• 当时古柯叶提取物混合常见滋补品,潘伯顿甜酒则是一可以绕过当地禁止法律的方法。

    At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.


  • 名称中的可口古柯叶提取物这种饮料发明者化学家约翰·彭伯顿古柯叶提取物与糖浆混合在一起。

    The "coca" in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink's originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup.


  • 玻利维亚秘鲁,栽植古柯叶有部分合法的。

    In Bolivia and Peru, some cultivation is legal too.


  • 但是没有知道可口可乐古柯叶来自哪里他们是否进行过处理

    But no one knows where Red Bull Cola's coca leaves come from or where they are processed.


  • 报告显示秘鲁可能已经超过哥伦比亚,成为世界古柯叶种植量最多国家。

    It found that Peru may have overtaken Colombia as the world's biggest grower of coca leaf. See article.


  • 妇女沿蜿蜒泥土路清除收割古柯叶儿童阳光下晒古柯叶

    Women harvest coca in clearings along the winding dirt road, and children dry the leaves in the sun.


  • 其中甚至包括禁止安第斯山印第安人咀嚼古柯叶以及古柯叶泡茶传统做法。

    This includes even the traditional use of coca leaves (from which cocaine is extracted) by Andean Indians for chewing and tea.


  • 安第斯山脉,许多人每每古柯叶所用时间作为计较时间的单元。

    In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf.


  • 古柯叶上根本提取不到可卡因数百年来,南美原住民通过古柯叶获得麻醉轻度兴奋

    Cocaine is not the same as the coca leaf it is derived from; for centuries, natives in South American countries regularly chewed on the coca leaf for its anesthetic and mild stimulant properties.


  • 著名的就是可口可乐19世纪最初配方古柯叶是不经过任何处理直接使用的。

    Most prominently, there was Coca-Cola whose original 19th century formula used unaltered coca leaves.


  • 西班牙征服者宣称古柯叶恶魔化身,直到他们了解古柯叶提高了印地安人在地下矿坑的工作效率

    The Spanish conquistadors declared coca a tool of the devil, until they saw how it improved the work rate of the Indians they sent down the mines.


  • 几个世纪以来,居住于安第斯山脉的人有着咀嚼古柯叶提神的传统,他们古柯叶茶叶烘焙面粉

    Andean peoples have chewed coca leaves for centuries to induce a mild stimulant effect, and they also use the plants to make products such as tea and baking flour.


  • 哥伦比亚科吉人中有史以来第一访问英国穿着传统棉布衣服肩上各斜一个布袋一边着烤古柯叶

    The first member of the Kogi people of Colombia ever to visit Britain is wearing traditional rough cotton clothes and has a cloth bag slung over each shoulder as he chews toasted coca leaves.


  • 德国发言人坚称,在欧洲美国他们公司产品其他含有古柯叶提取物的产品一样认为是安全的。

    In Germany, the red Bull spokesman insisted that his company's product, along with others containing the coca leaf extract are considered safe in Europe and the U.S..


  • 传统古柯叶使用不会上瘾正如英国的下午茶,德克萨斯州啤酒一样,使用古柯叶是安第斯山文化组成部分

    Traditional USES of coca are not addictive and are as much part of Andean culture as a cuppa is in Britain or beer in Texas.


  • 几百年来,居住安地斯山上的居民喜爱嚼食古柯叶其中的生物碱成分一种温和兴奋剂有助于抵抗寒冷饥饿

    For centuries, people who live in the high Andes have chewed coca leaves, whose alkaloids act as a mild stimulant and help to ward off cold and hunger.


  • 游览玻利维亚首都拉巴斯秘鲁印加文化遗址库斯科的观光客通常都会拿到一杯迎宾的古柯叶纾缓高山症(soroche)症状。

    TOURISTS who visit Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, or Cusco, Peru’s former Inca seat, are routinely given welcome cups of coca tea to mitigate soroche (altitude sickness).


  • 这位44岁的矿工下秘鲁安第斯山脉17,000英尺冰冷矿道中,把古柯叶塞入嘴里,好自己不可避免饥饿疲惫中支撑下去。

    Descending into an icy tunnel 17,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes, the 44-year-old miner stuffs a wad of coca leaves into his mouth to brace himself for the inevitable hunger and fatigue.


  • 这位44岁的矿工下秘鲁安第斯山脉17,000英尺冰冷矿道中,把古柯叶塞入嘴里,好自己不可避免饥饿疲惫中支撑下去。

    Descending into an icy tunnel 17,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes, the 44-year-old miner stuffs a wad of coca leaves into his mouth to brace himself for the inevitable hunger and fatigue.


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