• 南希·佩洛西成为美国众议院第一位女性发言人

    Nancy Pelosi is poised to become the first female speaker of the House of representatives.


  • 众议院发言人南希·佩洛西当场签字高举法案

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds aloft the bill after she signed it.


  • 南希·洛西似乎天生就是那些经常上漫画政客之一。

    NANCY PELOSI is one of those politicians who seems made for caricature.


  • 只要南希·洛西还在管着日程,换不换人没什么要紧

    It wont matter as long as Nancy Pelosi is drafting his agenda.


  • 恰好南希·洛西白宫所的,气候法案在2009年通过。

    That's exactly what Nancy Pelosi did in the House, making sure the climate bill got passed in 2009.


  • 果然不出所料,众议院民众党推选南希·洛西担任众议院议长

    Just as expected, House Democrats have elected Nancy Pelosi to be the next speaker of the House.


  • 因此正如的那样,我非常高兴得知南希·洛西正在竭力拯救这个星球

    So as I said, I'm very glad to know that Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet.


  • 今天白宫发言人南希·洛西觉得白宫歌颂迈克尔·杰克逊提案没什么必要

    Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees no need for a House resolution in praise of Michael Jackson.


  • 另一名追踪者说希望能够召开刺激方案公众听证会但是南希·洛西却碍手碍脚。

    He told another follower that he wanted public hearings on the stimulus package, but that Nancy Pelosi was standing in the way.


  • 20082009年庞大赤字则来自南希·洛西哈里·雷德操控国会所通过的预算

    And the mammoth deficits of 2008 and 2009 came from budgets approved by a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 众议长南希·洛西措施及时有针对性临时的”—也是经济刺激一揽子政策的三个目标

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measures are "timely, targeted and temporary" — the three goals for an economic stimulus package.


  • 众议院南希·佩洛西2002年简要上报中情局水刑其他有争议的质询手段,没有受到质疑

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, was reportedly briefed on the CIA's plans for waterboarding and other controversial techniques in 2002, and raised no qualms.


  • 白宫发言人伊拉克战事评论家南希·佩洛西,正领导巴格达举行代表会议,并领导举行会谈

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a critic of the Iraq war, is leading a congressional delegation in Baghdad, holding talks with Iraqi leaders.


  • 美国国会议员众议院议长南希·佩洛西率领先期来到展厅参观了绿色技术提供燃料的新型概念

    Members of the U. S. Congress, led by House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, also got an inside look at new and concept cars fueled by green technology.


  • 众议院议长南希·洛西没有这笔援助款称为救助,而是称为贷款认为这笔贷款对美国经济总体健康至关重要。

    House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not call the assistance a bailout, but a loan she says was critical to the overall health of the U.S. economy.


  • 众议院议长南希·洛西没有这笔援助款称为救助,而是称为贷款认为这笔贷款对美国经济总体健康至关重要。

    House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not call the assistance a bailout, but a loan she says was critical to the overall health of the U. S. economy.


  • 南希·洛西高居议长,明明白白的提醒人们自从中期选举以来,美国政坛变化多么的巨大,权力布什身边的流失是多么的迅速。

    Nancy Pelosi's position in the Speaker's chair was a vivid reminder of how much politics has changed since the mid-term elections-and how rapidly Mr Bush's power is slipping away from him.


  • 最近政客网站(The Politico)询问众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi),为何阻止近海钻探修正案纳入拨款法案企图

    Recently the Web site the Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills.


  • 不可能的,想想前南众议院议长希·佩洛西,她的事可跟维纳先生做过的别无他样。

    It would be impossible, she said, to imagine Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, doing anything like what Mr. Weiner did.


  • 自从 南希 · 洛西搬家旧金山后,一直在努力房,几个月来,四个年幼孩子一直寄婆母家

    WHEN Nancy Pelosi moved to San Francisco, she struggled to find somewhere to live. For months, and with four small children, she lodged with her mother-in-law.


  • 众议院议长南希.洛西试图共和党人相信这样去做。

    Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, sought to assure Republicans that that would be the case.


  • 妇女权利支持者们发现很可恶但是持赞成态度的立法者(包括众议院发言人南希.佩洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women’s-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 妇女权利支持者发现很可恶但是持赞成态度的立法者(包括众议院发言人南希.佩洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women's-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 众议院发言人南希佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)甚至于1月21宣称:“认为如果参议院提案作改动的话,是不会被通过…我还没见到有支持票。”

    On January 21st, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, even declaredwithout any change, I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House...I don't see the votes for it.


  • 参议院目前正在一个采纳上述方法法案进行辩论。众议院议长南希佩洛西保证7月4号之前提出相似方法

    The Senate is currently debating a bill along those lines, and Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has pledged to produce similar measures by July 4th.


  • 参议院目前正在一个采纳上述方法法案进行辩论。众议院议长南希佩洛西保证7月4号之前提出相似方法

    The Senate is currently debating a bill along those lines, and Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has pledged to produce similar measures by July 4th.


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