• 第五集——·维斯矛头洛·维斯石矛头,距今约一万三千以上,出土于美国亚

    Clovis point (made over 13, 000 years ago). Stone spearhead found in Arizona.


  • 这些二十多年来,马特写给比诗人保罗·后者是马格特的密友,曾一度是马格妻子情人

    They are all addressed to Paul Colinet, a Belgian poet who worked closely with Magritte and who, for a long time, was also the lover of Magritte's wife.


  • 卡司坚称她们工作为了年轻女性提供更多的选择没人认为一些选择坏事

    Shalit, Foley and Kasic all insist that their work is about giving young women choices, and I don't think anyone would argue that increased options are a bad thing.


  • 北极拉里加拿大勒维特·伊格·利克附近的浮冰上休息。

    An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 座城市本周迎来一位客人——世行行长利克。 这是佐利克出任世行行长以来首次拉美地区访问

    Both will be visited by Robert B. Zoellick this week during his first trip to Latin America as World Bank President.


  • 弗格森不得不第八分钟时候做出另一个调整由于突破成功的汤姆·被破坏性的戴维斯铲伤之后,迈尔·卡换下莱维

    Ferguson had to make another change after only eight minutes, when Michael Carrick replaced Tom Cleverley, who came off second best in one of those "collisions" Davies has perfected.


  • 成了科迪良师益友参与了科迪1991年接管动视公司,这是一家濒临破产游戏发行商雅达员工成立的。

    Mr Wynn became his mentor, and was involved in 1991 when Mr Kotick took over Activision, a failing games publisher founded by former Atari employees.


  • 快艇旅行阿伦拉姆拉什出发,一圈(不是道士的那个,这个岛为佛教徒拥有),然后达博罗的

    It was a powerboat trip from Lamlash on the Isle of Arran, taking one around Holy Island (not the one with the monks; this one is owned by the Buddhists) and over to Brodick bay.


  • 逮捕盖茨时,他的搭档是个黑人警官,这位黑人警官则“百分之百”地支持,而盖茨举止异常”。

    Crowley’s partner in the arrest was a black officer who said he stands “100 percent” behind Crowley and that Gates actedstrange.”


  • 他们渔具独木舟当地人印第安纳波马队(Indianapolis Colts)球员亚当.维纳特里和一级方程式赛车手德里.

    Just 15 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, they sell fishing equipment and rent canoes to locals like Indianapolis Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri and former Formula One racer Derek Daly.


  • 纳齐奥斯只是填补由于罗伯特·利克(Robert Zoellick)离任后空缺三个职位而已。佐利克作为美国特使帮助通过谈判5月达成了一份局部和平协定,之后离任就职华尔街

    Mr Natsios fills a post that was left vacant for three months, after Robert Zoellick, the American envoy who helped to negotiate a partial peace deal in May, left for a job on Wall Street.


  • 证明是否将帕利克尼亚分开任务变得越来越容易了,福格洛,地质勘探公司已经提供机器来进行地中海全面扫描,如果地质学家断定帕利克曾经是一个岛,那将进一步证明它是古代的爱塞卡。

    The task of establishing if the sea ever divided Paliki from Kefalonia is about to get easier. Fugro, a geophysical prospecting company, has lent machinery for a full subterranean scan.


  • 这些卡片早先英国广告商奥特收藏,而埃奥特已于2005年去世。 人们预计此三张贺卡各自拍卖价从4500英镑(约合7064.67美元)10,000英镑(约合15,698.09美元 )不等。

    Previously collected by British advertising entrepreneur Jock Elliott, who died in 2005, these cards are expected to cost between 4, 500 ($7, 064.67) and 10, 000 pounds ($15, 698.09) each.


  • 大卫和歌亚(以弱胜强的事例):但是,勇敢齿动物果断地做出了决定:决不自己成为利克的盘中餐。

    David and Goliath: The plucky rodent decides he's not going to let Felix eat him.


  • 骂人流氓!”热娅高喊了一声,知道这个亚·什么人

    "You dare to curse ours, Hoodlum!" Rolizawa shouted loudly. She did not know who Lueck was.


  • ·蒂展示决心力量决定莎一条生路

    Demonstrating the strength of her Jedi resolve, she chose to spare Lyshaa for the betrayal.


  • 对于好奇尿布制造商利克而言,实在太多了。金佰2012年宣布退出大部分欧洲市场

    That was too much for Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies nappies, which announced in 2012 that it would pull out of most of Europe.


  • 马赛酒店理想地位贝弗心脏,只有三个街区标志性的罗迪欧大道

    The Mosaic Hotel Beverly Hills is ideally located in the heart of Beverly Hills, just three blocks from the iconic Rodeo Drive.


  • 就是布林·斯·米尔斯还有一个名字叫格亚。

    Well, I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam.


  • 结论:阿固体脂质亚微粒制备,为开发阿静脉注射被动靶向制剂提供试验基础

    Conclusion: the preparation of A-SLSM can be served as the basic experiment to prepare Actarit target injections.


  • 研究了右半平面级数系数重排级数的和函数的增长级的关系,获得右半平面上有限狄利克雷级数的增长级与型保持不变的重排特征。

    The relation between the rearrangement of the coefficients of a Dirichlet series in the right surface and the order of growths of this series sum-function was investigated.


  • 守门员帕特里·罗伊带领下,1993年球队第24次获得斯坦,成为赢得斯坦杯的最后一支加拿大队。

    Led by goaltender Patrick Roy, they won their 24th Stanley Cup in 1993, the last Canadian team to do so.


  • 杰先生集团出资设立中国服装设计师协会“名师工程基金连续资助“三”中国针编织时装设计大赛

    Mr. Wang Kejie and Sanli Garments Group Co. , Ltd. invested and set up the CFA famous Designers Project fund, and sponsored Sanli Cup China Knitwear Fashion Design Contest.


  • 大部分用于生产板坯佩茨钢铁公司佩茨工厂供应的。

    The bulk of slabs used for thick plate production are delivered from NLMK's Lipetsk plant.


  • 在1819年西奥多•马兄弟弗雷德里•马爹首次提及

    Martell Extra was first mentioned in a letter or 1819 from Theodore Martell to his brother Frederic.


  • 法国主帅雷蒙德·多梅内透露名中场球员安·图拉姆没有参加球队周日训练

    Les Bleus manager Raymond Domenech has revealed that the midfielder and Lilian Thuram did not take part of Sunday's training session.


  • 通过卡洛琳帕特利克、扎斯约瑟夫四个孩子母亲经历这些画面讲述艾滋病正在怎样影响非洲成千上万的家庭

    Through the experience of Caroline, mother of Patrick, Justine, Mary and Joseph, these pictures tell the story of how AIDS is affecting millions of families in Africa.


  • 通过卡洛琳帕特利克、扎斯约瑟夫四个孩子母亲经历这些画面讲述艾滋病正在怎样影响非洲成千上万的家庭

    Through the experience of Caroline, mother of Patrick, Justine, Mary and Joseph, these pictures tell the story of how AIDS is affecting millions of families in Africa.


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