• 卡内了下蔑视嘲讽的样子。

    Canete's mouth twisted in a contemptuous sneer.


  • 卡内认为,贝汉对这些作家戏剧定义悲剧性质的方式持怀疑态度。

    Carnell argues that Behan took issue with the way in which these writers and plays defined the nature of tragedy.


  • 卡内沃斯基以及-,很多谈论保险

    Kahneman and Tversky also — and others have also talked about insurance.


  • 卡内瓦的记忆算法一些媲美于人类思维不可思议事情

    Kanerva's memory algorithm could do several marvelous things that parallel what our own minds can do.


  • 保证机器下列情况下,保修期自动失效。

    The guarantee period of the machines listed in this guarantee card will automatically lose effectiveness under the following conditions.


  • 公司用户保证保证明的机器性能良好、机件完整

    Our company guarantee to the user that the machines listed in this guarantee card has good performance and complete parts.


  • 一个明亮的载着面纱女人参观拉贾斯坦邦卡内的尔尼马塔寺庙

    A brightly veiled woman visits the Karni Mata temple in Bikaner, Rajasthan.


  • 话说,卡内瓦指出了一种能够将思维拥有任何感知存入有限记忆机制方法

    In other words, Kanerva showed a way to fit any perception a mind could have into a finite memory mechanism.


  • 卡内算法一种有限数量数据储存进非常巨大潜在的空间的绝妙方法

    Kanerva's algorithm was an elegant method to store a finite number of data points in a very immense potential memory space.


  • 选项并没有继续载入而是页面原始、未分段版本进行全页面刷新

    Instead of continuing to load content inside tabs, you get full-page refreshes of the original, non-fragment versions of your pages.


  • 卡内多霉素一种稳定抗生素粉沫置于密封容器中,室温下保存年以上活性

    Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.


  • 挖掘编辑器下面属性选项卡内选中左侧MiningSettings选项

    In the properties TAB below the mining editor, select the mining Settings TAB on the left side.


  • 而且季风移动今天经过卡内,迪萨,贾巴尔普尔,赖布尔低压中心

    And, the southward moved axis of monsoon trough today passes through Bikaner, Deesa, Jabalpur, Raipur, Center of low pressure area.


  • 传统银行植入微型计算机芯片作为保安装置用于控制通过电子银行结算系统支付

    A microcomputer embedded within a conventional bank card used as a security device on controlling payments via electronic banking and clearing systems.


  • 如果REST服务要求参数可以InputParameters选项卡内指定这些

    If the REST service requires parameters, you can specify the values in the Input parameters TAB.


  • 第一选项卡内载入结果启用选择它有所不同,我们要在第二个选项执行所有这些动作

    But instead of loading the results into the first TAB, enabling it, and selecting it, you perform all of those actions on the second TAB.


  • 的是心理框架很多心理学家研究这个问题,最著名的是丹尼尔·卡内阿莫斯·特沃斯基

    By that I mean psychological framing, and there are many psychologists who talk about this, but notably Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.


  • 道森房子火烧了安吉拉丈夫卡内他们五个孩子都死了悲剧成了全国新闻

    In a tragedy that made the national news, the Dawson house was set on fire and Angela, her husband, Carnell, and five of their children died.


  • 当然联网状态下电脑存有用户IC一致数据系统而言,也是实现安全数据配份。

    Of course, interconnection state, and there are also computer users IC card consistent data on the system, this is achieved with the dual safety data.


  • 由于ID容,故持有者权限系统功能操作完全依赖计算机网络平台数据库支持

    The ID Kaka in London, is the competence of its card holders, operating system functions to depend entirely on the computer network database platform support.


  • 通过单个步骤复合动作放到从来不会页面消失单个选项新的结帐路径总是可以让用户明确方向

    By placing the compound actions of an individual step within a single TAB that never disappears from the page, your new checkout path keeps users oriented.


  • 25克里拥有丰富联赛经验总共枪手出战264场,自从2003年8月卡内加盟

    Clichy, 25, has a wealth of Premier League experience having played a total of 264 times for the Gunners since he signed from Cannes in August 2003.


  • 显然,显然卡内坚信Maguwu文件可能通过“欺诈手段获取的,卡内把文件交由官员验证

    Apparently believing that the document Mr Maguwu gave him may have been "fraudulently acquired", Mr Chikane says he handed it to officials for authentication.


  • 可以用芯片地铁火车站自动售票亭购买车票。 当售票窗口前排起长队时,这个可是节省时间的利器

    The chip in the card also allows you to tap automated kiosks for subway and train tickets, which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.


  • 巴西铸币厂工作41年间,卡内制造了很多硬币雕琢奥运会奖牌完成令人兴奋项目之一

    Carneiro has made many COINS during his 41-year tenure at the Brazilian Mint, but he said sculpting the Olympic MEDALS is one of the most exciting projects he has done.


  • 卡内奥赫:夏威夷城市,位于欧东部,濒临太平洋一个海湾卡内奥赫湾。该市住宅区人口35,448。

    A city of Hawaii in eastern Oahu on Kaneohe Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. The city is a residential community. Population, 35,448.


  • 卡内奥赫:夏威夷城市,位于欧东部,濒临太平洋一个海湾卡内奥赫湾。该市住宅区人口35,448。

    A city of Hawaii in eastern Oahu on Kaneohe Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. The city is a residential community. Population, 35,448.


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进来说说原因吧 确定