• 一般来说,象这样同时函数可取。

    In general, simultaneous functions such as this one are preferable.


  • 与此同时法塔赫,则显得没有准备

    Fatah, meanwhile, seemed unprepared.


  • 认为符号之间关系同时

    I do not understand the relation among signs as a simultaneity.


  • 我们得知这个软件可以识别多达10个同时触屏输入

    The app can recognize up to 10 simultaneous multi-touch inputs, we're told.


  • 使用策略必须确保没有进行同时更新

    Using this policy, one must be sure that there will be no concurrent update to the same row or range of rows.


  • 不仅调用同时而且结果处理也是并行完成的。

    Not only are the calls simultaneous, but the processing of the results is also done in parallel.


  • Informix网格中的所有服务器提供集中同时管理

    Informix offers centralized, simultaneous administration for all servers in the grid.


  • 途中四五个同时办公室了下来,互致问候交流新闻

    On her way, she stops by the offices of four or five colleagues to exchange greetings and news.


  • 内在信心自信表现得到增长,同时也会增加团队同时信心。

    Your inner confidence will grow when you behave in a confident manner and gain the trust of your team and colleagues.


  • 设计师同时充当程序员的角色意味着设计编码的进度即使不是同时的也是连续的。

    The designers doubling up as coders implies that the design and coding processes occur at least sequentially, if not concurrently.


  • 随着我们进入后面迭代这些测试执行快速地成为早期同时测试执行集合

    As we proceeded into later iterations, these test runs quickly became a collection of earlier tests running simultaneously.


  • 所有这些化石提示这样过度不是平滑的,身体各个特点从新到几乎同时转变

    Both of these fossils suggest such transitions are not smooth, simultaneous transformations of all bodily features from old to new.


  • EA路线图可能路线解决方案包含更多内容(如图3所示),可能形成多个同时实现

    An EA roadmap is likely to include more then a single proposed solution (as illustrated in Figure 3), which may result in multiple, simultaneous implementations.


  • 这些设备功能一切根本我们得知这个软件可以识别多达10个同时触屏输入

    The use of these devices' multi-touch capabilities is the key to all of this. The app can recognize up to 10 simultaneous multi-touch inputs, we're told.


  • 同步复制使用分布式事务处理管理复制数据操作,(几乎)同时作为工作单点,将操作应用所有件。

    Synchronous replication copies data operations using distributed transaction management that applies operations to all copies (almost) simultaneously as a single unit of work.


  • Baumeister同时的第二个研究检验寻找自由意志信念和助人行为之间联系个体差异问题。

    A second study by Baumeister and colleagues examined individual differences looking for an association between believing in free will and helping behaviours.


  • Krugman先生及其他人支持大胆财政扩张他们的逻辑源于凯恩斯与其同时的RichardKahn

    Mr Krugman and others advocate a bold fiscal expansion, borrowing their logic from Keynes and his contemporary, Richard Kahn.


  • 中国这套政策出台希腊债务危机发生差不多是同时,让很多投资者企业全球经济复苏力度产生了疑问

    Arriving around the same time as the debt crisis in Greece, China's new restrictions caused many investors and businesses to question the strength of the global recovery.


  • 这样垄断者将选择生产边际收益与边际成本同时的产量qm。 然后向市场收取那个产量下市场能够承受最大价格p(qm)。

    Thus, a monopoly chooses a quantity qm where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and charges the maximum price p(qm) the market will bear at that quantity.


  • 物价失业人数猛增同时生产下降了

    Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.


  • 茄子刷好胡椒粉同时加热底锅剩余的油。

    Brush the eggplant with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.


  • 咖啡送达同时漫不经心地翻阅份报纸

    I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.


  • 尤其令人担心外交政策提供咨询同时也在外国公司工作

    It is particularly concerning that he is working for foreign companies while advising on foreign policy.


  • 希普利强项同时轻松很多事。

    Shipley's forte is being able to do a lot of things at the same time with ease.


  • 非同卵双生胎两个受精卵同时子宫着床结果

    Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilized eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.


  • 这些运动项目兴趣开始减退同时,对长曲棍球的兴趣却浓厚起来。

    While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for lacrosse developed.


  • 仪器能够同时处理多个任务,比如网游同时又能通过即时通信聊天

    The device permits multitasking, letting you, for example, simultaneously surf the Web and chat via IM.


  • 我们希望破坏整体空间效果同时使光线柔和些。

    We wanted to soften the light without destroying the overall effect of space.


  • 要价其他同时摄影师相比

    His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers.


  • 要价其他同时摄影师相比

    His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers.


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