• 康德的思想中这种普遍性如此广泛,以致森林中的野人,即还处于原始状态中的以及布尔乔亚阶级包括同样定义中去,而且具有相同基本性质

    In Kant, this universality goes so far that the wild man of the woods, man in the state of nature and the bourgeois are all contained in the same definition and have the same fundamental qualities.


  • 数据显示标准时间之后我们又多了一小时睡眠时间,周一没有显著睡眠工作伤害方面不同

    The data also revealed that on Mondays after the switch to standard time-when we gain an hour of sleep-there's no significant differences in sleep or injuries.


  • 卡来说,至少存在一种可行替代方案:整个系统镜像模式。

    But there is at least one viable alternative to LUCA: the mirror image of the entire system.


  • 此外我们增加了功能模式支持(活动多实例)。

    In addition to that, we have added support for new features and patterns (i.e activities multi-instantiation).


  • 30显示了两个提供定义反向链接能力附加属性静态动态如何维护关于成员信息

    Figure 30 also shows two Additional Properties that provide the ability to define reverse linkage, which is how groups maintain information about their members, for both static and dynamic groups.


  • 不过我们认识物种毕竟一种多倍体(存在染色体),因此存在较大缓冲空间。

    But we have the knowledge that the species is a polyploid [has extra chromosomes], so hopefully it has plenty of resilience.


  • 另外围绕着主题英特尔奔腾芯片组发现鞋子鞋盒上无时无刻不在体现一主题。

    I also tied this piece around a theme, Pentium, which is the name of Intel's chips. You will notice this is repeated throughout the shoes and box.


  • 这项调查表明上海人素质”,他们教育礼仪职场生活水平出人意料的

    His survey also found that the "quality" of the people of Shanghai, meaning the median level of their education, etiquette and professional lives, is surprisingly low.


  • 另外该法保有条例外,符合要求的团体健康计划第一增加超过2%的成本后续每年增加1%的总成本。

    In addition, the law maintains an exemption for group health plans whose compliance would increase total costs by more than 2% during the first year or by more than 1% each subsequent year.


  • 欧共体来说存在着一个异议覆盖的范围欧洲一小部分

    A bigger objection to the EEC was that it covered only a small part of Europe.


  • 提出一个问题常规实验方法是否适应全球变的大趋势。

    This raises the question of whether conventional experimental protocols will be relevant in a warmer world.


  • 而且他们认为对于做梦者而言有一种特殊用途通常可以预测未来

    Moreover, it appeared to them that dreams must serve a special purpose in respect of the dreamer; that, as a rule, they predicted the future.


  • 维基除了提供很有用的参考文献外,最为出色地践行了以下理念通过网络合作的志愿者可以联袂打造有价值的东西。

    As well as being a useful reference work, Wikipedia is also the moststriking example of the idea that volunteers working together online cancollectively produce something valuable.


  • 佐治亚理工学院报告警告说,要防范被劫持计算机所谓僵尸网络,窃取网上帐户个人信息然后市场上的倒卖分子。

    The Georgia Tech report also cautions against the use of hijacked computers, called botnets, to steal personal information from your online accounts and then sell that info to marketers.


  • 他同时总结似乎被普遍认同的观点—酒店产业离复苏时期一段很长的走。

    Crisci summed up what appeared to be a widely held belief that the industry has a long road to recovery.


  • 但是在许可费提升以及不断环境管制条例背后存在着另一种暗示加纳采矿业中所获利益并不

    But underlying it and the increasingly strict enforcement of environmental rules is a sense that Ghana is not getting much benefit from its mineral wealth.


  • 为了让阿塞洛高层人员投子认输作出了进一步让步甘愿只要公司43.6%的股份

    He has made further concessions to get Arcelor's bosses to concede defeat, contenting himself with a 43.6% stake in the new company.


  • 报告驳斥了此前普遍抱有神话般的期望,加拿大的含油砂将能填补石油供应缺口

    It also dismissed as myth a widely held expectation that tar sands in Canada could fill the supply gap.


  • 这份报告除了具有实用价值外,传达一个特别及时讯息资金紧张提高效率胜于削减服务

    Apart from its practical value, the report delivers an especially timely message. When money is tight, improving efficiency is a far better option than cutting services.


  • 科威特期间认识了一位信奉犹太教的军医,现在他们一起来到伊拉克。 每逢星期五晚上,俩人一起过沙巴特(“安息日”——译者注),期间一起学习希伯来语。

    In Kuwait, he had also befriended a Jewish Army doctor and, now that both were in Iraq, joined him on Friday nights to celebrate Shabbat, learning words of Hebrew in the process.


  • 日益增加接触造成各种想象实际恐惧,担心会失去珍贵习俗语言特征

    Increasing contact has also generated fears - imagined and real - of the loss of cherished customs, languages and identities.


  • 登录模块支持缺省主体,在没有指明主体使用缺省的TGT密钥

    The login module can also support default principals, that is, using default TGT or secret key when no principal name is specified.


  • 这样我们趋向于喜欢欺骗隐秘性,不仅知道我们已有所得,而且知道别人蒙在鼓里。

    We thus tend to take pleasure in the secret nature of deception, of not only knowing that we have gained something, but also that the other person does not know this.


  • 乌克兰试图加强西欧美国的联系,去年曾寻求加入北大西洋公约组织(译者注:北约)和欧盟

    Ukraine tried to increase ties with western Europe and the U.S., seeking membership to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization last year and the European Union.


  • 构造函数接受用于指定数据源(dsn)的参数,可能包括用户密码参数(如果有的话)。

    The constructor accepts parameters for specifying the database source (known as the DSN) and optionally for the username and password (if any).


  • 这个过程依靠铝合金中的改变形状来完成,找到气泡并阻止其膨胀

    It relies on silicon fragments, which are used in aluminium alloys, changing shape and, in effect, pinning down the gas-containing pores to prevent them from expanding.


  • 这个过程依靠铝合金中的改变形状来完成,找到气泡并阻止其膨胀

    It relies on silicon fragments, which are used in aluminium alloys, changing shape and, in effect, pinning down the gas-containing pores to prevent them from expanding.


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