• 根据这份报告,美国每年车祸青少年毒品暴力吸烟自杀的青少年还要多。

    According to the presentation, more teens die in automobile crashes in the United States each year than from drugs, violence, smoking and suicide.


  • 研究结果表明:近年来,相对女孩而言,男孩中职业文盲比例自杀更高

    Among the results: high rates of functional illiteracy and a troublingly high suicide rate that's become even more pronounced in recent years compared to the rate among girls.


  • 日本职场抑郁症案例增多人们格外担心因为情绪障碍症自杀之间经常被指存在密切关系

    The increase in cases of depression among Japan's workforce has prompted particular concern because of the close relationship often cited between mood disorders and suicide.


  • 研究人员指出性成熟较早女孩自尊心易于受到伤害,更易于抑郁症,更可能厌食问题自杀企图

    Researchers also noted that earlier maturation of girls is associated with lower self-esteem, and greater rates of depression, eating problems and suicide attempts.


  • 为了排除文化差异自杀报告公约研究人员专注国家——美国——看看这种相同情况各个州出现情况

    To rule out cultural differences and suicide reporting conventions, researchers focused on a single country - the U.S. - to see it the same pattern could be seen across its various states.


  • 但是最近英国医学杂志研究发现药品本身没有问题瑞典研究者发现痘痘本身也增加抑郁自杀可能性。

    But a recent study in the British Medical Journal found that the drug itself may not matter; according to Swedish researchers, acne itself raises the risk of depression and suicide attempt.


  • 科龙说:尽管需要更多研究确定智商自杀之间关系,研究建议精神健康专家应该病人的智商。

    Although more research is needed to pin down the relationship between low IQ and suicide, the study suggests that mental health professionals should be attuned to their patients' IQ, Koenen says.


  • 斥责作者故意忽略符合他们理论国家,还误解社会问题例如离婚自杀这些问题平等一些的国家糟糕。

    He also chides the authors for ignoring countries that do not fit their theory, and for glossing over social problems, such as divorce and suicide, that are worse in more equal countries.


  • 事实上只有关于咖啡抑郁研究芬兰男人的,发现在咖啡和自杀危险之间J形状关系

    But in fact, there's only been one other study on coffee and depression, which was done in Finnish men, and found a J shaped relationship between coffee and suicide risk.


  • 主要结果评估:对自我报告中度重度抑郁自杀念头的流行程度羞耻感临床人口统计学变量间的关联

    Main Outcome Measures Prevalence of self-reported moderate to severe depression and suicidal ideation and the association of stigma perceptions with clinical and demographic variables.


  • 例如青春痘特效药及其通用版本(即异维甲酸)用来清除严重性粉刺的,对于一些人来说抑郁自杀倾向就是潜在威胁

    For example, Accutane and its generic version (isotretinoin) are prescribed to clear up severe acne, but depression and suicidal thoughts are a potential risk for some people.


  • 抑郁自杀过程中增加尤其是那些从根本上改变他们的生活样式地平线若隐若现盎出有任何其他结果,。

    Depression and suicide of course increase especially in those who have had their life styles radically changed and see no other outcome looming on the horizon.


  • "病人应该未与医生商量的情况下自行停用"欣流"",FDA在此次陈述中指出医生密切观察病人以防他们情绪波动自杀行为的出现。

    Patients should not stop taking Singulair before talking to their doctor,'' FDA said in its statement, adding that doctors should monitor patients for suicidal behavior and mood changes.


  • 但是比如伊特(Inuit酒精中毒自杀比率过加拿大平均水准,预期寿命相对较短,而且半数人口都生活拥挤住房内

    But in Nunavut, for example, alcoholism and suicide rates are higher than the national average, life expectancy is lower and almost half of the population lives in overcrowded housing.


  • 病人应该未与医生商量的情况下自行停用”欣流,FDA在此次陈述中指出医生密切观察病人以防他们情绪波动自杀行为的出现。

    Patients should not stop taking Singulair before talking to their doctor, 'FDA said in its statement, adding that doctors should monitor patients for suicidal behavior and mood changes.


  • 尽管他们经常自吹自擂但极端自恋无法满足自我期待,无法成为自己公开宣布那种优秀,最聪明的人时,倾向抑郁滥用药物自杀

    Despite their braggadocio, extreme narcissists are prone to depression, substance abuse and suicide when unable to fulfill their expectations and proclamations of being the best or the brightest.


  • 一直不能真正理解这种病,直到读了朋友比尔.斯蒂作品《看得见黑暗:走过忧郁症的心路历程》——勇敢地披露了自己忧郁症自杀的念头进行抗争的故事。

    I don’t think I ever really understood it until I read my friend Bill Styron’s brave account of his own battle with depression and suicidal thoughts, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.


  • 事实法庭证据使自杀判定成为死亡之谜令人信服解答

    Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.


  • 压力可能导致高血压心脏病酗酒甚至可能迫使人们自杀

    Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks and alcoholism, and it may even drive people to suicide.


  • 神经机械学纳米技术下复活,你能够执行一个自杀任务发现为什么人类殖民地消失

    You're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.


  • 一个女孩持续遭到网络欺凌骚扰后自杀

    A girl committed suicide after continued cyber-bullying and harassments.


  • 那天晚上,我们布尔·李渡过渡一个姑娘我们渡河之前之后船上跳水自杀了。

    That night when we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.


  • 那天晚上,我们布尔·李渡过渡一个姑娘我们渡河之前之后船上跳水自杀了。

    That night when we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.


  • 12月31号,巴库巴的名炸弹袭击者一个警察巡逻队附近引爆自杀炸弹背心,造成5警察4名平民受伤

    On December 31, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol, wounding five policemen and four civilians.


  • 12月31号,巴库巴的名炸弹袭击者一个警察巡逻队附近引爆自杀炸弹背心,造成5警察4名平民受伤

    On December 31, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol, wounding five policemen and four civilians.


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