• 头可爱的雌性小犀牛是该保护区今年出生的第二只黑犀牛,但要判断这些幼崽是否会成为返回野生保护区的好的候选者还为时过早。

    The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.


  • 求你赐智慧聪明,我好在出入;不然,判断众多的民呢?

    Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people, for who can govern this people of yours, which is so great?


  • 知道有人赞同与他们签订长期合同,或者说很难判断这交易是否划算大家还是应该他们机会仔细评价一下他们球队的贡献。

    I know some will be shaking their heads at the decision, or find it hard to justify, but you should give the duo a break and actually asses the contributions they are making.


  • 显示了很好的判断真正的远见不是吗?

    That showed good judgment, real foresight, didn't it?


  • 无论看上哪块石头,不管石头耳环胸针还是项链上马丁都会判断一下它能否改装戒指

    If any stones appeal - be they from earrings, brooches or necklaces - Martin will be able to judge whether or not they can be transformed into rings.


  • 通常可以提供足够上下文,让用户判断匹配项有用的还是应该忽略

    This usually provides enough context for the user to determine whether the match is useful or should be ignored.


  • 每个实例并发玩家目标数量:要计算每个游戏实例可以支持的玩家数量,但是常常难以判断

    Target number of concurrent players per instance: Often difficult to determine, this is a calculation for each shard of the number of players to be supported.


  • 取决于当时情况取决于当时情况的判断却不需要格言的指导。

    That depends on circumstances, and the judgment that can decide on the circumstances can do without the maxims.


  • 实际上一个乘数因子使用它判断实现响应时间服务目标相比

    This is effectively a multiplier which is used to determine “how good” or “how bad” the achieved response time is when compared to the service goal.


  • 犯罪,惟独得罪了你,眼前以致你责备我的时候,显为公判断我的时候,显为清正。

    Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge.


  • 根据招聘会的招聘启事判断似乎是一个越来越不现实目标

    Judging from the job-fair billboards, that seems an increasingly unrealistic goal.


  • 不过能阻止违背正确判断,我还是每晚熬夜,令自己疲累

    But that didn't stop me from going against my better judgment and tiring myself out by staying up late to work.


  • 某个人时候敲击下巴意味“我在判断你们!”

    Stroking Your Chin While Looking at Someone – “I’m judging you!”


  • 工具来说,他们任何方式是否能和课程融入一起,往往取决于老师判断

    And such tools, if they are incorporated into curriculums in any real way, will be subject to the judgment of teachers.


  • 可以通过学习关于流感最新知识,来保护家人包括了像如何判断病情是否严重关于疫苗一些常识

    You can help protect yourself and your family by learning the latest on swine flu, from how to spot a serious case to the facts about the vaccines.


  • 而且需要大家判断原因是什么,重要对于我们理解为什么规律仅仅记住规律是不够的。

    And I also wanted you to identify why, it's also important to understand why we have these trends, not just to memorize the trend itself.


  • 一些人质疑判断不当美国诡计贪得无厌不能真正说明为什么会吞下诱饵

    Some question his judgment in falling for America's trickery; greed or boredom do not really explain why he took the bait.


  • 听起来很容易判断现实中,很难项目发起人保证只有一件事情最重要

    This sounds easy but in real life it is often hard to make project sponsors commit to one thing.


  • 日常生活中知觉偏差很有用处的能让判断出一个物体的长度,宽度和高度。

    In everyday life this perceptual bias is useful; it is what normally allows you to understand how distant objects occupy space.


  • 意味着我们不断判断解释别人行为心理过程进行自己的行为。

    This means that we fit out actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.


  • 所以现在我们知道令人欣喜、刚出生的小家伙们被刺破脚底时,妈妈们凭直觉能够判断他们痛苦,没什么好惊讶的。

    So now we know, it is not surprising that a new mother's instinct is correct when their new bundles of joy are stabbed in the foot and they can tell they are distressed.


  • 尽管国内取得了巨大成功,不过,让英超众多联赛中脱颖而出全球范围内的影响力,反映出极佳的商业判断

    For all its success at home, it is the Premiership's global reach that sets it apart from other sports leagues. That reflects good business sense.


  • 十分基本仅仅判断ISBN编号是否为空的,同时在导航栏上禁用删除控件外的所有其它控件-如果ISBN编号为空的话,启用全部控件。

    Basically, this just determines whether or not the ISBN value is empty, and disables all of the viewer controls except Delete if so - otherwise, it enables them all.


  • 即便如此没有增加强制监管的措施,因为判断如何让消费者更加得益很难的。

    Even so, that does not add up to a compelling case for regulation, since it is hard to see how consumers could be made better off.


  • 因此到底皇室成员要人在水面扬帆航行为了休闲娱乐、快速便捷还是仅仅需要条快船用来躲避海盗呢,完全取决于我们自己的猜测判断

    So it's up to us to wonder if the royal or important persons were sailing for pleasure, for speed and efficiency or just wanted a fast boat to avoid pirates.


  • 认为需要特别聪明或者判断第二场景第一个场景更容易实现。

    I don't think it takes anyone extremely smart or me to know that the second of the two scenarios is likelier to occur.


  • 认为需要特别聪明或者判断第二场景第一个场景更容易实现。

    I don't think it takes anyone extremely smart or me to know that the second of the two scenarios is likelier to occur.


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