• 同时债务不断增加。

    Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.


  • 同时媒体这件事的态度一直摇摆不定。

    The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold over the affair.


  • 同时说:“邻居?”

    And he said unto him, "Who is my neighbor?"


  • 3月的延误,与此同时这笔交易也暂时搁置

    There would be a three-month delay while the deal would be put on ice.


  • 音乐会周末举行舞蹈会演同时进行。

    The concert will tie in with the festival of dance taking place the same weekend.


  • 系统能够同时运行一个以上程序

    The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.


  • 它们同时理解相反指令

    They also understand opposite instructions.


  • 再次强调重点保持移动同时,要认真倾听

    Again the point is to listen hard while keeping the pen moving.


  • 他们朝着同一个目标努力同时互相鼓励。

    They also cheer one another up while working toward the same destination.


  • 不停地打电话,同时,我也快花光了

    I'm calling up, and meanwhile, I'm running out of money.


  • 工作是说大学同时在工作吗?

    Working? You mean she's also working while she's at university?


  • 交通流量增加同时汽油价格大幅下跌。

    The traffic increase comes at the same time as gas prices drop significantly.


  • 同时语言消亡也影响着我们自然认识

    Also, language death affects our knowledge about nature.


  • 同时寄主防御能力挑选

    At the same time, defensive abilities of hosts are also selected for.


  • 与此同时同事加紧谋划挤

    His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.


  • 那位获奖小说家经常三四部小说同时

    The award-winning novelist often has three or four books on the go at once.


  • 同时也是美国橄榄球队芝加哥火焰比赛实况广播员

    He also was the play-by-play announcer for the Chicago Fire American football team.


  • 同时既干事业母亲可能的。

    It is possible to combine a career with being a mother.


  • 同时身处两地自然法则上不可能的。

    It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.


  • 同时大多数人一样,一个非常不同世界里长大

    Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.


  • 一位有才华艺术家同时也是名气的作家。

    A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note.


  • 花费一生时间来逐渐了解形形色色文学。

    I have spent my life getting to know diverse literatures of different epochs.


  • 一天中的而定,人们会经历体能智能差异。

    People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.


  • 失业率上升同时轻度犯罪也跟着增长

    The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.


  • 通货膨胀失业同时出现惊喜

    The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.


  • 这种型号同时具备电话机传真机的功能。

    This model combines a telephone and fax machine.


  • 没有理由期待飞机设计师同时也是优秀飞行员同样道理,优秀的飞行员可能是个糟糕的汽车驾驶员。

    There is no reason why an aircraft designer should also be a good pilot. In the same way, a good pilot can be a bad driver.


  • 小孩子说话的同时用上充满温暖爱心的触摸。

    The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.


  • 小孩子说话的同时用上充满温暖爱心的触摸。

    The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.


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