• 孤独忧伤或者缺乏动力情绪一直持续时,则需要医疗帮助

    Get medical help if feelings of isolation, sadness or lack of motivation persist.


  • 精神发泄法:心理动力理论中的一个概念,指强烈情绪消除紧张情绪缓解。

    Catharsis: In psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions.


  • 不要消极情绪破坏动力

    Don't let negativity ruin your motivation.


  • 心理分析学家采用心理动力治疗方法专家,他们认为攻击性冲动发泄行为一种“情绪宣泄”。

    Psychoanalysts, therapists adopting a psychodynamic approach, refer to the venting of aggressive impulses as "catharsis".


  • 所有的这些都可能使你精神消沉,动力抱负信仰削弱但是情绪精神上的淡定从容将会预防这样情况

    All this can dampen one's spirit and weaken the motivation, ambition and faith, but a state of emotional and mental detachment will prevent all that.


  • 动力就是控制思想情绪没有闹钟的情况下早起是非常有经验的并且在思想方面上控制着我。

    The motivation for me was to discipline my mind and take control. getting up without an alarm clock was an experiment in mind control for me.


  • 同时企业经营情绪改善公司利润增加成为进一步动力

    Meantime, improvements in business sentiment along with rising corporate profits, are providing a further boost.


  • 而到了下半程,奥巴马开始有些愤慨了,我们知道类似这样环境中,在情绪上,愤慨要比愉悦开心容易说服选民,因为愤慨更加具有动力

    In the second half, Obama was angrier, and one of the things we know about what works to persuade people in candidate situations is that anger has a stronger effect than happiness or joy.


  • 不要自己什么爱情力量推动旋转门的唯一动力因为决定往往受到无数情绪驱动

    Don't fool yourself into thinking that love alone is driving your revolving door, as there are generally a myriad of different emotions driving your decision process.


  • 想想:像演戏一样个疯疯癫癫女人分手,带着糟糕的情绪生活,谈何成功? 而一切都爱侣关爱所取代拥有多么大的成功动力啊?

    Think about it: How much more could you accomplish if all the drama from crazy women and bad breakups was replaced by the presence of a loving and caring partner?


  • WaltDisney说过,“很多实例中隐藏在动作之后动力角色情绪个性态度——或者三者全部。

    Walt Disney said, "In most instances, the driving forces behind the action is the mood, the personality, the attitude of the characteror all three.


  • 这套复杂、自然告警系统大脑控制情绪动力恐惧区域进行交流

    This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.


  • 尽管负面情绪引发情绪进食仍然可以采取步骤控制对食物的渴望重新获得减肥动力

    Although negative emotions can trigger emotional eating, you can take steps to control cravings and renew your effort at weight loss. To help stop emotional eating, try these tips.


  • 小威廉·姆斯对维纳斯创造非常特殊动力因为比赛中如此多的情绪紧张

    Serena against Venus creates a very special dynamic since there is so much emotion and tension present in their matches.


  • 在MrPhilippon看来,总体上缺乏上进的动力造成法国普通员工对公司不满情绪

    This overall lack of upward mobility, argues Mr Philippon, contributes largely to ordinary French cadres’ dissatisfaction with corporate life.


  • 英国伦敦大学学院伊然·艾尔达:“不同回报来源相互间都有联系拥有潜在动力这种情绪效应很有用。”

    Eran Eldar, of University College London said: 'This effect of mood should be useful whenever different sources of reward are interconnected or possess an underlying momentum.


  • 进一步研究有必要,以此理清情绪药物使用是否是这种现象的的动力以及是否可能一个协同效应起作用

    Further research is warranted to tease out whether mood or medication use is the primary driver of this phenomenon or whether there may be a synergistic effect at play.


  • 情绪感知动力组成内心工作生活工作表现重大影响

    The emotions, perceptions and motivations that make up the inner work life, have a major effect on performance at work.


  • 早上良好开始会让一天都保持高昂情绪积极动力

    A good start in the morning lifts your spirits and creates a positive momentum for the rest of the day.


  • 学习经历中深知,学习者情绪态度学习动力诸多因素往往决定我们英语教学成功与否

    From my own experience, I learned that the success or the failure in our English studies is mainly depending on the learners' mood, attitude and study motivity etc.


  • 结果我们收集了力行离家动力开始情绪离家特点

    As a result, we gather the impetus to leave home physically and the identity to begin leaving home emotionally.


  • 水平乒乓球运动员比赛情绪不稳定会使训练形成动力定型发生改变,技、战术水平发挥受到影响。

    The standout paddlers are influenced by emotional instability in playing. The level of their skill and tactics are lower and their graceful movements are changed too.


  • 紧张转化为积极的动力要控制紧张情绪变成活力热情

    Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.


  • 忘了情绪你带来动力这股动力就是使决定转变成具体行动的力量。

    Don't forget, your emotions provide your driving power, the activating force which enables you to put your decisions into action.


  • 沙沃尔等人在以往研究基础上,情绪调节依恋理论结合起来,提出了依恋策略形成动力激活模型

    Recently, Shaver and Mikulincer advanced a dynamics model to explain the development of attachment strategies, trying to integrate emotion regulation into attachment theories.


  • 一两变化有何分别?鲁莽论断背后有着一个称之为民族“社会情绪”的动力

    What a difference a year or two makes. The driving force behind both these temerarious claims is what I call the "social mood" of a population.


  • 逆境可以成为我们动力伴随压力可以摧毁我们思维健康情绪我们加速衰老

    Adversity can motivate us, but its associated stress can also destroy our clear mind, health and emotions, and make us age fast.


  • 人常言:变压力动力?压力紧张的情绪可以有效动力, 但我们身体也会有副作用,我们什么对付办法

    Stress: Is it an effective motivator? Or detrimental to our overall health? What are the best methods for dealing with it?


  • 情绪调节情绪内在过程外部行为采取的监控、调节,以适应外界情境和人际关系需要的动力过程。

    The adjusted mood is a driving force process that it monitors and adjusts the mood inherence process and external behavior to the external world circumstances and human relations.


  • 情绪调节情绪内在过程外部行为采取的监控、调节,以适应外界情境和人际关系需要的动力过程。

    The adjusted mood is a driving force process that it monitors and adjusts the mood inherence process and external behavior to the external world circumstances and human relations.


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