• 因此必须现代司法理念指导重构我国司法管理体制

    So, it's necessary to reconstruct our judicial administration system under the direction of modern judicial ideas.


  • 第四展现村民村庄共同体司法管理中的权利地位,并揭示村民王权和领主的法律制约。

    The forth chapter shows the role played by villagers in the justice affair inside and outside the village community.


  • 拒绝批准确立司法权力法律,从而阻碍司法行政管理工作。

    He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.


  • 行业需要框架对应所有的司法需要,身份管理正处在这样一个框架的中心因为很多监管是以用户隐私访问作为核心问题。

    The industry needs a framework to meet global jurisdictional challenges. Identity is central to such a framework because many regulations center on user privacy and access.


  • 是否获批取决于DEA管理,而DEA必须作出司法裁决一样经过仔细论证之后才会作出决定

    The decision on whether he can have his licence still rests with the deputy administrator of the DEA. The agency's decision must be as carefully argued as the judicial ruling.


  • 指导地方司法行政机关管理基层司法司法助理员法律服务人民调解工作

    To guide the local judicial and administrative departments in the administration of grassroots judicial offices, judicial assistants, legal services and people's mediations;


  • 作为回应,Google管理指出因为美国集体诉讼司法程序的原因这项协议不能其他公司公开

    In response, Google executives point out that the deal cannot be opened up to other firms because of the way class-action litigation works in America.


  • 公证员协会依法登记成立协助司法行政机关公证行业进行管理社会团体

    The notarial association is a social organization that is registered and established according to law and assists the municipal judicial administrative organ to administrate the notarial trade.


  • 管理任何规模组织司法体系档案一个可以识别存取权利与限制方案的正式辅助工具必要的。

    A formal instrument that identifies the rights of access and the regime of restrictions applicable to records is a necessary tool to manage records in organizations of all sizes and jurisdictions.


  • 外资运营民事权益保护司法行政救济方面已经基本实现国民待遇宏观经济管理方面的国民待遇尚未完全实现。

    In administration of justice and civil rights protection area, national treatment is already realized while in macro economic administration area, there are still some gaps.


  • 首先管理对策包括民事司法组织建设加强民事司法指导完善民事司法考核三个层面

    First, management measures, including the civil justice organizations, and strengthening the civil justice system to guide and improve the civil justice assessment at three levels.


  • 一些国家关于维护法律秩序管理司法事务职责专门司法部门负责。

    In some countries, matters relating to the maintenance of law and order and the administration of justice are the responsibility of a separate justice ministry.


  • 公司高官同意计划关闭工厂一事进行讨论德国西门子子公司工人释放了扣留管理人员。

    Workers have freed two managers held hostage at a French subsidiary of German company, Siemens. This after the executives agreed to discuss the planned closing of the plant.


  • 司法实践中学校几乎无一例外地成了被告,这也教育行政部门、学校及老师造成管理上的困惑不安

    In judical practice, schools are charged without exception, which causes much confusion and great uneasiness to educational managements, schools and teachers.


  • 司法务必须要管理公司法律费用预算审批外部法律服务费用。

    In-house attorneys have had to manage their companies' legal budgets and approve invoices received from firms.


  • 洗钱主要客体包括金融管理秩序国家司法活动

    The main object of crime of laundering includes financial management order and the nation's judicial activity.


  • 协助设计实施下哥罗德司法援助项目,该项目系俄罗斯莫斯科司法援助中心负责管理示范性项目,旨在减少羁押时间

    He helped design and implement the Nizhegorod Project on Justice Assistance, a demonstration managed by the Center that reduced the length of time people were held in jail before trial.


  • 侵犯客体主要国家管理秩序金融秩序、司法秩序、经济秩序

    The object that the administrative crime infringes is mainly the national management order, such as financial order, judicial order, economic order etc.


  • 司法行政部湖北高等法院及其所属监狱也都制订颁布劳役、收监戒护、分管分押、教诲教育管理制度。

    The judicial department and Hubei superior court constituted and published some systems. on the penal servitude, putting in prison and protection, management respectively, education and tuition.


  • 依照相关法规进行业务处理,如税法劳工外汇管理条例司法

    Statutory compliance of inter-alia, includes Taxation laws, Labour laws, Foreign Exchange laws, Company Law, etc.


  • 最后我国现行刑法将洗钱归属破坏金融管理秩序而不是妨害司法值得商榷

    Finally, that the current criminal law of our country incorporate such crime to undermining the finance order instead of impairing the judicial activity deserve discussing.


  • 作者认为洗钱客体国家经济管理秩序司法秩序。

    The author have an idea that the object of the crime of money laundering is national economic management and the order of the judicial order.


  • 体育领域特别是职业足球裁判组织管理制度方面社团治理司法介入更是运用得心应手

    It is in sports, especially in professional football referee system of organization and management associations regulation and judicial intervention is the use of the system easier.


  • 以此理论基础全面分析司法鉴定管理制度理论构成

    As a theoretical basis, it is a comprehensive analysis of the theory of judicial appraisal management system constituted.


  • 最终达到科学司法和谐监督文明管理目标

    In the end, the objective of scientific justice, harmonious supervision and civilized management will be achieved.


  • 作为医院重要信息节点之一,病案信息管理医院管理决策的制定、医疗信息的利用司法资料的取证具有重要作用

    As one of the important information nodes, the management of medical record has great influence on decision-making, medical information utilizing and judicial evidence obtaining.


  • 审判委员会性质应当审判管理组织不是司法审判组织。

    Indeed, a judicial committee should be in charge of the management and organization of trials, rather than adjudication of cases.


  • 一部分司法鉴定制度司法鉴定管理制度理论界定

    Part I, the judicial system and the forensic identification of the theoretical definition of management systems.


  • 完善检察官管理制度基本取向应当减少行政性,增强司法

    The principal orientation of completion prosecutor administration system is to diminish the executive nature and increase the judicial nature.


  • 完善检察官管理制度基本取向应当减少行政性,增强司法

    The principal orientation of completion prosecutor administration system is to diminish the executive nature and increase the judicial nature.


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