• 受试者报告说,预测噪音预测的噪音同样令人讨厌而且实验噪音部分所有受试者的表现差不多

    Subjects reported finding the predictable and unpredictable noise equally annoying, and all subjects performed at about the same level during the noise portion of the experiment.


  • 系统内用户状态基于当前主题/主题、主题表现定义

    The state of a user can be defined based on the current topic/sub-topic, performance in topics, and so on.


  • 为了有助于管理应用程序表现应该分成管理的小单元

    To help manage the presentation layer in your application, you should split it up into manageable units.


  • 第一排名计划2010前完成,届时必将引起关注因为这一排名不仅以成为全球教育市场消费指南反映各国国内教育市场表现

    The first rankings are planned by 2010. They will be of interest not just as a guide for shoppers in the global market, but also as indicators of performance in domestic markets.


  • 那位先生本人并不显得意气沮丧没有表现出要回避样子只是愤愤地板着脸,默然无声。

    As for the gentleman himself, his feelings were chiefly expressed, not by embarrassment or dejection, or by trying to avoid her, but by stiffness of manner and resentful silence.


  • 服务业务任务重复逻辑表现形式

    A service is a repeatable logical manifestation of a business task.


  • 开发过程仍旧表现事务性的,但是结果不再一类中的项目那样预测

    The development process can still be characterized as transactional, but the outcome is not as predictable as it is for projects in the previous category.


  • 这种说明觉得很不安、对于现实中的某些事情无能为力,表现一种失败或是低人一等的感觉。

    This could mean that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control of something in your waking life. It can also represent a sense of failure or feeling inferior.


  • 专门致力于研究识别感官构思内部外部自然表现,这一概念首先康德阐述的。

    He conducts a class dedicated to the understanding of 'intelligible and sensual design in inner and outer nature', first expounded by Immanuel Kant.


  • 那天晚上我们外出了不少留给斯蒂芬重要事竟然个极为平常的举动,一个弟弟表现爱心的举动。

    Of all the events of our night out together, the most important was a little act of kindness -- a showing of love to his brother.


  • 美国植物学杂志一项研究表明,植物也会表现类似偏心。

    Now plants have demonstrated the same predilection, in a study published in the American Journal of Botany.


  • 他们认为,为什么围绕穆加贝群恶棍下次表现喝现在不一样呢,尤其是他们自己的不义之财岌岌危之时?

    Why, they ask, should the thugs round Mr Mugabe behave any differently next time, especially when their own ill-gotten gains are at stake?


  • 华盛顿表现模棱两信号情况更加扑朔迷离

    The ambiguous signals that continue to emerge from Washington have done little to clarify the situation.


  • 父母家中吸烟导致孩子动脉表现阻塞硬化迹象并显著增加孩子一生中心脏病发作的风险

    Parents who smoke in the home can cause their child's arteries to show signs of clogging and hardening, dramatically raising their overall life-time risk of heart attack.


  • 生长发育期儿童过多生长激素导致称为巨人症的疾病,表现为身材异常高大同时伴有过度生长。

    In children who are still growing, too much growth hormone can cause a condition called gigantism that leads to an abnormal increase in height as well as excess bone growth.


  • 表现最好并不一定就是最好的管理者很多公司还是选择

    The best performer doesn't always make the best manager, although many companies still make the choice on that basis.


  • 其实,我国一些方面的成就确实已瑞士平起平坐比如经济表现,或甚至超越它,比如社区设施的完善。

    To be fair, Singapore is on a par with Switzerland in such fields as economic growth, and even leads the latter in community amenities and other respects.


  • 2009年最后一个季度德国意大利乏善经济表现最终拖累整个欧元区经济表现

    LACKLUSTRE economic performances in Germany and Italy in the last quarter of 2009 are likely to prove a drag on the performance of the euro area as a whole.


  • 表现最好并不一定就是最好的管理者很多公司还是选择

    The best performer doesn't always make the best manager although many companies still make the choice on that basis.


  • 危机处于顶峰以及德国人民首要渴望稳定的时刻,默克尔表现出的模棱两态度似乎是聪明之举。

    Ms Merkel's vagueness seemed clever when the crisis was at its peak and Germans appeared to crave stability above all.


  • 遵守种有规律学习安排恰巧是他们能暑期学校表现良好的关键原因要啰的再说一遍:因为他们时间浪费

    And this is obviously a pivotal part of doing well at summer school, because again, your teen doesn't have any time to waste.


  • 这些移植构件服务调用所需SEI、服务jaxb生成表现模式类型的类。

    The portable artifacts are a set of classes needed for service invocation, such as the SEI, the service class, and the JAXB generated classes that represent the schema types.


  • 曾轶奇特的创作风格令人诧异音准表现掀起了有关“个性水准”的大讨论

    On the other hand, Zeng`s special writing style as well as her astonishing inotation has arouse a hot discussion on "individuality" and "level".


  • 他因继承了已故父亲职位表现乏善陈而受到排挤

    He was snubbed for the job of chief minister, a post his late father had held for the party.


  • 伸缩性指的是一个应用程序工作负载处理资源增加吞吐量表现情况。

    Scalability describes how an application's throughput behaves as its workload and available computing resources increase.


  • 美国国家眼科研究所的研究者认为,该病变某些情况可表现新生异常血管的增生,一些情况下亦可表现原有的血管发生肿胀渗出

    In some cases, new and abnormal blood vessels grow, and in other cases, existing blood vessels swell and leak, according to the U.S. National Eye Institute.


  • 雅虎董事会表现在萨梅尔时代表现乏善,而萨梅尔主政的时代正是雅虎衰落开始

    The same board stood idly by Semel, who presided over the beginning of Yahoo's decline.


  • 通过Hibernate框架继承多态性面向对象概念应用于数据库能够产生表现重用强的领域模型

    A more expressive and reusable domain model can emerge when you transfer common object-oriented concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism to the database via a framework like Hibernate.


  • 年后男孩没有表现恶化迹象而且功能良好,百分之十五的血液细胞制造健康蛋白质

    Two years later, the boys have shown no sign of worsening brain damage and are functioning well with 15 percent of their blood cells producing the healthy protein, said Aubourg.


  • 人们总是引证ruby的灵活扩展语法闭包等特性以及代码如何简明具有表现

    They generally cite features that include a flexible and extensible syntax, closures, and how concise and expressive the code can be.


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