• 变速转向制动操纵采用单杆操纵,一个手柄实现推土机前进三档、后退档的变速控制左、右转向及制动控制。

    The brakes are oil, two-direction floating band with mechanism foot pedals, hydraulic boosted. The steering and braking can be actuated in one control.


  • 这个国家怎么成为一个共和国的,共和国,因为似乎是在摸索前进谴责?

    How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated because it seemed to fumble along?


  • 许多乌克兰人觉得熟悉面孔都不具备带领国家前进能力

    Many Ukrainians feel that none of the three familiar faces is capable of taking the country forward.


  • 墨西哥城市交通一个原因并不是交通灯变化之前司机们错过前进机会而是他们阻挡穿越岔路口的的路线。

    ONE reason why traffic is so appalling in Mexico City is that drivers routinely block others from crossing road junctions rather than miss the chance to edge forward before the lights change.


  • 尽管恢复速度已经出现放缓迹象,但日本经济季度依然可以跳跃前进主要功劳便属于他们

    Largely thanks to them, Japan's economy jumped forward in the third quarter, though there are already signs that the pace of recovery may be slowing.


  • 我们个月这里,还是茫茫白雪而现在第一已经舒展开了。

    When we marched in, three months before, the pjace was under snow; now the first leaves of spring were unfolding.


  • 苹果会在应用程序上架行审核,然后从软件销售额获得30%的提成。

    Apple, which approves every app before putting it in the store, gets 30% of any third-party app sales.


  • 星期温和派的利些微差距赢得前进党的初选。

    That happened last Wednesday, when moderate Tzipi Livni won a narrow victory in the Kadima party primaries.


  • 经过了危险增长期以后,黑山经济迅速放慢前进的脚步。

    After three years of breakneck growth, the economy is rapidly slowing down.


  • 它们继续前进速度降低,时间倍。

    When they continue together, the speed is three times lower so this time will be three times higher.


  • 另外,其他一些科学家不仅湄公河角洲发现斑纹的野兔而且在印尼也发现了一种色彩斑斓的鱼类这种鱼会在海床弹跳前进

    Then others discovered a striped rabbit in the Mekong Delta and a gaudy Indonesian fish that swims by bouncing haphazardly off the sea bottom.


  • 2004布鲁塞尔提出贮存湖水前进计划同意剩下四分之工作提供每部分27欧元奖励7过去仅仅完成了四分之一的工作计划,这个计划依靠4个不同的部门以及地方警察的合作,使得工作进行变得有更多困难。

    In 2004 Brussels gave the go-ahead for plans to restore the lake, having agreed to fund three-quarters of the work with a $27m grant. Seven years later only a quarter of the work has been completed.


  • 继续示例前进一个()滴答NumbersInt进程把把整数2写入通道a

    Taking the example forward to the next (third) tick, the NumbersInt process writes the integer 2 onto channel a.


  • 由于英镑的升值高昂租房伦敦的生活消费水平纽约高出26个百分点,名列第二,比去年前进名。

    London, estimated at 26 percent more expensive than New York, climbed three spots to second place on a strengthening British pound and steep (3) rental prices.


  • 2008年初amazonS3EC2遭遇了小时停机针对灾难恢复前进行计划显得尤为重要

    Planning for a disaster recovery became a very important issue after Amazon's S3 and EC2 suffered a three-hour outage in the early part of 2008.


  • 飞行能力一共有四进化突破:昆虫亿化过来的,龙是二亿千万年前进化的,鸟类是一亿万千万年前进化的,蝙蝠是五千万年前进

    It has evolved only four times: among the insects about 300m years ago, the pterosaurs (230m), the birds (150m) and the bats (50m).


  • 大厅里呈之字形前进避开垃圾桶,一个脚架,一几个纸盒子,就好像什么清楚地看见

    He zigzagged down the hall, sidestepping a garbage can, a tripod, a stack of paper and several boxes as if he could see everything clearly.


  • 强化工程队伍素质培训以及安全意识质量意识教育,在施工为期天的集中培训。

    Strengthen quality training, safety awareness and quality awareness education of the project group as well as conduct a three-day centralized training before construction.


  • 第一场比赛前进行到巴尔的摩乌鸦队以106领先印第安纳波利斯小马队。

    In the first game, the Baltimore Ravens are leading the Indianapolis Colts 10 to 6 in the third quarter.


  • 演出结束成了一个黑色星期风扇其他音乐

    After the performance, I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music.


  • 然而在距投票日的一百多里,萨尔科齐将面临前进道路上的潜在危险

    Yet, a hundred-odd days from polling day, three potential pitfalls still lie in Mr Sarkozy's way.


  • 巴西大约70个公共机场多数需要年后举办世界杯2016年里约热内卢奥运会到来行整修升级

    There are about 70 public airports in Brazil, and many are in need of upgrades ahead of the World Cup in three years and the 2016 Olympic Games due to take place in Rio.


  • 目前一中全体师生正在为国家级示范性高级中学奋勇前进

    At present, teachers and students of all three rivers in a bid is a national high school model and to forge ahead!


  • 小汽车以同样的速度前进

    There three cars made a pari passu advance.


  • 我们期待能够继续沿着我们过去年来努力建立合作道路前进

    And we expect to be able to continue on the cooperative track that we've tried to establish over the last three years.


  • 赢得竞争必须办法结合这力量使其朝向一致目标前进

    To win over your competition, you have to find ways to com-bine all three forces so they act in a unified direction.


  • 皮埃尔听见喊“,就迈开脚步,飞快地往前走去离开小径沿着没有人走过的雪地大踏步前进

    "So when I like, I can fire," said Pierre, and at the word three, he walked with rapid steps forward, straying off the beaten track and stepping over the untrodden snow.


  • 位代表画家不同角度20世纪现代艺术指明前进方向美术史上了举足轻重作用

    These three representative painters play an important part in the art history, since they demonstrated the advancing direction for modern act in the 20th century from different aspects.


  • 西斯·潘尼·奥拉号正鼓起主帆两个角帆前进美丽的白帆阳光

    The Hispaniola was under her main-sail and two jibs, and the beautiful white canvas shone in the sun like snow or silver.


  • 西斯·潘尼·奥拉号正鼓起主帆两个角帆前进美丽的白帆阳光

    The Hispaniola was under her main-sail and two jibs, and the beautiful white canvas shone in the sun like snow or silver.


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