• 然而开启第九系统泄露导致整个系统的停滞,直到去年11月做了一些能量质子之间的微弱碰撞

    Nine days after the fanfare, however, a leak in the cooling system put things on hold and they did not restart until last November, with a few gentle collisions between low-energy protons.


  • 乔布斯控制狂著称批评的人埋怨设计产品系统打着提高用户体验旗号封闭缺乏灵活性。

    Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.


  • 一切听起来很好如果逾期FSA设计一个更为基本系统真正变革吗?

    All this sounds fine, if overdue; but can the FSA really reform itself without a more radical redesign of the system?


  • 虽然最初颇受争议——因为它支持反对声提出的——但UML以后成为系统标记法行业标准

    Though it was controversial upon inception — it was introduced amidst a flurry of protest and counterproposalsUML has since become the industry standard for system notation.


  • 目前版本中,KDE启动所需时间长,并且站过多系统资源,在游戏过程没有用到这些。

    In the current version, KDE takes too much time to start, USES a lot of system resources, and is not used during a game.


  • 如果这些数值低,系统运行迟缓那么可能表示存在交换空间问题

    If the Numbers are low but your system is slow, it might point to a swap space issue.


  • 然而系统容易沦为传输无用信息之管道,这些信息仅因为属于传统惯例代代相传

    But this system is vulnerable to becoming a conduit for worthless information that is passed on for no other reason than tradition.


  • 事与愿违银行变得更大复杂之后,作为一个整体金融系统越来越均质化

    Paradoxically, as Banks grew bigger and more complex, the financial system as a whole ended up being more homogeneous.


  • 否则,结果可能是正在创建同一个图像具有多个实例系统资源一种浪费

    Otherwise, I would have ended up with multiple instances of the same image being created, which is nothing more than a waste of system resources.


  • 使用小菜一碟系统使用正确的类库远非易事。

    Using libraries is easy but getting all the right ones onto your system can be a pain.


  • 传统上编配引擎往往表现为一个系统其它部分广泛交流,并不提供访问它其中内容的办法

    Traditionally, orchestration engines have been black boxes that interact extensively with the rest of your system but don't provide any way to access what's under the hood.


  • 系统虽然小而全无线电部分无法使同类设备通话。

    While this system is minuscule and complete, its radio doesn't equip it to talk to other devices like it.


  • 例如一家公司发现试图引进一种及时系统受阻,原因是员工接受必要培训。

    One company, for instance, found that its attempts to introduce a just-in-time system were hindered by the reluctance of staff to undertake the necessary training.


  • 世界其他机场安装RNP系统然而中国特别需要

    Other airports around the world are also installing RNP systems, but China has a particular need for them.


  • 卫生负担日益增加,卫生系统应对能力减弱了。

    The capacity of the health system to respond has diminished at a time when the health burden is growing.


  • 设想Solaris主机上意外调用killall命令关闭所有Apache进程,没想到实际上关闭系统

    Imagine accidentally calling the killall command on a Solaris host to shutdown all Apache processes, only to find you've effectively shutdown the system!


  • 谷歌微软企业收取操作系统授权费时,送出Android免费使用的大礼,这引发了一些批评家抨击。

    Some critics have hammered Google for giving Android away when other companies such as Microsoft charge for their operating systems.


  • 乔布斯返回苹果公司之前公司尝试开发版本Macintosh操作系统一无所获。

    Before Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the company had spent several years fruitlessly trying to develop a modern version of the Macintosh operating system.


  • 系统所有初始参数迅速向着终点汇聚,可历史告诉我们人类社会一种显示非凡的不断膨胀系统

    All the initial parameters of the system quickly converge upon termination, when history tells us human society is a system that displays marvelous continuing expansion.


  • 内核引导过程通常相当复杂不过非常迅速因为大部分代码都是使用系统机器语言编写

    The kernel boot process is fairly complicated but very fast, as most of the code is written in the system's machine language.


  • 然后一种新的生态系统崛起与前身惊人相似,换了不同主角

    Then a new ecosystem emerges that looks surprisingly like the old one, but with different actors.


  • 各种各样情形可供访问者进行互动大部分推荐系统几乎没有什么互动。

    A broad array of modalities are available for visitor interaction, but few if any are available in most recommendation systems.


  • 那么东西本身不是文件系统这种方式表示非常有用呢?

    So, what kinds of things aren't filesystems, but are useful to represent that way?


  • 这样就可以避免张力对于砷化元件损伤整个系统表现出一种柔性

    This protects the rigid gallium arsenide components from strain, but the system as a whole is flexible and stretchable.


  • 但是利用现存物种DNA重建哺乳动物系统生物学家得出不同结论

    But biologists reconstructing the mammalian tree of evolution from the DNA of living species have come to a different conclusion.


  • 设计桥梁其他工程系统时,现有框架证明非常成功在使用业务系统开发软件时,了壁。

    Existing frameworks have been proven very successful when designing Bridges and other engineered systems but have been hit or miss propositions when it comes to software for business systems.


  • 或者以超出计划充分利用服务系统而告终,或者是计划不够周全以至应用系统尖峰负荷崩溃——而这不是我们希望的。

    Either we end up over-planning and have underutilized servers, or we under-plan and find our applications crashing at peak load — when we least want them to crash.


  • 或者以超出计划充分利用服务系统而告终,或者是计划不够周全以至应用系统尖峰负荷崩溃——而这不是我们希望的。

    Either we end up over-planning and have underutilized servers, or we under-plan and find our applications crashing at peak load — when we least want them to crash.


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