• 华克夏度假一事只是事情延续而已。

    The matter of the Waukesha outing was merely a continuation of other things of the same nature.


  • 去年8月第一次正式发动炮轰

    Waxman launched his first formal salvo last August.


  • 如果愿意的话,她可以马上华克夏,早越

    She could go to Waukesha right away if she wanted to. The sooner the better.


  • 很多时候,人们放弃自己的才能是因为觉得自己没有才能。——爱丽丝·华克

    The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. -alice Walker.


  • 现在这种提早华克夏之类小事提出来时清楚地看出了自己在家中的地位

    Now, when such little things, such as the proposed earlier start to Waukesha, came up, they made clear to him his position.


  • 隔天我们支了麻省理工学院哈佛大学一小段时间然后开车泽西州的纽华克过夜

    The next day, we toured MIT and Harvard for a while, then drove to Newark, New Jersey for the night.


  • 前提,除非出版商能够采取华克的做法读者们提供新的方式他们聚一起相互交流。

    But only if publishers adopt Wark's perspective and provide new ways for people to encounter the written word.


  • 几百万繁忙的日子纽约三个机场起飞:拉瓜地尔亚机场,华克机场肯尼迪机场。

    Millions of people fly on the busiest days from the three New York airports: LaGuardia Airport, Newark Airport, and Kennedy Airport.


  • 这里讲述一个来自新泽西州纽华克无家可归者•贝里安(MichaelBerrian)的故事

    This is a story about Michael Berrian, a homeless man from Newark, New Jersey.


  • 监制爱德·华克·特西斯亚当霍罗威茨,8年前便完全了这部正在拍摄童话剧集初稿并未投入拍摄。

    Executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz wrote the first draft of the upcoming fairy-tale drama Once Upon a Timeeight years ago, but it didn't go anywhere.


  • 演员派崔史都秀顶好久了,而且以此豪。

    The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it.


  • 同时提供经济精神上支持,还将其介绍知名爱荷作家工作坊建议成为作家。

    Offering both financial and psychological support, he introduces him to the renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop and suggests the life of a writer.


  • 但是,适逢2006年艾滋病教会全球峰会马鞍峰召开之际,想起表率作用。

    But he wanted to set an example at the start of the 2006 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, at Saddleback.


  • 布勒---也有人亲切地称呼他利”---当时已是一位杰出科学家哥伦比亚大学工作16年了

    Broecker -- known by all as Wally -- was already a prominent scientist by then, having served on Columbia University's faculty for 16 years.


  • 印度联合利雇佣了企业家。这些企业家在本土销售公司物品,在卫生保健上教育朋友

    In India Unilever employs an army of shakti entrepreneurs who sell goods from their homes and educate their friends in health and hygiene.


  • 事实上,1964年,威廉·伦奎斯特是建议巴里·戈德投票反对民权法案唯一名律师

    In fact, Bork had been one of two lawyers, along with William Rehnquist, to advise Barry Goldwater to vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964.


  • 13世纪兹塔扫荡墨西哥中部陶蒂康这座繁城市(在公元400年左右时期)已经神秘建造者们遗弃很长一段时间

    By the 13th century when the Aztec swept into central Mexico, the once teeming city—which reached its zenith around a.d. 400—had been long since abandoned by its mysterious builders.


  • 对来自保守派批评不屑一顾。

    Mr Warren shrugged off the conservative criticism.


  • 布莱韦尔表示,这些不会着装女星们应该像瑞茜·威瑟斯彭妮可·基德曼凯特·摩斯斯嘉丽·约翰森、娜塔莉·波特曼狄昂·等人学习,学习她们“不留痕迹的和令人过目不忘的风格”。

    Blackwell urged the women on his list to emulate the "effortless beauty and memorable style" of Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Kate Moss, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman and Dionne Warwick.


  • 然而暗示本人并不想职位而且其他任何人,包括葛培理长子富兰•格拉汉姆在内,适合这一职位。

    But Mr Warren has implied that he doesn't want the position, and no one elsenot even Franklin Graham, Billy's eldest son—quite fits the bill.


  • ·萨斯(丰田奢侈品牌)展示混合动力汽车模型兰德路保时捷奔驰宝马(劳斯莱斯拥有者)混合动力车

    Lexus (the luxury brand of Toyota) showed off seven petrol-electric hybrid models, while Land Rover, Porsche, Mercedes and BMW (the owner of Rolls-Royce) all had hybrids on show.


  • 这座小镇所在山谷叫做夫拉达--乌马卡(theQuebrada deHumahuaca),一条几千历史的商路,并且2003年联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界遗产

    The valley in which it lies—the Quebrada de Humahuaca, named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2003—has been a trade route for thousands of years.


  • 图书销售总额的大幅增加主要归功于诸如所著标竿人生》等此类图书,《标竿人生》是2004年美国最畅销的非小说类图书,其销量超过700万

    Much of the growth is from books like Rick Warren's "the Purpose-Driven Life," the top-selling non-fiction book in the United States in 2004, selling over 7 million copies.


  • 斯佩之前游戏包括科幻冒险游戏DeusEx他相信米奇游戏会反映出特·迪士尼对于他所创造的角色情感

    Spector, whose previous games include sci-fi adventure Deus Ex, believes his Mickey game reflects Walt Disney's affection for his characters.


  • 病毒北卡罗来纳州的牛顿·格罗夫母猪中传播,并导致母猪流产随后病毒传到了德·斯、爱荷明尼苏达州,引起了流行病学专家对这种新病毒的关注,警告人类中爆发的可能性。

    It spread among pregnant sows in Newton Grove, N.C., causing them to abort their litters, and then to swine in Texas, Iowa and.


  • 饶恕不代表信任饶恕可以马上释放伤痛但是信任需要时间来建立。(牧师)

    RickWarren: Forgiveness isnt trust. Forgive instantly & freely to stop bitterness which hurts you. But trust must be EARNED over time.


  • 上帝不是因为需要,祂是希望没有哪个人像上帝一样。(牧师)

    RickWarren:God created you, not out of need, but because He WANTED you alive. No man or woman will ever love u as much as God does.


  • 然而尽管此类等极为受追捧,但是这种教会增长运动历史起源就很多问题

    Yet despite the incredible popularity of Rick Warren and others like him, there are numerous problems with the church growth movement, starting with its history.


  • 卡斯山脉爱达州、西雅图盛顿北部,在朝山西面进发的时候,你可以看到山脉连绵和滑雪运动。

    There are more mountains and great skiing as you go west to the Cascade Mountains in the north up to Idaho and Seattle, Washington.


  • 卡斯山脉爱达州、西雅图盛顿北部,在朝山西面进发的时候,你可以看到山脉连绵和滑雪运动。

    There are more mountains and great skiing as you go west to the Cascade Mountains in the north up to Idaho and Seattle, Washington.


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