• 规则动词过去分词-ed结尾

    The past participle of regular verbs ends in '-ed'.


  • 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,不受句号、修饰性形容词限定动词限制。

    We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs.


  • 例如每个名词o结尾,每个形容词a ”结尾,每个动词基本形式以“i ”结尾。

    Thus for example, every noun ends in "o", every adjective in "a", and basic form of every verb in "i".


  • 动词使形式选择、劝告命令

    The imperative form of the verb optates, exhorts, or commands.


  • 格律假设区分一类不及物动词——非作格动词UV)。

    The Ergative Hypothesis distinguishes one of the classes of intransitive verbs—unergative verbs (UV).


  • 名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言

    It is a language in which nouns are freely verbalized.


  • 记住谈论过去事情时,动词过去式。

    Remember when you are talking about the past, you use the past forms of the verbs, e.g.


  • 也许只是一个笑话但是过去知道动词不同

    That may be a blonde joke, but you used to know the difference between the verbs.


  • 不是情态(这个已经知道了),而是动词情态。

    No, not your moods (you know those already), but the verb moods.


  • 人员分析与其他人员插件角色动词定义相同

    The definition of the roles and verbs for staff resolution is the same as for other staff plugins.


  • 第二天下午记者·克林顿动词的评估问题100

    The next afternoon a reporter peppered Clinton with a question on assessing the 100 Days.


  • 注意这里展示基本要点选择消除名词动词歧义

    Note that, at this point, I chose to disambiguate the nouns and the verb only to make a basic point.


  • 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号,修饰性形容词限定动词约束。

    We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, of finite verbs.


  • 运行时人员解析插件解析动词的参数查询底层用户存储库,从而选择适当角色

    In runtime, the "Verb" is resolved by the "Staff Resolution Plug-in" by parsing the parameters and querying the underlying users' repository to choose appropriate roles.


  • 所以,从方面练习动词变化(知道的像:iamyouareheis…)。

    So practice the verb conjugations (you know: I am, you are, he is...) in both directions.


  • 这种情况下一方面搜索替换一个另一方面改变动词时态需要改变整个文本

    In this case, it is one thing to have to search and replace one word, and another is to have to change a verb tense, which will require changing the whole text.


  • 利的实验证明有能力掌握基本语言明白名词动词关系比如取回鼻子

    Pilley's experiments showed that Chaser was capable of a rudimentary "language" — and understood the relationship between nouns and verbs like fetch, paw, and nose.


  • 这种实现等价servlet 实现基于动词的实现同义不同与RESTful特性

    This implementation or an equivalent servlet implementation is synonymous with a verb-based implementation rather than the RESTful characteristics.


  • 外语常常需要进行大量枯燥记忆以及掌握动词各种变位韩国拳打脚踢成了外语课程一部分

    Learning a foreign language often involves a lot of boring memorization and verb conjugation, except in South Korea where flying punches and killer kicks are part of the curriculum.


  • 显然阿拉伯语中,“穆巴拉克变成动词不是容易事儿,因为已经是个动词了(更准确地说,是动词的被动分词形式)。

    But it certainly wouldn't be straightforward to "make Mubarak a verb"in Arabic, because it's already a verb (or, more properly, the passiveparticiple of a verb).


  • 例如如果亲眼看到这个胖子坐在上,你会使用动词某种形式如果你只是读到或者听说此事,那么你需要使用不同的动词形式。

    For example, if you saw the chubby fellow on the wall with your own eyes, you'd use one form of the verb, but if you had simply read or heard about it, you'd use a different form.


  • 根据 expr动词相关文档显示可以处理许多其他数学函数asinacosatan指数地板函数等等

    The documentation for the expr verb indicates that it can handle many other mathematical functions, such as asin, acos, atan, exponentials, floors, and so on.


  • activitystreamsentry包括了用于给项添加作者对象动词简单帮助器方法,可以保证这些变量类型正确的。

    The ActivityStreamsEntry class also includes simple helper methods for adding an author, objects, and verbs to the entry, ensuring the proper variable type of these values.


  • 英文里,只要任意词语放在动词位置上可以轻易地变成动词:比如说,黑死(注②),谷歌坑(注③)应,切尼(注④)你全家等等

    In English, it's easy to make anything averb: simply put whatever word you like in verb position. I pwn you, GoogleMountweazels Bing, go Cheney yourself, and so forth.


  • 比如学会外语是个长远目标,最好将其分解为更明确具体一点目标熟记不规则动词词形变化。这样很快让你尝到专注的甜头,必然乐此不疲地坚持下去。

    Break down longer term goalslike mastering a new language – into smaller chunks that are achievable in short bursts of concentrationlike memorizing how an irregular verb is conjugated.


  • 词干推导根据语法变化得出词汇表中已有单词派生形式包括动词变化,比如writewrotewritten名词形式,比如mousemice

    Stem derivation finds derived forms of in-vocabulary words based on grammatical inflection, including verb conjugations such as write, wrote, and written, or noun forms such as mouse and mice.


  • 英语中,我们需要动词不同形式表示不同时态,所以“”用的是“sat”不是“sit”,而在印度尼西亚语中,你需要事实上,你也不可以通过动词变形表现时态。

    In English, we have to mark the verb for tense; in this case, we say 'sat' rather than 'sit.' In Indonesian you need not (in fact, you can't) change the verb to mark tense.


  • Li Hua: 噢,我懂了,snap用作动词的时候,意思就是凶,不过你刚才的snap是用做名词要是我们somethingisa snap, 意思就是很容易学会的事,哎,就是我们中文里所说的“小菜一碟”吗?

    "To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.


  • whileIwaswashingmyhair中的动词过去未完成时。

    In 'while I was washing my hair', the verb is in the imperfect.


  • whileIwaswashingmyhair中的动词过去未完成时。

    In 'while I was washing my hair', the verb is in the imperfect.


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