• 虽然总人口比例很小,但很大比例青年男子被迫迁出某一可能当地产生巨大影响

    Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area.


  • 位置组件配置为汽车进入某个工作区时生成事件

    The location component is configured such that it generates an event only when the automobile enters a work zone.


  • 这些行为黑猩猩进入等候区时明显增多表明它们不喜欢那地方。

    That they increase in frequency in holding areas suggests the chimpanzees feel bad in these places.


  • 此相反,创建一个抽象数据缓冲解决方案就变得简单了。

    In contrast, when you make an abstract data buffer, the solution becomes simple.


  • 细菌贫瘠区时耳朵背面,细菌种群中位数15前臂44

    The most barren region was behind the ear, with a median diversity of 15 species. In comparison, the forearm teemed with a median 44 species.


  • 大脑不在服务区时神经学家大脑的活动确认一种默认网络”。

    While you’re zoned out, the brain activates what neuroscientists have identified as adefault network”.


  • 打开新的工作区时看到用于创建建模项目向导发生了改变

    When opening a new workspace, you'll see that the wizard for creating a new modeling project has changed.


  • 每次在商场玩具区时的孩子都会大叫妈妈一个吗?”

    Every time you are walking by a toy aisle at a store, your child yellsMom, can I have it?”


  • 应用程序开发人员需要知道分配缓冲应该每个字符分配多大内存

    It is necessary for an application programmer who is allocating a buffer to know how much memory to allocate for each character.


  • 城市规划企业学校街道居住应当体育设施纳入建设规划

    In planning the layout of enterprises, schools, streets and residential quarters, sports installations and facilities shall be incorporated into the construction plan.


  • 2001年加入欧元公共债务已经超过GDP100%。

    When it joined the euro in 2001, its public debt was already more than 100% of GDP.


  • 具体说来,通过检测区时显示绿色黄色红色的像素视为降水事件

    Specifically, any pixels that are green, yellow, or red will be considered precipitation events as they pass through the detection area.


  • 画面中出现大面积的高光区时其余部分则呈现出超凡脱俗柔软光彩。

    Once large areas of the picture turn white the remaining areas take on an otherworldly softness and glow.


  • 例如如果某个线程没有调度转储缓冲跟踪信息仍然可用的。

    For example, if one particular thread is not being dispatched, its trace information is still available when the buffers are dumped or snapped.


  • 信息表明架飞机在坠机恶劣雷暴区时,飞行速度或者过快或者过慢。

    The messages suggest the plane may have been flying too fast or too slow through severe thunderstorms it encountered before the crash, officials said.


  • 我们发现一些限制因素例如创建客户机工作区时,面临的文件许可权问题

    We have found some limitations, such as file permissions issues, when creating workspaces on the client machines.


  • 可以在文件数据复制内部缓存区时立即释放用于保留该数据的NFS缓存页面

    This frees up NFS cache pages used to hold file data as soon as they have been copied to internal buffers.


  • 写入缓冲C程式员必须注意储存缓冲区中的资料不能超过所能容纳的量。

    When writing to buffers, C programmers must take care not to store more data in the buffer than it can hold.


  • 线程进入退出临界区时需要通知clr以便出现故障情况时,CLR能够相应地通知宿主

    The CLR needs to be told when the thread is entering or exiting a critical region so that, should a failure condition occur, the CLR can notify the host appropriately.


  • 组件小于显示区时,将用到anchor属性属性规定将组件放在显示中的哪个位置

    The anchor attribute is used when the component is smaller than its display area and dictates where within the display area to place the component.


  • 条目指定了打开新的工作区时以及关掉所有透视图关闭eclipse打开的透视图。

    This entry identifies the perspective that is opened for a new workspace or when you have shut down Eclipse after closing all perspectives.


  • 他们写了很多工具检查,保证操纵缓冲总是额外传递了一个参数来代表缓冲区的正确长度

    Tools were written to check that a proper length was always passed as a separate argument when manipulating buffers; a solution Jay was not pleased with.


  • Eclipse提示选择工作区时确保不要使用Chris 正在使用相同工作区

    When Eclipse prompts you for a workspace, make sure you do not use the same workspace as Marcus was using.


  • 使用安装WebSpherePersonalization 工作区时指定用户标识登录。

    Sign in with the user ID you specified when you installed the WebSphere Personalization workspace.


  • 佛教徒再次小狗放回车厢地板开车离开休息区时,他意识到贝林正是宇宙给他又一个启示

    The Buddhist puts the dog onto the floor of the car again and as he drives away from the rest area he realizes that the Berlingo is yet another sign from the Universe.


  • 真正男人确实会不过只是触动大脑情绪区时。但是,公共场合,男人很少这种情况发生

    Real men do cry but only when they are tapping the emotion segment of the brain, and men will rarely let this happen in public.


  • 激活工作区支持只有一个工作区时,工作区就会按照没有激活工作区支持功能时的那样进行操作。

    When you enable Workspace support and have just one root Workspace, the Workspace will behave exactly as it did without Workspace support being enabled.


  • 毅联汇业高管他们提出的德拉克马方案在一旦多种货币退出欧元可以用作应对后果一种方法。

    ICAP executives say their drachma project could be used as a roadmap for how to prepare for an outcome involving multiple currencies exiting the euro.


  • 一个源代码控制存储库导出文件导入工作区时可以定义这些文件的存储位置(参见3)。

    When you are importing files from a source-control repository into your workspace, you can define where you want the files to be stored (see Figure 3).


  • 一个源代码控制存储库导出文件导入工作区时可以定义这些文件的存储位置(参见3)。

    When you are importing files from a source-control repository into your workspace, you can define where you want the files to be stored (see Figure 3).


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