• 只用了不到5分钟的时间,机长切斯利·(萨林伯格就成为了一名英雄

    It took Captain Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger less than five minutes to become a hero.


  • 每个人都同意成功使飞机迫降德逊河上机长切斯利·b·苏伦伯格称之为英雄

    Chesley B. Sullenberger III, the pilot who successfully landed an airliner in the Hudson River, was, everyone agreed, a hero.


  • 根据接下来照片喷气推进实验室的史蒂夫·斯利预测精确轨道排除撞击的可能。

    With the next set of images, JPL’s Steve Chesley forecast a more precise orbit, and he ruled out an impact.


  • 根据接下来照片喷气推进实验室史蒂夫·斯利预测精确轨道排除撞击的可能。

    With the next set of images, JPL's Steve Chesley forecast a more precise orbit, and he ruled out an impact.


  • 机长切斯利·萨伦伯格副驾驶杰弗里·基尔认为实现了航空史成功水上迫降。

    The plane's captain Chesley Sullenberger and first officer Jeffrey Skiles pulled off what is now regarded as the most successful ditching12 of a plane in aviation history.


  • 根据斯利提供的数据,杰估测爆炸发生23英里高空,然后他计算幸存碎片坠落位置

    Jenniskens estimated that the explosion took place 23 miles up-the number that best agreed with Chesley's track-and then worked out where along the line the surviving fragments would fall.


  • 立即运行中心轨道预测软件,计算小行星离地最近距离然后打电话警告切斯利场即将发生小行星地球

    He ran it through MPC's orbit-projection software, which can tell how close an asteroid will come to Earth, and phoned Chesley to alert him of an impending collision.


  • 下一次希望早点得到消息一旦斯利其他天文学家预测出爆炸地点坐标,他就可以火速残骸陨落地方

    Next time, he hopes to receive word earlier on, as soon as Chesley or another astronomer predicts the impact location, so that he can catch a flight to the place where debris is expected to fall.


  • 考虑风力因素,假定沿着预测轨道,体积较小的陨石残片最先丧失冲力,坠落地点也将接近爆炸地点。

    Factoring in wind data, he assumed that the lighter pieces of debris would lose momentum fastest along Chesley's projected track and land closest to the explosion site.


  • 要知道软件升级可以预测撞击经纬度绝非易事,因为斯利每次地球自传方向旋转轴因素考虑在内

    Upgrading it to give the exact latitude and longitude of the collision wasn’t simple work, since Chesley had to factor in the spin, orientation and rotational wobble of the Earth at each moment.


  • 切斯利瘦,肩膀有点塌,夜间观测天体,上午11左右开着破旧不堪的车上班晚上工作深夜

    Tall and lanky with sloped shoulders, he works meteor-shower hours, driving his clunker to work around 11 a.m. and staying late into the night.


  • 美国航空航天局切斯利正安排就这望远镜发现小行星的能力进行更为细致分析预计今年夏末初步结果。

    Chesley of NASA is coordinating a more detailed analysis of the telescope's asteroid-finding prowess, with preliminary findings expected in late summer.


  • 最近来到纽交所英雄们其中之一就是飞行员切斯利·苏伦伯格,设法出色地将飞机迫降德逊河上从而挽救了机上所有乘客生命

    One of the most recent heroes to visit the NYSE was Pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to save the lives of all his passengers during a remarkable crash landing in the Hudson River.


  • 第一美国建立永久殖民地英国定居者不是而是萨皮克以西詹姆沿岸

    The first English settlers to establish a permanent colony in America did it not at Plymouth but along the shore of the James River west of Chesapeake Bay.


  • 最爱正如所说是一处名胜排队等待,因为太多想要一睹其中的展品包括波提那幅维纳

    My favourite is, as I say, a cliche: a museum you have to queue for, because so many other people want to see its exhibits, which include Botticelli's Venus.


  • 山地的居民直到米斯利弗玛音,就是所有西顿人,以色列人面前他们去。

    As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites.


  • 我们喝着香槟谈论波提画作《维纳诞生》。

    We drank champagne and talked about The Birth Of Venus, painted by Botticelli.


  • 本杂志公开了联军最高指挥官迈克将军采访中对战争美国文官领导不满之后遭到解职

    General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


  • 弗兰克蒙杜坚信就是昆特船长彼得•本小说《大白鲨》里鲨鱼杀手。

    Frank Mundus was convinced he was Captain Quint, the fisher of monster sharks from Peter Benchley's "Jaws".


  • 纳、西尔以及提洛先生们表示生产率增长更为广泛企业间传播并且部分由于资源在企业重新分配

    Messrs Oliner, Sichel and Stiroh show that productivity growth was spread more broadly across industries and was partly the result of the reallocation of resources between firms.


  • 例如纳、西尔以及提洛先生们估计生产率增长趋势2.25%左右。

    Messrs Oliner, Sichel and Stiroh, for instance, reckon trend productivity growth is around 2.25%.


  • 或者也可到访国家美术馆眼波那不可思议的《维纳马尔》。

    Alternatively, you could visit the National Gallery to see Botticelli's magical Venus and Mars.


  • ·曼丽,作为早餐会所在布顿生意兴隆的分店的创意人,我们独家研制了款精致可爱又美味的甜点:红橙杏仁酸奶蛋糕

    Rachel Manley, the culinary creative behind The Breakfast Club pop-up brunch in Brixton, whipped up a delightful Blood Orange and Almond yogurt cake just for us.


  • 维纳诞生画同样也是桑德罗·波提的作品。

    The Birth of Venus is a painting by Sandro Botticelli.


  • 以实玛杀了,基那里犹大人和所遇见勒底兵丁。

    Ishmael also slew all the Jews that were with him, even with Gedaliah, at Mizpah, and the Chaldeans that were found there, and the men of war.


  • 意大在马雷万顿的进球帮助塞维2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


  • 土耳其国家情报主任希维特·旺(Cevat Ones)坚持这次事件次民族主义者行动党(MHP)对巴赫(Bahceli)先生不满引起的贼作案。

    Cevat Ones, a former deputy chief of Turkey's national intelligence outfit, insists the affair is an MHP inside job, prompted by dissatisfaction with Mr Bahceli.


  • 英国奇切斯刑事法庭了解到,格林住在沃尔兴特·汉普顿,他使用11个不同Facebook账户散播儿童淫秽图像视频

    Chichester Crown Court heard Green, of Littlehampton Road, Worthing, used 11 different Facebook accounts to distribute the images, along with indecent videos of children.


  • 当晚桑德拉·布洛克获得的时代大奖嘉丽、《关于史蒂夫》中桑德拉的男伴巴德·以及《假结婚》中的奶奶贝蒂·怀特联合颁发。

    The award was presented by Scarlett, Sandra's All About Steve co-star Bradley Cooper and Betty White.


  • 当晚桑德拉·布洛克获得的时代大奖嘉丽、《关于史蒂夫》中桑德拉的男伴巴德·以及《假结婚》中的奶奶贝蒂·怀特联合颁发。

    The award was presented by Scarlett, Sandra's All About Steve co-star Bradley Cooper and Betty White.


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