• 例如著名商业杂志经常评论德国劳动力成本,以德国工人平均工资作为证据

    For example, prominent business journals often remark on the "high" cost of German labor, citing as evidence the average amount paid to German workers.


  • 然而短短三个月里两家商业杂志已经被放弃

    And yet, in the space of three months, two business magazines - the organs that exist to offer the stuff people are clamoring for - have been abandoned.


  • 方法:用个月收集大量商业杂志报纸

    Here's what to do: Collect a bunch of business magazines and newspapers for about two months.


  • 通过通讯报纸商业杂志电视等任何方式推销酒店

    To promote the hotel via all forms of communications including but not limited to Newspapers, Trade Magazines, and Television.


  • 一本非常著名的叫做福布斯商业杂志每年记录全世界富有的

    A very famous business magazine, called Forbes, every year keeps a track of who is the richest person in the world.


  • 商业杂志《福布斯》网站日前公布全世界脏乱城市榜单

    The Forbes magazine website released a list of the world's most dirtiest cities.


  • 不同于欧美商人好在全球商业杂志封面一展英姿,日本同仁喜欢默默无闻

    Whereas American and European bosses like to appear on the covers of global business magazines, their Japanese counterparts are comfortable in their obscurity.


  • 最新一期的某商业杂志刊登高级主管的话:“工作场合开怀大笑纯属浪费时间。”

    In a recent business magazine article, a top executive was quoted, "Laughter in the work place is a waste of time."


  • 根据洛杉矶商业杂志报道,举动领跑者柯达公司可能不久洛杉矶建立装配厂。

    On the forefront of this move is electric carmaker Coda Automotive, which may soon open assembly plants in Los Angeles County, according to the Los Angeles Business Journal.


  • 写一些与业务关联文章当地报纸商业杂志以及相关专业机构简讯部门

    Submit articles related to your business to the local paper, trade journals and professional organization's newsletters.


  • 莫莉那些商业杂志先生咖啡间歇的时候这一了解一些

    Molly: They are business magazines, Sir. I read them during my coffee breaks, always trying to learn more about the industry.


  • 拉贾拉特南今年8月接受当地商业杂志LMD采访时说,不会在意这些噪音继续专心做事。

    'I tune out these noises and stay focused,' Mr. Rajaratnam told LMD, a local business magazine, in an August interview.


  • 是的商业杂志看过。这项商品似乎前景的,但是没有看到商品的细节介绍。

    Yes, I have read about it in a trade journal. It seems like a promising item, but I have not seen any details about it yet.


  • 纽约客》并不是一本商业杂志提供诸多视角可以帮助你扩展视野提高独立思考能力

    The New Yorker isn't a business magazine, but it offers diverse perspectives that will broaden your scope of knowledge and your ability to think independently.


  • 根据商业杂志尼尔森报告统计,所有交易中,持卡消费年前29%上升到现在的一半以上

    Cards account for more than half of all transactions, up from 29% a decade ago, according to Nilson Report, a trade publication.


  • 此外我们他们金钱商业杂志《福布斯》认为,“当今成为百万富翁的捷径是当摇滚歌星。”

    We also give them money. "The fastest way to become a millionaire these days, " says Forbes, a business m.


  • 由于广告收入下降传媒巨头condeNast宣布停办Portfolio年前创办商业杂志

    Falling advertising revenues claimed another victim, as conde Nast, a media conglomerate, announced that it was pulling the plug on Portfolio, the business magazine it launched two years ago.


  • 现在整个输入范围内有1314可靠数据可以真实地鼓吹商业杂志提到更好分辨力

    Now, the team had 13 to 14 bits of solid data over the whole input range and could honestly brag about greater resolution in the trade magazines.


  • 度假辞掉了商业杂志工作,成了一个全职自由专栏作者就是说我再也不能办公室打印东西了。

    Before we left on vacation I quit my job at the business magazine to work full-time as a freelance writer, which means I can't print pages at the office anymore.


  • 后来交到 了 一好朋友,其中一些跟我爱好比如阅读商业杂志或者《 富》。

    At first I really didn't like the I did eventually find some friends there, some of who had the same sort of interest, like reading business magazines and Fortune.


  • 6校对工作经验涉及广泛的学科,做过商业杂志大学课本医学百科全书的校对工作。

    I have six years of experience proofreading, working on a wide range of subject matter. My experience spans trade magazines, college textbooks, medical encyclopedias and so on.


  • 商业杂志福布斯一年一度具影响力名人排行榜出炉,安吉利娜·朱莉击败上届得主奥普拉·温弗瑞,荣登榜首。

    Angelina Jolie has dethroned Oprah Winfrey as the world's most powerful celebrity, according to an annual list compiled by business magazine Forbes.


  • 商业杂志福布斯一年一度具影响力名人排行榜出炉,安吉利娜?朱莉击败了上届得主奥普拉?温弗瑞,荣登榜首

    Oprah Winfrey as the world's most powerful celebrity, according to an annual list compiled by business magazine Forbes.


  • 首个报道账单以色列商业杂志globes旅游协会报道中表示中国可能十亿人,他们并不容易上当的傻瓜

    Reacting to the bill, which was first reported in the Israeli business magazine Globes, the tourism association said: There may be a billion Chinese, but they may not all be suckers.


  • 首个报道账单以色列商业杂志globes旅游协会报道中表示中国可能十亿人,他们并不容易上当的傻瓜

    Reacting to the bill, which was first reported in the Israeli business magazine Globes, the tourism association said: There may be a billion Chinese, but they may not all be suckers.


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