• 这些声音山谷里回响时候。

    When all these sounds echo in the mountains.


  • 大厅回响声音笑声所有公司,则考虑到高文

    The hall resounded to the sound of laughter, for all the company were of a mind with Gawain.


  • 下一次北风过来时我们耳朵将会听到回响武器碰撞声

    The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms !


  • 如今在屈指发出沉闷回响的氧化里,就是这段历史铁证

    Here was the hard evidence in oxidizing steel that rang dully under my knuckles.


  • ,鼓翅振翅发出低沉有回响的声音某些振翅发出扑扑声。

    To produce a booming, reverberating sound by beating the wings, as certain birds do.


  • 尤其是有着八千四百万穷困人民埃及回响的枢纽、是中心点。

    With its 84m mostly poor and frustrated people, Egypt is the pivot.


  • 这块地方是个白色的死角,充满在暴风雪回响古怪的含糊不清的声音

    The yard was a white wilderness, full of half-heard sounds that echoed strangely amidst the storm.


  • 信号长度复杂性表明,当相继的数目增加时交回响的程度增加

    Length and complexity of the signals indicate that reverberations occurred to an increasing extent as the number of consecutive air curtains was increased.


  • 他们从前交换甜言蜜语,整天价絮絮不断,和…海滩上发出各处回响涛声一样

    Echoes from the past times when they had exchanged tender words all the day long came like the diffused murmur of a Seashore...


  • 不曾鄙夷孩提时尘土玩耍。 我在游戏室里所听见的足音,在群星回响相同。

    Thou didst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust, and the steps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star.


  • 很多改变主修科目,参与实习工作在学时早点工作。注意到最低回响遗憾区域吗?

    Lots of people would have changed their major, or done an internship, or started looking for work sooner while enrolled. Did you notice what category of regrets got the lowest share of responses?


  • 值此一百年之际,时时回响疼痛中,这个故事提醒着我们历史常常私人揪心往事。

    In the pain that still reverberates on its centenary, the story is a reminder that history can often be wrenchingly personal.


  • 他们兄妹人,以及他们北方佬继母四个异母的小妹妹,还有那位北方佬监工希尔顿一起住幢寂静而又常常发出古怪回响房子里

    The two of them, with their Yankee stepmother, their four little half-sisters, and Hilton, the Yankee overseer, remained in the silent , oddly echoing house.


  • 听了听,除了自己声音山洞回响什么都没听见

    He listened and heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice in the cave.


  • 远处嘎吱嘎吱的声音回响漆黑走廊里,怪可怕的。

    Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.


  • 屋子回响孩子们笑声

    The house rang with children's laughter.


  • 士兵们的厚底街道上发出回响

    The soldiers' boots resounded in the street.


  • 日复一日地,单调坦克炮轰隆声巴伐利亚这个小镇上空回响着。

    Day in and day out, the flat crack of the tank guns reverberates through the little Bavarian town.


  • 他们不时听到牧童吆喝声许多岩石上回响

    From time to time they could hear the shouting of a shepherd re-echoed from many rocks.


  • 响应鸟儿叫声回响响亮强烈的田的哀鸣,是一种使鸟儿安静下来的哀鸣。

    There is a cry in answer to the pewits, echoing louder and stronger the lamentation of the lapwings, a wail which hushes the birds.


  • 曲古琴弹奏的古曲回响于屋内,沁入心间,你仿佛听到了鸟鸣、松籁、流水。

    A piece of classical music, played by guqin, fills up the house and floats into your hearts, as if you hear birds singing, pines whistling and rivers flowing.


  • 宗教领袖开始吟唱时,回声敲打石墙一遍又一遍地回响一定像是其他所有声音合奏也许灵魂也加入了其中。

    When a religious leader started chanting with echoes bouncing off the stonewalls over and over again, it must've seemed like a whole chorus of other voices, spirits of Gods maybe, joining in.


  • 的话的耳边回响

    His words echoed in her ears.


  • 党的教导耳边回响

    The Party's teachings were ringing in her ears.


  • (声音)在森林回响

    The (notes of the) hunting horn resounded through the forest.


  • 悲鸣声一直巷子里,在脑海回响声音听起来有种像是的感觉。

    But the cry was echoing round the alley, echoing inside his head, there was something about it that sounded almost human.


  • 这些想法童年起一起脑海里回响,幼年的心智不全的家长一起,14的时候独自离开

    The thoughts echoed from my childhood living with a mentally ill parent in an abusive household, which I left to go on my own at age 14.


  • 继续他的电视,隔一会笑了,就像摄影棚里笑声回响一样。

    He continued watching television.After some minutes, he laughed again echoing the laughs in the studio.


  • 声音依然回响旁。

    His voice sounds in my ears.


  • 声音依然回响旁。

    His voice sounds in my ears.


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