• 指设定票面利率上限浮动利率金融工具

    A floating rate instrument with a cap that places a maximum coupon rate on the issue.


  • 市场利率高于利率上限时,浮动利率债券折价进行交易

    When the market yield is above its capped coupon rate, a floating-rate security will trade at a discount.


  • 取消存款利率上限也有利于支持居民收入消费以及效率提高通过提高资本成本)。

    Removing the cap on deposit rates would support household income and consumption as well as efficiency (by raising the cost of capital).


  • 如果参考利率上升足够大超过利率上限利率进一步上升降低浮动债券价格

    If the reference rate increase enough that the cap rate is reached, further increases in market yields will decrease floater's price.


  • 在该测度基础上,构造鞅过程可以一些固定收益衍生品定价,进一步给出债券的欧式期权利率上限期权的定价公式

    It also helps to mark out the pricing formulas of call option in terms of zero - coupon bond and interest - rate caps.


  • 一年期利率上限为2.79%,只能勉强补偿储户消费者价格通货膨胀造成的损失。今年2月,上述通膨率已升至2.7%。

    The ceiling of 2.79% on 12-month deposits barely compensates them for consumer-price inflation, which rose to 2.7% in February.


  • 法令设定上限利率,解除了人们之前的担忧,虽然高级官员随后发表的报告暗示一法令有待斟酌。

    The order stopped short of capping interest rates, as many had feared, though a subsequent statement by a senior bureaucrat suggested that this remains an option.


  • 然而为了损害银行盈利能力它们被迫持有利率存款数量存在一个上限

    There is a limit to how many low - interest deposits the Banks can be forced to hold, however, without damage to their profitability.


  • 如果周二之前债务上限上调美国人面临利率上调、美元贬值其他问题。

    If the debt ceiling is not raised by Tuesday, Americans could face rising interest rates and the value of the U. s. dollar may drop compared to other currencies, among other problems.


  • 存款机构放松管制货币控制法案就是取消存款利率上限准许银行支付高额利率

    That's Depository Institution's Deregulation and Monetary Control Act; what that did was, it eliminated ceilings on interest rates — on deposits, it allowed Banks to pay high interest rates.


  • 首先延长债务上限6个月可能不足以避免信用降级所有美国人因此不得不支付较高利率

    First of all, a six-month extension of the debt ceiling might not be enough to avoid a credit downgrade and the higher interest rates that all Americans would have to pay as a result.


  • 如今缓冲正在遭受试探有点担心,我不想探寻上限位置……一点很重要是因为这会影响到长期利率水平。

    That cushion is now being tested, and I'm getting a little concerned and I don't want to find out where the upper levels are.... the reason it's important is it will affect long-term interest rates.


  • 很明显已经直抵债权人纳税人承受上限了,债权人不愿意再以此利率提供资金了,纳税人也不愿意再为亏空买单,收拾残局了。

    But it has clearly reached a limit in creditors' willingness to supply funding at a reasonable yield, and may have reached the limit of taxpayers' willingness to pay the eventual bill.


  • 利率下限涉及购买上限出售下限限制利率一定范围浮动选择权保护策略

    Interest rate CollarAn option hedging strategy involving the purchase of a cap and the sale of a floor to confine interest rate movements to a range.


  • 利率下限涉及购买上限出售下限限制利率在一定范围浮动选择权保护策略

    Interest rate Collar an option hedging strategy involving the purchase of a cap and the sale of a floor to confine interest rate movements to a range.


  • 利率下限涉及购买上限和出售下限限制利率在一定范围浮动选择权保护策略。

    The range of the right should be confined to the amount of indemnity the insurer has paid to the assured.


  • 利率下限涉及购买上限和出售下限限制利率在一定范围浮动选择权保护策略。

    The range of the right should be confined to the amount of indemnity the insurer has paid to the assured.


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