巴黎拍卖随同一起被拍卖还有时装设计师伊夫·圣洛朗及其合伙人皮埃尔·伯奇的其它收藏品

    Next week, the sculptures are due to be auctioned in Paris, along with the rest of an art collection that belonged to the late couturier Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre berge.


  • 1961年,那时大部分时装设计师们自己名字来开办时装店,而圣洛朗却用自己的名字巴黎开设了一家时装公司。

    In 1961, when Mr Saint Laurent set up shop in Paris under his own name, most couturiers were not quite like this.


  • 由于胆小作为迪奥自己这位年轻的圣洛朗蓬勃发展女性气氛中的时装内务贡献35衣服1957年秋季收集

    As timid as Dior himself, the young Saint Laurent flourished in the feminine atmosphere of the couture house and contributed thirty-five outfits for the autumn 1957 collection.


  • 圣洛朗先生宣布引退不久后,2002年巴黎蓬皮杜文化中心(包括场外)上演了场隆重的时装盛会,众多与会嘉宾身着珍藏多年YSL品牌的华服闪亮登场。

    At a reverential extravaganza in (and outside) the Pompidou Centre in Paris in 2002, soon after Mr Saint Laurent had announced his retirement, many of the guests wore a lovingly preserved YSL garment.


  • 圣洛朗旗下的年轻模特设计的时装的映衬下显得光彩夺目,无论身着任何时装,他们的形象看上去应该很棒的;身着相同套装的老年妇女常常看起来像是一块披着羊皮的风尘女子( 译者注: 这里其实是圣洛朗设计的服装往往带有两性化的特点。 这里的ram是指公羊毛,而mutton则指绵羊,在俚语中指娼妓)。

    Mr Saint Laurent's young models looked pretty good in his designs, but they would have looked good in anything; older women in the same outfits sometimes seemed more like mutton dressed as ram.


  • 伊夫··洛巴黎家中身后影响很大的马蒂斯的作品。

    Yves Saint Laurent in his home in Paris. The painting behind him is by Matisse, whose work has had a great influence on him.


  • 顺着圣·洛朗码头走过去,走灯塔那儿,船的地方

    He proceeded towards the quay by the Rue Saint-Laurent, and advanced to the Consigne; it was the point where he had embarked.


  • 顺着圣·洛朗码头走过去,走灯塔那儿,船的地方

    He proceeded towards the quay by the Rue Saint-Laurent, and advanced to the Consigne; it was the point where he had embarked.


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