• S减肥药减肥三餐原则注意遵循好、、晚”。

    Double S diet pills weight loss meals principles: attention to follow the "eat early, lunch, dinner to eat less."


  • 晚上意思晚餐不宜的太饱,这样我们睡觉中才不会有食物留存。

    Eating like a pauper, meaning small light meals, in the evening allows us to go to sleep on an empty stomach.


  • 时候,只需要包含这些食物可以帮助延长感到的时间,这样可以让你一些

    Including small amounts of these foods at meal times can help you to feel full longer and therefore eat less.


  • 清汤要比一盘2大勺油色拉2倍卡路里.汤除了感觉更饱以外还能使你在正餐时吃少一点.

    Start with soup Order a clear soup instead of a salad soaked with two tablespoons full-fat ranch and you can save twice the calories.


  • 不管多么总是省下一点面包他的宠物

    However little there is to eat, he always saves a bit o' his bread to coax his pets.


  • 信由麦当劳鸡蛋满分得到卡路里加了两汤匙奶油干酪吉饼获得的热量

    Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonalds's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese.


  • 根据这项研究,早餐早餐的青体重5左右

    According to the study, teenagers who eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not.


  • 真正就是最好保护更不用说家里外面饭馆的饭200卡路里

    Cooking real food is the best defense, not to mention that any meal you're likely to eat at home contains about 200 fewer calories than one you would eat in a restaurant.


  • 论文声称,每周超过公斤西兰花晚年患恶性贫血几率是那些的人的1.17

    The kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia.


  • 情境玛莉女儿莉莉为什么那么,莉莉告诉自己正在节食

    SituationMary asks her daughter, Lily, why she is eating so little, and Lily tells her that she is on a diet.


  • 建议巧克力适量,而且要巧克力”,就是那种可可脂含量的巧克力,每次只盎司,也就是块巧克力棒

    She recommends moderate consumption of "real" chocolate-the kind with a high percentage of cocoa butter. A serving of chocolate is one ounce, slightly less than a chocolate bar.


  • 就像现在人们蔬菜的量越来越或者需要的量但是,也不能就此断言,胡萝卜没有未来

    People are eating fewer vegetables than they used to - or should - but that doesn't mean carrots have no future.


  • 专家们收入增长之后,人们更多食物链上层的东西,会他们赚钱时候消耗更多肉类

    People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money, the experts said.


  • 爱德华还说因为而且他们出行时愿意步行而不是乘车,所以,如果人们都变苗条了,燃料农产品需求就会

    Because thinner people eat less and are more likely to walk than rely on cars, a slimmer population would lower demand for fuel for transportation and for agriculture, Edwards said.


  • 健美者饮食基本就是高蛋白高纤维水化合物的食物。

    The basic idea is to eat a diet high in protein and fiber, and low in carbohydrates and fat.


  • 如果觉得你的第二计划忙碌,最好午餐然后晚上尽可能提早的晚餐。

    If you know that you have a busy day planned the following day, have your big meal at lunchtime and a lighter meal as early as possible in the evening.


  • 说出殴打烫伤的过程,他在做苦工过程中,东西是之又,以致让他瘦了20晚上锁链锁住,还有看守,在这期间,他在三个砖厂往返。

    Liu told of the beatings and burnings, of the food so meager than he lost 20 pounds, of being chained at night and guarded by vicious dogs, about being shuttled among three brick factories.


  • 最低要求者需要简单准备的作料以及小的消费

    Eating like a minimalist requires simplicity in preparation, quantity, and consumption.


  • 所以如果甜食而不是一次完,牙齿腐蚀的久。

    So if you're snacking on candy several times a day instead of just once, your teeth are exposed to more cavity-causing acid.


  • 研究发现,蔬菜女孩蔬菜女孩更易长青春痘

    Girls in the study who consumed few vegetables tended to have more zits than girls who ate lots of greens.


  • 这样保持身材神奇作用(特别大大的一冰激凌时),而且,也节省你的食品开销。

    It would do wonders for your physique (especially if you are loading up on bowl of ice cream) and would save you money in the process because you eat less.


  • 多餐食, 将一三餐改成一天五次六次

    Try eating five to six small meals as opposed to three large ones during the day.


  • 那些丰盛早餐人,早餐平均摄入400卡路里的热量。

    People who had a big breakfast, on average 400 calories larger than a small one, consumed around 400 more calories in a day.


  • 营养补充剂囚犯违反监狱规则的几率了仿冒胶囊的那一组25%。

    The supplement group broke prison rules 25 percent less than those on the placebo.


  • 营养补充剂囚犯违反监狱规则的几率了仿冒胶囊的那一组25%。

    The supplement group broke prison rules 25 percent less than those on the placebo.


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