• 反常制造麻烦中。

    She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble.


  • 马丁异常寒冷海洋空气使得光线反常向下弯曲

    The unusually cold sea air caused light to bend abnormally downward, Maltin said.


  • 世界正变得越来越,而万卡维·利卡却反常变得越来越冷。

    In a world growing ever hotter, Huancavelica is an 10 anomaly.


  • 由于去年反常进口大量分析师认为中国2010年铝的数量略有盈余。

    Analysts reckon that China, which unusually imported large quantities of aluminium last year, will again produce a small surplus in 2010.


  • 受害人似乎反常放松了自己,获得了一种近乎怪异思维上的平静

    Paradoxically, the victims seem relieved by the attacks, gaining an almost eerie peace of mind.


  • 最后反常地十年来扩大自有住房执着实际上或许降低了安定

    Lastly, and perversely, the decade of obsession with expanding home ownership may actually have reduced neighbourhood stability.


  • 而是直接血浆血腥冲击雅众视野而到达酣畅屠戮反常觉得。

    But with the direct plasma and bloody to impact the line of sight of the audience to enjoy the killing and the feeling of abnormal condition.


  • 今年转会市场曼联主帅反常安静,至今还没有一张面孔加入上赛季双冠王

    The Manchester United boss has been unusually quiet in the transfer market this year, failing to add any new faces to his double-winning squad of last season.


  • 如同大多数极端天气状况一样,剧烈程度由于几种气象条件反常汇集在一起造成

    Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.


  • 不过一旦开始谈起错误便十分坦诚其实讲起自己的蠢事反常从中得到几分乐趣呢

    But when he does bring himself to confess to an error of this kind it is with absolute frankness; in fact, he seems to derive a perverse pleasure in dwelling upon his inaptitude.


  • 过去五十年里——只百万分之一年龄百分之一一点——大气中的二氧化碳浓度开始反常地迅速上升

    Within the last 50 years - little more than one hundredth of a millionth of the Earth's age - the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to rise anomalously fast.


  • 那么为什么大多数经济学家认为失业率继续攀升呢?原因之一就在于此次衰退中失业问题反常地成为一个顽疾。

    So why do most economists still think unemployment has further to rise? Part of the blame goes to the unusually stubborn nature of joblessness in this recession.


  • 可以说实质上数十亿送给花旗银行,摩根斯坦利高曼以及其他几个反常上的银行使他们得以生存

    Which is to say that he essentially began giving away billions of dollars to Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and a few others unnaturally selected for survival.


  • 我们所有人都反常喜欢看到一些障碍形成那里慢慢出现增长的,不稳定的盒子左边等待处理

    All of us took perverse delight in watching as a few bottlenecks formed and one person slowly had a growing, teetering stack of blocks on his left waiting for him to process.


  • 没留意,嗓门提得太高些。听见了因为突然起来了——头发披散肩上眼睛闪闪的,脖子胳膊上青筋反常地突出来。

    I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me; for she started upher hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally.


  • 繁殖这些变形的、残疾的和容易患有疾病的动物一件可怕反常的事情,而我们现实已经完全麻木了。

    We've become completely desensitise to the fact that breeding these deformed, disabled, disease-prone animals is either shocking or abnormal.


  • 我驱车宾夕法尼亚州前往纽约穿过新泽西州的80号州际公路上,遇到个“车队”,他们都很反常的将车速精确控制在55m.p.h的最高限速上,而这个“车队”中间是一巡警车,当然没人会乐意超他的车。

    Driving through New Jersey on Interstate 80 en route from Pennsylvania to New York, I came upon a group of cars that were abnormally traveling exactly at the 55 m.p.h. speed limit.


  • 例如假设反常暖冬季节里,飞往热带目的的航线无人问津。

    For example, suppose it is an unusually warm winter and there is little demand for tropical destinations.


  • 随着夏季到来他们足够的能力利用常规可再生能源,或者国外购买电力:最近进口反常超过了出口

    As summer approaches they have enough capacity in conventional and renewable power or can buy from abroad: recently, imports have uncharacteristically outstripped exports.


  • 如果就是目标的话,那么参议院议案以及以412比12通过的众议院版本的议案就似乎显得反常

    But if that is our goal, the Senate bill, and a House version that passed 412 to 12, seem almost diabolically perverse.


  • 母亲被迫一反常呼叫时尚”,也许正是意味着父亲厮混有所察觉。

    My mother had to go out of her way to the Dial-a-Style, which probably meant that she suspected my father's dalliance.


  • 案子正在上诉,而贝尔确实,但在考虑是否赦免他那段时间,他也反常被关在里。

    Tucker's case was on appeal and Hubbell had actually broken the law and had not been out of jail for the usual period before being considered for a pardon.


  • 的“粉丝”们反常陶醉于所招惹的责骂中,恰如对神秘一面深深迷恋。

    Its fans perversely enjoy the opprobrium it still attracts, as well as its deeply cryptic side.


  • 许多美国人强烈反对遣送迈格拉希回国决定:国务卿希拉里•克林顿反常发表尖锐言辞,释放迈格拉希的决定绝对错误”;

    Many Americans vociferously opposed sending Mr Megrahi back. In unusually strident language, Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it would beabsolutely wrong” to free him.


  • 却是一反常厌恶保守党(“记得保守党八十年代的作为……”)。

    But she turned out to be a vitriolic Tory-hater (" I remember what the Tories did in the '80s... ").


  • 论文通过反应器结构改进,成功研制出了大气压反常辉光放电等离子体化学反应器

    In this dissertation, through some improvements of conventional reactor structure, a new abnormal glow discharge plasma chemical reaction apparatus under atmospheric pressure has been invented.


  • 论文通过反应器结构改进,成功研制出了大气压反常辉光放电等离子体化学反应器

    In this dissertation, through some improvements of conventional reactor structure, a new abnormal glow discharge plasma chemical reaction apparatus under atmospheric pressure has been invented.


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